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New Member
If you want to talk "real" vampires...

Vampires Today: The Truth About Modern Vampirism
Joseph Laycock

A groundbreaking academic work on real vampirism and the vampire community is now available. The long-term academic and sociological significance of this work can't be underscored enough. Joseph Laycock offers a sweeping scholarly examination of the vampire community and the process of self-identification as a vampire. He counters many of the negative stereotypes of the vampire community and posits thought-provoking arguments regarding ontological diversity. Some of the repudiated claims include those made by Keyworth (vampirism is best described as a new religious movement), Perlmutter (vampires represent a dangerous cult), and popular culture (vampires are all disillusioned youth living a fantasy).

Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.

* This book is primarily aimed towards academicians, scholars, and professionals who are referencing information on the vampire subculture.

Chapter 1: What Is a Vampire? or, The Varieties of Vampiric Experience
Chapter 2: Why Vampires?
Chapter 3: The Vampire Milieu
Chapter 4: Initiatory Vampire Groups: Vampirism as Apotheosis
Chapter 5: The Vampire Community
Chapter 6: Vampirism and Religion, a Dialogue
Chapter 7: Out of the Shadows
Chapter 8: Vampires and the Modern
Bibliography & Index

Sample Of Material From The Index:

Atlanta Vampire Alliance, Black Veil, Catherine Ramsland, Christopher Partridge, Clan Hidden Shadows, Corvis Nocturnum, Daemonox, Damien Deville, Dawn Perlmutter, D'Drennan, Don Henrie, Eclecta, Elizabeth Miller, Emile Durkheim, Father Sebastiaan, Father Vincent, Goddess Rosemary, House Dark Haven, House Eclipse, House Kheperu, House of the Dreaming, House Pantheon, House Quinotaur, House Sahjaza, Ian Hacking, J. Gordon Melton, Jeff Guinn, Kiera, Konstantinos, Lady CG, Lady Dark Rose, Lord Alistair, Lupa, Madame X, Maloryn, Martin Riccardo, Merticus, Michael Foucault, Michelle Belanger, Ordo Sekhemu, Ordo Strigoi Vii, Order of the Vampyre, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Sanguinarius, Sarah Dorrance, Shadowlore, Sky, SoulSplat, SphynxCatVP, Stephen O'Mallie, Stephen Held, Suscitatio Enterprises, Temple of the Vampire, Twilight, Vampire Church, Vampirism & Energy Work Research Study, Vicutus, Vlad, Voices of the Vampire Community, Vyrdolak, Zero, Zilchy

Inside Book Jacket:

Vampires are not just the stuff of folklore and fiction. This book explores the modern world of vampirism in all its variety.

Around the globe, untold numbers of people are identifying as "vampires" and following the ways of "vampirism." But what does it mean to be a vampire? Is vampirism a religion? Is it a fantasy? Is it a medical condition? Based upon extensive interviews with members of the Atlanta Vampire Alliance and others within vampire communities throughout the United States, Vampires Today looks at the many expressions of vampirism.

In the past two decades, modern vampirism has come under increased study, yet most scholarship has portrayed the vampire community as a cultural phenomenon or, at worst, as a religious cult. Having interviewed many vampires across the country, both "lifestylers" and "real," even those "reluctants" who try not to be vampires, Laycock argues that today's vampires are best understood as an identity group and that vampirism has caused a profound change in how individuals choose to define themselves. As vampires come "out of the closet," either as followers of a "religion" or "lifestyle" or as people biologically distinct from other humans, their confrontation with mainstream society will raise questions about the definition of "normal" and what it means to be human.

In this book, readers will meet "lifestyle vampires," who adopt a culture and a gothic ascetic associated with the vampires of art and legend. They will be introduced to "real" vampires, who feel that they must actually consume blood and/or psychic energy for their well being. They will hear from members of the Atlanta Vampire Alliance, and they will learn about the Order of the Vampyre, the Ordo Strigoi Vii, and the Temple of the Vampire.

There is no doubt that anyone who reads this book will find the details of real vampire life--including vampire role-playing games, grimoires, "vampyre" balls, vampire houses like House Sahjaza and House Kheperu, the vampire "caste" system, and other details--utterly fascinating.

Quote Selections From The Preface:

"Despite increased media attention, the vampire community remains poorly understood. Television interviews, often accompanied by ominous music, work to portray self-identified vampires as completely other. The reality is that vampires are all around us and that their subculture is a product of our mainstream culture. If we can look past the sensationalism, vampires pose compelling questions about how we define ourselves and the world around us in the twenty-first century."

"Some drink blood to sustain their health and some do not. Some describe a sensitivity to sunlight while others enjoy the beach. Many compare vampirism to a medical condition with tangible health needs while others dissent. For some, vampirism is a religion or a spiritual path while others ascribe no religious meaning to it."

"Vampires are not just lurking in goth clubs in New York City; they are all around us. I have met vampires in the fields of social work, medicine, information technology, and law enforcement. Vampires cannot be studied as simply other than and isolated from society at large.... One of my goals in writing this book is to stimulate and inform a discussion on how groups like vampires may be understood by outsiders and by scholarship. Despite the public's fascination with vampires, the same two questions are repeated over and over: Are these people crazy and are they dangerous? The answer to both these questions, for all intents and purposes, is a simple "no". If we set these questions aside, the real vampire community challenges us with serious questions about identity, religion, and the search for meaning."


firstly Azakel..i didnt refer nothing to your frind..so stop runing crying to the shadow of the others...be brave litle thrall..confront your enemies..dont wait fro them to retreat to be brave on words..and hide behind other ppl :)


Well, aren't you quite the condescending little newbie.

I understand that English isn't your first language, but do happen to know what proseletyzing is? Because if not, you should maybe look it up. It's against the rules.

proselytizing art of converts it came from the Greek language prefix πρός new testament..something like i come..in proverb :) i did say i was a scholar..
I was just having a bit fun with this azkael..charcter..nothing else..poster is..signature as any other..:) I did get overcome buy the zelaous..defending of a child! it was fun..hope no ofence taken..


Maybe instead of teasing, you should try to.. I don't know, be nice to people?

Ever hear the saying "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar"?

Condescending, patronizing brats don't usually last long here, so maybe you should just try to get along rather than "teasing" people. We also don't allow bullying.

Hmm.. you should read from the begining..i just merley stated my opinion..where the spoiled brat (Azkael) Flamed my opinion..i merley defended my belifes..and had a bit of fun in it..i must admit..he folowed me over topics..and flamed 3 times..before i have used my..literaly and poetic writing to burn the hatred for the likes of me..in him..the words..thrall..strigoi.. darkling..where insinuations..on his behalf in the ocult..as a joke..sarkazam maybe..he shouldnt have atacked me in the start..he could have civil talk like others they dont agree..but in the end we end the conversation qite nicley..
So do..try to read all...and see where it began before.. you..burn me on a stake :) i just..defend..and as you can se in lycan, and homosexuality and god..i give respect to all as long they give the same back :)


And does anyone else find it ironic that someone who started an entire group devoted solely to the "hunting and purging" of "satanic or unidentified fenomenom" is telling someone else to find a girl and have sex?

Just thinking aloud here.

First..love..socialization,and sex..are not prohibited betwen a man and a woman..its..very well..wanted..:) you dont need to be a cleric..to be on the right side :) hahah...


O and btw..i hope the young one Azkael has some honor left in him..that he will admit..the first strike..against the righteous many tome..before redemption :) and the elders of this room will se the wisdom in my doing!

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I am a satanic vampire who drinks the blood and consumes the flesh of newborn babies. I am the most "uncoming" of all evil. Come, slay me. :dracula:
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Active Member
Vampirism certainly exists, 'vampires' do not - unless you mean people who participate in vampirism by that. In the latter case I have a friend who is a vampire.


I am a satanic vampire who drinks the blood and consumes the flesh of newborn babies. I am the most "uncoming" of all evil. Come, slay me. :dracula:

LOL i slay DE evil :knight: run...to your pit where you crawled upon.....

:) i doubt..that is your preference..do..you glow difrently


ha ha what a magnificent thread. and welcome to our forums ASA enter freely of your own will and leave some of your happiness you bring.
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Liebe ist für alle da
firstly Azakel..i didnt refer nothing to your frind..so stop runing crying to the shadow of the others...be brave litle thrall..confront your enemies..dont wait fro them to retreat to be brave on words..and hide behind other ppl :)

Stop calling me a Thrall! You no nothing about me yet you get making assumptions.
Edit: After the post that I quoted I do fee like ASA has personal attack me in was that are really insulting to beliefs and what I stand for. Calling me a spoiled brat, a Thrall, a darking, and a slave are all insult and personal attacks on me.
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Liebe ist für alle da
Classic passive aggressive, designed to provoke an attack so that he could claim victimhood.
I know, and I will try not to fall for it. I think he already feel like a victim though because I called him out on his lack of knowledge on the subject, and stand up for the people he's calling evil and Satanic.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
I know, and I will try not to fall for it. I think he already feel like a victim though because I called him out on his lack of knowledge on the subject, and stand up for the people he's calling evil and Satanic.

Just another bully who thinks he has found an easy target. He won't find much support for his crusade here.


Liebe ist für alle da
Just another bully who thinks he has found an easy target. He won't find much support for his crusade here.
Nope he wont, for one we don't tolerate that here. And it helps having friends here that know you well too when people like this come along.