Okay, If I was a born again Christian my reality would be that Jesus is alive and that some day soon he is going to come back and destroy Satan. And that Christians will be raptured to meet Jesus in the air. Is that "crazy"? Yes, to lots of us, but it's part of their "reality" So should they be institutionalized?
Not spiritual. Not. Spiritual answer.
And you can't heal Satan as science advice is its manifested condition.
Fact natural history two human parents for everyone. Same DNA same parents. Science proven.
Baby to adult brother born was evolving by status atmospheric amassing heard ancient science that had destroyed all life a long time ago. Before Moses after ice age.
Moses was a story told after the fact of mutated life healing after science repracticed. Science was reassessed again. To be repracticed. Why Moses was written as it too was heard.
Before Moses incident temple pyramid rebuilt science copied all life destroyed by satanist science human brothers. Atlantis theme. Crystal mass burnt out God mass.
Exactly what you were warned about.
First two parents owned sex choice were not in reality beholden to marriage ceremony. They were equal natural and owned sex by choice. Not in a marriage.
Natural advice.
After irradiated by science and chemical sexual immorality was introduced a marriage ceremony a binding was introduced at a chosen age. A practice only.
To say ready by age for sex and marriage responsibility.
Humans still found mutual comparability in joining marriage no longer existed like balanced human parents origin life had. Why soul mate was introduced looking for most compatible partnership.
Why law said divorce allowable seeing law was a bible sworn truth.
Known observed realised human deceit self reality. Observation. Seen real. You introduce unnatural effects being science then you inherit not natural behaviour.
And cannot lie about it. Seeing religious science cause was religious practice. Science having owned human chosen motivation as religious practice was based on medical science advice.
Brother superior prophet a chosen human condition based on self presence and self just a human in life owned wisdom. In natural a human civilization status.
Was never a natural purpose.
What you all overlook today even when the documents as science evidence says all humans equal. Means status in real life.
Prophet science caused advice about God in science. Given back to human life changed. By phenomena cause or sacrifice. Either statuses.