Prosperous capitalist countries....Only a small handful of capitalist countries (out of hundreds, both past and present) can boast any degree of "prosperity,"
USA, Canuckistan, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong,
England, France, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Finland,
Denmark, Spain....the list goes on.
No socialist country has ever been as prosperous or had
even remotely as much liberty, eg, N Korea, USSR, Cuba,
Khmer Rouge, China.
Socialist countries have also employed slavery, genocide, etc.You routinely ignore the fact that the reason these few capitalist countries you mention are prosperous at all is due to slavery, colonialism, genocide, imperialism, and neo-imperialism masquerading as "globalism."
But this fact is irrelevant to the argument that capitalism offers
countries with prosperity & liberty, but socialism doesn't.
You cited problems in capitalist countries as evidenceAs for "liberty," need I remind you about the War on Drugs or the numerous instances of police brutality, murder, wrongful imprisonment which have occurred?
that socialism is better. But you still don't compare these
with problems in socialist countries, eg, the "Road Of Bones"
in USSR, the "Killing Fields" of the Khmer Rouge, etc, etc.
You're joking....right?And as I said, this thing called "liberty" is only a very recent development, which started with liberal political reforms started by FDR and continued by his successors.
Some history of the origins of the concept...
Libertarianism - Wikipedia
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