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Na Asat
No problem. If you are interested,
I'd recommend Thite's translation
of the Apastamba Shr.Sutra.​

Of course i'm interested in it! I'm dying to find an English translation of any SS.Is this translation available online?


| abhyAvartin |
Tyāga;3720273 said:
The verse clearly states that truth is one....who on earth would misappropriate it? :facepalm:

It's the opposite of the royal we.
The All-Gods are that "one truth".
But are summoned separately,
most of the times.​


| abhyAvartin |
Tyāga;3720268 said:
Of course i'm interested in it! I'm dying to find an English translation of any SS.Is this translation available online?

Good question. I'm not sure, unfortunately.
I got a two-book set in India for low-price!​


Na Asat

The All-Gods are that "one truth".
But are summoned separately,

Golden words.

There are 3 different temples near my house.2 of them are dedicated to Devi(Bhagavathy as we call her) and one of them to Srinivasa(i.e Maha Vishnu).

When i visit the Devi temples,i worship that 'one truth' as in form of three eyed, multi-armed Devi with crescent moon in her crown.While when i visit Srinivasa temple,i worship 'one truth' in form of Sri Vishnu riding Garuda with Bhumi and Lakshmi Devi or lying down above Adi Sesha/Anantha.

There is a Prathishta(i.e a separate 'Mandir' as you would call in N.India) within one of the Devi temple complex,and it is dedicated to Lord Shiva.When i pray there,i worship Lord Shiva as that 'one truth' :)


Na Asat
Search more. Here is an English translation of Grhya Sutras - http://merki.lv/vedas/Grihya Sutras (eng).pdf. I believe (not that I can give proof) that all such things are available for free on internet. :D

Namaste,Grhya sutras contain household(Grha) rites,instead of public large-scale Yajnas :)

Grhya sutras are available on sacred-texts.com.

And yes,texts like SS's are quite complex,and translations are not available on the internet.Thank god we have translations of few Brahmanas available on the net,so we can understand the nature of Vedic ritualism.


| abhyAvartin |
Tyāga;3722316 said:

Ashvalayana is Shakha of RV.I don't think Asv.SS's English translation is available online.

Greetings, Tyaga:

I haven't been able to find either the Ashvalayana
Shrautasutram or the Ashvalayana Grhyasutram
online. I was, however, able to find a copy of the
Ashvalayana Shrautasutram at a bookstore in India,
but I was unable to find Ashv. Grhyasutram. In fact,
I was unable to find the grhyasutra-s of any Vedic
recension. I thought I would have been able to find
at least one grhyasutram belonging to the Kr.Yaj.Veda,
since the Kr.Yaj.Veda has several grhyastra-s, but
couldn't find any, none at all. Even the pandits at
the stores I visited, along with the temples I visited,
had never even heard of them. Haha.​


| abhyAvartin |
Greetings, Tyaga:

I haven't been able to find either the Ashvalayana
Shrautasutram or the Ashvalayana Grhyasutram
online. I was, however, able to find a copy of the
Ashvalayana Shrautasutram at a bookstore in India,
but I was unable to find Ashv. Grhyasutram. In fact,
I was unable to find the grhyasutra-s of any Vedic
recension. I thought I would have been able to find
at least one grhyasutram belonging to the Kr.Yaj.Veda,
since the Kr.Yaj.Veda has several grhyastra-s, but
couldn't find any, none at all. Even the pandits at
the stores I visited, along with the temples I visited,
had never even heard of them. Haha.​

The pride or the gem of
my "collection" is the
with Sayana's commentary.
It came as a two-book set.​


Be your own guru
Tyāga;3722316 said:
Ashvalayana is Shakha of RV.I don't think Asv.SS's English translation is available online.
It is available, Tyaga. I got to it, but forgot to put in the link. That was the purpose of my last post. Now, I need to find it again. :facepalm:

There are a whole lot of books available at Amazon, written by Swamis, etc.
It is unfortunate that Swamis make a book to sell of what they right, rather than putting it on internet for online reading. Why are the Swamis so money minded?

On the other hand, a whole lot of information is available for Christianity and Islam.
Last edited:


Na Asat
Greetings, Tyaga:

I haven't been able to find either the Ashvalayana
Shrautasutram or the Ashvalayana Grhyasutram
online. I was, however, able to find a copy of the
Ashvalayana Shrautasutram at a bookstore in India,
but I was unable to find Ashv. Grhyasutram. In fact,
I was unable to find the grhyasutra-s of any Vedic
recension. I thought I would have been able to find
at least one grhyasutram belonging to the Kr.Yaj.Veda,
since the Kr.Yaj.Veda has several grhyastra-s, but
couldn't find any, none at all. Even the pandits at
the stores I visited, along with the temples I visited,
had never even heard of them. Haha.​

Namaste MV,

I think Ashvalayana is an extinct shakha of RV,currently only Shakala and Bhaskala shakhas are available.Bhaskala contains few extra hymns(Khilanis) belonging to a later period which are not recorded in Shakala.

I did came across Asv.GS online:

Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE29): Â<I>s</I>valâyana-G<I>ri</I>hya-Sûtra: I, 1

The pride or the gem of
my "collection" is the
with Sayana's commentary.
It came as a two-book set.​

Isn't Tandya Brahmana same as Panchavimsha?


Na Asat
There are a whole lot of books available at Amazon, written by Swamis, etc.
It is unfortunate that Swamis make a book to sell of what they right, rather than putting it on internet for online reading. Why are the Swamis so money minded?

On the other hand, a whole lot of information is available for Christianity and Islam.

Sad but true.


| abhyAvartin |
Ty&#257;ga;3722626 said:
Namaste MV,

I think Ashvalayana is an extinct shakha of RV,currently only Shakala and Bhaskala shakhas are available.Bhaskala contains few extra hymns(Khilanis) belonging to a later period which are not recorded in Shakala.

I did came across Asv.GS online:

Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE29): Â<I>s</I>valâyana-G<I>ri</I>hya-Sûtra: I, 1

Isn't Tandya Brahmana same as Panchavimsha?

Yes, the Panchavimsha
is another name for the