I'm saying I've talked to people that say the mood in Washington among those in the industry is of fear and anger. It is well known the president doesn't take them seriously. There are reports of having to dumb down intelligence briefings. It is some scary stuff.
I'm not moved by vague claims using the passive voice.
As for the rest, you are one baffling individual. You are anti war but do not seem to think one of the drivers of war is our military spending. I've never met your like.
While you blame the spending itself, I blame those who wield the power.
I also blame voters who re-elect leaders who pursue needless wars.
I believe in a strong defense...one used only in defense.
Looking at our record in military foreign adventurism, I don't see benefits justifying the cost.
Thus, we should avoid it.
Is that so baffling?
It's simple. We spend massively on 'defense'. Vastly more than anyone else. The justification of this spending boils down to, 'ooh look at China, look at Russia, look at North Korea and look at the terrorist'. And yet, you believe this has no impact on our national policies.
Again, spending itself does not cause foreign military misadventures.
Examining how what is called "defense spending" is allocated, I see too much emphasis on conquest,
& too little on actual defense of the country. This is a decision by leaders, not the result of purse size.
It is a strange world you live in.
I'm a Libertarian, an atheist, a non-aggressionist, a draft dodger, & a weapon system designer.
There aren't many of us.
War is bad, war spending is good.
Then you misunderstand.
War is useful at times (eg, WW2), but is best avoided.
Spending itself is not the goal....but it will happen when securing the country.
Warren is a hawk, based on a glorified blog post, you can't support while Trump, who has talked about war with China, North Korea and Russia in the last hundred days, we have to wait and see.
I've never claimed that Trump shares my non-aggressionist views.
Only that I judged him to be a lower risk than The Hildabeast.
Reasonable people can disagree about which is worse.
Unreasonable people see only that one is saint, & the other Satan.
I've said the above many times, but it never seems to stick.