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uuuhhh!!.Why are We here?


Active Member
if at all,
to 'see' in a clearer manner...
and 'possibly' understand in a deeply convincing way....

all that is perceived...

by a consciousness that is ...awake!.... and passing through!!!


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Which of those observations is inaccurate?
All of them. If you bother to actually research the subject you will find that the concept of the "Middle Eastern Muslim nation," such as Iran, are not always impoverished dust-bowls with widespread illiteracy and low education. Even the women are allowed to show their faces and some curves out in public, and really don't dress that much differently from what they would here.


Rogue Theologian
The problem here is that you're claiming we have a body (granted), and then claiming all sorts of extra information along with it including gods, purpose, spirit, learning device, etc.

When asked for evidence for your conclusion, you merely point to the body rather than proving evidence of the far more specific conclusion that links the body to all the other things you claim.

And can you make argument the body you have is of your own handiwork?
You are your own creation?

Then of course, should you fall back to a discussion of chemistry....
then you are the sum of your chemistry.....dust.

Denial spiritual life is fine for you...if you insist.

But of course the topic title implies design.... by asking....'why'.....
It implies intent...by asking....'why'...

If you were hoping to turn this into another non-believer topic....no....
it still remains....

You are here to learn all that you can before you die.


Well-Known Member
Why are we here? Why are we here? You dare to ask, "Why are we here?"
Well, now you've done it. Now you have done it.
You have forced me to break open the emergency kit and pull out the spare brain so I can think about this all important question that has plagued so many with larger brains than I.

"Why are we here?" I query upon my spare brain(It's smarter than I....and that's not saying much, I'll have you know)
It replies as thus, "I am here because you can't make up your own mind. You are here to make my life hell. now put me back in that kit and go bug someone else."


Well-Known Member
All of them. If you bother to actually research the subject you will find that the concept of the "Middle Eastern Muslim nation," such as Iran, are not always impoverished dust-bowls with widespread illiteracy and low education. Even the women are allowed to show their faces and some curves out in public, and really don't dress that much differently from what they would here.

Yet Iran is notorious for torture, corruption and oppression.

By the way, I was not thinking of only the middle east.


Well-Known Member
In fact, according to the Baha'i scriptures, our purpose here is twofold:

  • As individuals, we're here to acquire the spiritual virtues we'll need both here and in the Next Life.
  • In aggregate, we're here to carry forward an ever-advancing, spiritually-based civilization.
And the purpose of religion is to show us HOW to go about these!

Peace, :)



We are here because we chose to be here, it is as simple as that.

Why did we choose to be here?

* It is a necessary step towards our spiritual progression (We will only progress if we choose to).

* To gain a physical body (a necessary part of our progression).

* Because we want happiness. "Men are that they might have joy." - BoM

* Above all, because we love(d) Jesus Christ - We chose His plan over Lucifer's (Son of the morning).
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Well-Known Member
We are here because we chose to be here, it is as simple as that.

Why did we choose to be here?

* It is a necessary step towards our spiritual progression (We will only progress if we choose to).

* To gain a physical body (a necessary part of our progression).

* Because we want happiness. "Men are that they might have joy." - BoM

* Above all, because we love(d) Jesus Christ - We chose His plan over Lucifer's (Son of the morning).

This is interesting. How did we choose to be here before we existed?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
* Above all, because we love(d) Jesus Christ - We chose His plan over Lucifer's (Son of the morning).
Some of us are the opposite. I follow Lucifer's plan, and am actually much happier in that than I ever was following God's plan, or the Wiccan/Pagan religions I used to follow.


Murphy's Law is the TOE.
We construct purpose along with values and motivations and reasons and meanings and moralities and... We each of us individually and collectively, subjectively within the contexts of our experiences and ponderings, build these things for ourselves. There can be no ultimate purpose for any of us any more than there can be ultimate purpose for all of existence. What exists is the consequence of prior conditions and those of prior consequences and so and so ad infinitum.

Infinite regress is enough to explain every possibility wihout need of resorting to magical explanations. No deity required. [.]

In wishing to find ultimate purpose or meaning to our lives we must necessarily fail.

Subjective, genuinely personal meaning and purpose and value and understanding... Now that is what we are each about. That, and our realtional interactions with the wonders of the world and the others we share it with.

That is so much. It's more than enough for any and all of us. There is just no need for inventing hypothetical, absolute, ultimate, mythical beings of any stripe in order to attribute theoretically ultimate purpose to ourselves through their caprice.

Would satisfying a megalomaniacally capricious, brilliant, controling, judgemental and powerful boss give any of us greater purpose or meaning?


Neither would an existence of a God or gods.

As the old song goes: "We're here because we're here because we're here because we're here."

Other than that, I'm pretty much here for those I love. Works for me. I'm leading a charmed life.



God rules!
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." -Eph.2:10


Rogue Theologian
We construct purpose along with values and motivations and reasons and meanings and moralities and... We each of us individually and collectively, subjectively within the contexts of our experiences and ponderings, build these things for ourselves. There can be no ultimate purpose for any of us any more than there can be ultimate purpose for all of existence. What exists is the consequence of prior conditions and those of prior consequences and so and so ad infinitum.

Infinite regress is enough to explain every possibility wihout need of resorting to magical explanations. No deity required. [.]

In wishing to find ultimate purpose or meaning to our lives we must necessarily fail.

Subjective, genuinely personal meaning and purpose and value and understanding... Now that is what we are each about. That, and our realtional interactions with the wonders of the world and the others we share it with.

That is so much. It's more than enough for any and all of us. There is just no need for inventing hypothetical, absolute, ultimate, mythical beings of any stripe in order to attribute theoretically ultimate purpose to ourselves through their caprice.

Would satisfying a megalomaniacally capricious, brilliant, controling, judgemental and powerful boss give any of us greater purpose or meaning?


Neither would an existence of a God or gods.

As the old song goes: "We're here because we're here because we're here because we're here."

Other than that, I'm pretty much here for those I love. Works for me. I'm leading a charmed life.


This is all fine and good....up to the point your charmed life ends.

No after life?


Well-Known Member
I believe that all things existed spiritually before they existed physically.

Really? What is your evidence that this is true?

If you cannot produce evidence, why should not everyone else conclude that you are suffering from delusions?

What does "existed spiritually" even mean?

Twig pentagram

High Priest
Each and everyone of us ( in some point in our lives) ask ourselves, “What’s the Purpose of Life”?. “Why are we here”? …We wonder and wonder about what’s going to happen when we stop breathing. No matter what the case is, either in a horrifying situation and or in astonishing joyful moments in our lives. Let it be a split second curiousness. However, we still feel the need to know the Purpose of Life.

So why dont we all share our own perspectives to Why We Are Here!:grill:
It is our destiny.


Really? What is your evidence that this is true?

If you cannot produce evidence, why should not everyone else conclude that you are suffering from delusions?

What does "existed spiritually" even mean?

Delusions - "a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact" (dictionary.com)

Tell me what "actual fact" or 'truth' is, then I will tell you if I am delusional or not.
The lack of evidence does not make one delusional. Many innocent people have been sent to prison due to lack of evidence.
What does "existed spiritually" even mean?
What does existed physically even mean? Scientists cannot even agree on what life is can they?