Do people who join or stay in religions solely out of fear of hell corrupt their religions?
I think you've hit the nail on the head there Sunny.....if you merely "join" a religion out of fear of punishment, or just for the benefits of some heavenly reward, and not because you desire to worship God whole-heartedly and unconditionally (whomever you perceive him to be) then what kind of God would accept you? He knows our motives and judges on them, not just on our actions. Those who do not genuinely love God, I believe corrupt themselves and taint the religions they adopt. God hates insincerity.
Isn't being a benevolent god enough of a reason for people to want to devote themselves to him? I mean, if you have done your homework and learned enough about that god to want to worship him, aren't any fringe benefits just a bonus?
Fear is a terrible incentive to worship God. Contrary to popular belief, "salvation" for Christians means getting through the end of this world system of things with your life. We are not getting "saved" from hell, but forfeiting a gift that was unappreciated and used in a wrong way.
In God's plans, he will allow the devil relatively free reign over this earth until he has tested every soul on this planet as to worthiness to keep the gift of life that he gave us...or to forfeit it. In the Bible there is only life and death....not heaven or hell.
God requires love and "love throws fear outside."
You can't love someone you're afraid of.
I believe that the God of the Bible gives incentives because, who would come through this life intact if there was no good reason for all the trauma and suffering....and nothing to look forward to?
There should be no fear in serving the true God. Like the love you feel for a parent and the healthy fear of displeasing them that comes with that kind of love.
For JW's the rewards or punishments are not the main focus of our worship....we are upholding the sovereignty of our God, and waiting for the time when there will not be a soul on earth who reproaches his name or who, like satan, slanders him and opposes him.
Was hell a mistake? No.....hell (death and the grave) are a consequence of Adam's mistake.