Warnings are meant to be heard and obeyed, if not contrary to one's faith. Warnings are acts of mercy. If heed can save one's life; or stay retribution. Pharaoh the king of Egypt, received his last warning from God, before the death of his firstborn son. Had he heeded the warning he could, have spared the life of his son; but his heart was harden because of the power and majesty of our God, whom he would not acknowledge. We to have been warned of God, in fact our last warning is giving in revelation 14:6-12. Like pharaoh, we are to acknowledge God in obedience to his law and to worship him on his holy Sabbath day, revelation 14:7. For the seventh day Sabbath is our token, and our sign of allegiance to God. Our neglect of this duty is as harden our hearts to God, like pharaoh did. Our life is at stake!