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uuuhhh!!.Why are We here?


"For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can't readily accept the God formula, the big answers don't remain stone-written. We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. We are pliable. Love need not be a command nor faith a dictum. I am my own god. We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us."- Bukowski


Assyrian Devil
we give our lives meaning,life doesn't necessarily have to have some grand design or purpose....count yourself lucky to be experiencing existence. learn a thing or two from zen and realize that life,beauty and experience is simply enough.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
If you cannot produce evidence, why should not everyone else conclude that you are suffering from delusions?
Because in most instances there is a very clear division between religious believes and true mental impairments. Such as a congregation feeling the Holy Ghost fill them, and a schizophrenic who is hearing god's voice.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Each and everyone of us ( in some point in our lives) ask ourselves, “What’s the Purpose of Life”?. “Why are we here”? …We wonder and wonder about what’s going to happen when we stop breathing. No matter what the case is, either in a horrifying situation and or in astonishing joyful moments in our lives. Let it be a split second curiousness. However, we still feel the need to know the Purpose of Life.

So why dont we all share our own perspectives to Why We Are Here!:grill:

To live and let live. So, let us all get together against terrorism.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Because in most instances there is a very clear division between religious believes and true mental impairments. Such as a congregation feeling the Holy Ghost fill them, and a schizophrenic who is hearing god's voice.

It is perfectly natural and normal to hear God's voice in a dream or vision, which is a lucid dream, and still not be a shizophreninc. (Numb. 12:6)

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
"For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can't readily accept the God formula, the big answers don't remain stone-written. We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. We are pliable. Love need not be a command nor faith a dictum. I am my own god. We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us."- Bukowski

I rather think that we are the ones who will be trembling when death is stocking around to take us. Life is so good that we tremble with fear to leave it.


Well-Known Member
Because in most instances there is a very clear division between religious believes and true mental impairments. Such as a congregation feeling the Holy Ghost fill them, and a schizophrenic who is hearing god's voice.

I agree that it is useful to distinguish between mental and intellectual impairment. One's thinking can be degraded without one suffering actual organic damage.

An analogy with parasitic infection may be apt. In this case, the intellect is infested with parasitic ideas that act only to propagate thenselves, often to the detriment of the host mind.


Angel Of The North
Each and everyone of us ( in some point in our lives) ask ourselves, “What’s the Purpose of Life”?. “Why are we here”? …We wonder and wonder about what’s going to happen when we stop breathing. No matter what the case is, either in a horrifying situation and or in astonishing joyful moments in our lives. Let it be a split second curiousness. However, we still feel the need to know the Purpose of Life.

So why dont we all share our own perspectives to Why We Are Here!:grill:
I am here to bare fruit/have kids.
But also I am chosen by the creator to bring the world together as one united nation!


Angel Of The North
It is perfectly natural and normal to hear God's voice in a dream or vision, which is a lucid dream, and still not be a shizophreninc. (Numb. 12:6)

but how would you know that it is gods voice and not your own subconscious talking?

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
My purpose is to figure out why people spend so little time asking questions which have no answers, and so little time asking questions that do.


Murphy's Law is the TOE.
This is all fine and good....up to the point your charmed life ends.

No after life?

I didn't realize that you responded to my earlier post.

Like anybody else, I recognize that my life will someday end.

"Nothing lasts forever." I find it hard to deny this. Many, however, deny this with all the dread and angst and horror and hope against hopelessness that they can respond with to that which they simply refuse to accept.

It's been a good life. It's been rewarding and satisfying and amazing and miraculous and wonderous... it's also been frustrating and disappointing and full of scenes I wish I could do over and there's been heartbreak and disaster... It's been for real.

All in all I'm pretty pleased with the whole long story. Like i said, "I've lead a charmed life." It would be nice to have more. We always want to have more to look forward to. It's hope of something more that drives many to fantasize about there being more and that paradise and absolute perfection, the dream of "heaven" or "enlightenment" or "Nirvana" or whatever is a real state of being they personally will somehow aspire to.

They're nice dreams. For me though, I've come to terms with accepting reality for what it is in all its unperfection. My reality, your reality, the reality of the people I love and who will remember me in some limitted ways, the reality of the many friends and family who have passed before me... It would be wonderful to be able to believe that I will one day be able to be with some of them again, but I recognize that as just fantastical, wishful thinking.

Yes. Unless I'm some sort of solipsist, I do believe it is safe to say there will be life carrying on beyond my life, just as there always has been beyond my experience while I've been a living participant in the goings on of this planet.

No. There appears no basis for believing that there can be anything that corresponds to what many commonly think of as an "afterlife".

The 'so called' afterlife is just a fantasy - a great sales promise. It's one of those "too good to be true" sales promises. It's part of the marketing that has gone into some of the most effective frauds ever perpetrated against the ignorant and desperate amongst us. It's an effective bit of deception backed up with some really really really slick sales support.

I don't even blame people or consider them that unreasonable in believing in the afterlife fantasy and all that is sold along with it. People are desperate and the product here is hope. The marketing campaign is phenomenal. Most likely it's even been vouched for by people they trust.

We should really be understanding of their shortcomings in persisting with such primitive beliefs. they really know not what they believe.

Ever read a great book with an adventure and characters you were really getting into? It cam to an end. Right. Maybe there were even sequals [think in this metaphor in terms of kids or others carrying on in some way] but eventually, things ended and even though you wished for more, you did eventually come to "THE END".

So to shall we all.

the end

Civil Shephard

Active Member
Each and everyone of us ( in some point in our lives) ask ourselves, “What’s the Purpose of Life”?. “Why are we here”? …We wonder and wonder about what’s going to happen when we stop breathing. No matter what the case is, either in a horrifying situation and or in astonishing joyful moments in our lives. Let it be a split second curiousness. However, we still feel the need to know the Purpose of Life.

So why dont we all share our own perspectives to Why We Are Here!:grill:

I'm here to learn to love being. I'm here to learn to love others being. I'm here to be as profound and impressive in presentation as I possibly can... but if you're not buying it please know that it's not for sale anyway.