I don't like the ACA anymore than the next guy. It should be a single-payer system. And I complete agree with the hypothetical scenario. No one in the world should suffer unnecessarily. I'm not saying we should take from the wealthy so I can be wealthy too, I am saying no one deserves to be or should be wealthy. Anywhere.
This is crazy talk!
Most of those who suffer in this world do so because if the poor decisions they have made, or that their parents have made.
And saying that "no one deserves to be wealthy" flies in the face of the very nature of being human.
It is a universal human ethos that one should be rewarded for one's hard work.
It is contrary to human ethos that one should have the fruit of one's hard work taken from them and given to those who did not work.
Even in socialistic and communistic societies the parasitic "freeloader" is despised.
There is no one to blame, but I think that if the government is shut down for too long the Republicans will be blamed for it. The Democrats have the upper hand just like they did during the Clinton administration.
The Republicans are offering a partial shutdown, funding specific government functions.
The Democrates are saying it's "all or nothing".
If the Democrats really want to limit or reduce the suffering of the people, why not negotiate and fund as much of the government as possible while still negotiating for more.
Basically, they are saying "Yeah, we could open parks and vet services and other services, and keep negotiating for more....but that would look like compromising...so we would rather the whole government be shut down if we cannot get our way.
It's basically a stop-gap measure, which regulates some of the worst excesses of the ridiculously capitalistic health insurance system that conservatives support, while giving more people access to obtaining health insurance--
The poor have always had access to obtaining health insurance.
But the poor generally make poor choices and squander their money on other things.
They do this mostly because they can use ERs as their healthcare provider....as ERs cannot refuse to treat anyone and the poor cannot be forced to pay.
The poor know that they can go to the ER and be treated, but the ER cannot foreclose on their home, or repo their car, or take back the services provided, or imprison them.
Basically the ER can only ruin their credit (and the poor already have ruined credit) and pass on the cost to those who can pay.
Obamacare just passes on the cost to those who can pay on a national scale.
It will bankrupt this nation.
Liberals ultimately want a single-payer system.
And exactly who would that "single-payer" be?
"The government"?
The government does not have any money that is not provided by the tax-payers of this nation.
So "single-payer" = "TAX-PAYER".
And that is not a "single-payer"....it is MILLIONS OF TAX-PAYERS.
It's not right one to have luxury while another suffers, especially if both could live well if the other just gave up the luxury.
Why should I not have luxury goods simply because someone else cannot afford those same goods?
If I manage my money well and save and plan to have a luxury good, why should I be denied because someone else cannot manage their money and makes poor financial decisions?
This is counter to human nature.
"Yes, I know you have saved and sacrificed and made thrifty decisions and managed your money well, just so you can have this beautiful home and that nice car.
But Bob does not have a nice home or a car.
He lives in a cardboard box in the park.
Yes, he uses his, begged, money to buy crack cocaine....but really, why should you have a nice home when he is "forced" to live in a cardboard box?
If you sell your luxury home, and then give crack-head Bob half the proceeds, then you both can afford to rent a nice trailer.
Doesn't that sound fair?"