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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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Bodhisattva in Recovery
The argument from knowledge is a philosophical one.
Say it more slowly and enunciate all the words clearly. :D

Laughter is good for health. One may laugh even louder, no harm . Then please give your argument.
I feel no need to present an argument simply because you haven't put forth enough serious material to warrant the effort. Though, to be fair, your relentless rambling about your insignificant sect being the "true Islam" does help one to understand why your sect has been persecuted by other Muslims. Apparently they don't buy what you are selling either.

Further to this, I made my position quite clear many pages back and stand by each and every statement.


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, it is wrong. Islam spread peacefully.


Spread of Islam in Djibouti: [2]

The Al Sada Mosque in Djibouti City(1940s).

Djibouti's population is predominantly Muslim. Islam is observed by 94% of the nation's population (about 740,000 according 2012 estimate), while the remaining 6% of residents follow Christianity.[1]

The Constitution of Djibouti names Islam as the sole state religion, and also provides for the equality of citizens of all faiths (Article 1) and freedom of religious practice (Article 11).[5][6] Most local Muslims adhere to the Sunni denomination, following the Shafi'i school. The non-denominational Muslimslargely belong to Sufi orders of varying schools.[7] According to the International Religious Freedom Report 2014, while Muslim Djiboutians have the legal right to convert to or marry someone from another faith, converts may encounter negative reactions from their family and clan or from society at large, and they often face pressure to revert to Islam.[8]
In 2014, the government issued a decree executing a law on state control of mosques which converted the status of imams into civil service employees under the Ministry of Islamic Affairs and transferred ownership of mosque properties and other assets to the government. The Secretary General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs stated the decree aims to eliminate political activity from mosques and provide greater government oversight of mosque assets and activities. Government officials also indicated the law was designed to counter perceived foreign influence in mosques.[10][11]

According to article 23 of the Family Code, a non-Muslim man may marry a Muslim woman only after converting to Islam.[12]

Muslim population 2010 Pew Report[1]:853,000
Muslim percentage (%) of total population 2010 Pew Report[1] :97.0
Percentage (%) of World Muslim population 2010 Pew Report[1] :0.1
Muslim Population Other Sources : -
*According to the 2010 census, there are 19,097 Muslims in the Czech Republic (less than 0.1% of country's population), compared to 495 in 1991.[1]

Islam spread peacefully in Djibouti.
Please correct me if I am wrong.



The Lost One
Paarsurrey, you have quoted the Wikipedia, but often you don't understand what you have read or quoted.

You quoted this:

The Constitution of Djibouti names Islam as the sole state religion, and also provides for the equality of citizens of all faiths (Article 1) and freedom of religious practice (Article 11).

....follow by this:

According to article 23 of the Family Code, a non-Muslim man may marry a Muslim woman only after converting to Islam.

If there are equality in Djibouti, as you think or believe there is, then the 2nd quote, demonstrate it doesn't believe in equality. Where is the equality if a non-Muslim man has to convert to Islam, if he wants to marry a Muslim woman?

That not only showed the double standard or hypocrisy of Islam, it showed that there it is another form of compulsion among Muslims and within islam.

And it double standard, when a Muslim man can marry a non-Muslim woman without converting to her religion.

If there is truly equality and no compulsion, a non-Muslim shouldn't have to convert to any religion he doesn't follow to marry a Muslim woman.

Islam is a joke when it come to absurd rules, laws and morals.

And what is really funny how you don't see the irony of your quote. You really need to brush up on your reading skill and recalibrate your irony-meter.


Veteran Member
Paarsurrey, you have quoted the Wikipedia, but often you don't understand what you have read or quoted.
You quoted this:
....follow by this:
If there are equality in Djibouti, as you think or believe there is, then the 2nd quote, demonstrate it doesn't believe in equality. Where is the equality if a non-Muslim man has to convert to Islam, if he wants to marry a Muslim woman?
That not only showed the double standard or hypocrisy of Islam, it showed that there it is another form of compulsion among Muslims and within islam.
And it double standard, when a Muslim man can marry a non-Muslim woman without converting to her religion.
If there is truly equality and no compulsion, a non-Muslim shouldn't have to convert to any religion he doesn't follow to marry a Muslim woman.
Islam is a joke when it come to absurd rules, laws and morals.
And what is really funny how you don't see the irony of your quote. You really need to brush up on your reading skill and recalibrate your irony-meter.
I never endorse/support everything being done in a country in the name of Islam.
I did read these points in the write-up of the Wikipedia article and knew that such objections would come up even then I gave them in the post. I did not want to edit or conceal these things. People should know the realities and choose right from the wrong.
It is a reality that Islam spread peacefully in Djibouti.
"Islam in Djibouti has a long history, first appearing in the Horn of Africa during the lifetime of Muhammad. Today, 94 percent of Djibouti's 490,000 people are Sunni Muslims, primarily adhering to the Shafi'i legal tradition. "
Islam in Djibouti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Veteran Member
Further to Posts #2717, #2720 , #2722, and #2942 in response to OP's Post #1 I have to add:
Those who doubt that Islam spread peacefully in times of Muhammad they should focus on spread of Ahmadiyya true Islam, If it has happened now peacefully, it should be a clear sign for the doubtful that Islam spread peacefully in times of Muhammad.
For instance:
  • Now I give peaceful spread of Ahmadiyya true Islam in
    Italy. [1]

Bait Ul Toheed - Italy

christian converts to islam from italy

Ahmadiyya population : 100
Percentage (%) of Muslims : < 0.1
Percentage (%) of population:< 0.1


Does one see any sword used for spread of Ahmadiyya true Islam in

Isn't it a glorious sign for the wise? Please



Veteran Member
Dream Seen by Ahmadi Muslim Convert

People get converted to Ahmadiyya Islam by seeing a dream/vision.
Who could force a person to see a dream? Please


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, it is wrong. Islam spread peacefully.


Spread of Islam in Dominica: [1]


Carib Territory Mosque, Sinekou, Carrib Territory, Comm. of Dominica
"We came across an energetic young man wearing a thobe (long white arab garment) and a shammagh (red and white scarf), his name is Daawood (Sheldon) Darroux, a revert to Islam and local Dominican. We asked Mr. Darroux, a high school teacher, what inclined him towards Islam:

"I used to see this place (Islamic Centre) and wonder about what goes on in there, one day I went in and I found a person who enlightened my about Islam (Ilyas Nassief), I learnt about Islamic values and was impressed by the monotheism and brotherhood/sisterhood of Islam"

Darroux walks around Roseau in his Islamic attire and is greeted kindly by the locals, he is one of their native sons but he is also a Muslim. The lack of apprehension towards Muslims from the locals is in part due to the strong efforts of Darroux, Nassief and others to educate Dominicans about Islam. Darroux hosts a weekly radio broadcast and webcast called 'Islam in Focus' where Islam is explained, along with the invitation for locals to call in and ask questions and discuss the reality of Islam. Ilyas Nassief who Daroux referred to as the one who explained Islam to him, is another remarkable story. Nassief has a Muslim sounding name, and this is no mistake. Nassief is of Arab heritage, Christian Arab heritage; he is from amongst the community of Arabs who settled in the Carribean over the last century. Despite their names and heritage, they fit right in with the local culture and vocabulary, many are 2nd and 3rd generation settlers in the region and are as carribean as the next person."

Muslim population 2010 Pew Report[1]:< 1,000
Muslim percentage (%) of total population 2010 Pew Report[1] :0.2
Percentage (%) of World Muslim population 2010 Pew Report[1] :< 0.1
Muslim Population Other Sources : -


Islam spread peacefully in Dominica.
Please correct me if I am wrong.


Veteran Member
Islam always spreads fast if there is peace, and this is due to its simple, practical, truthful and convincing reasonable arguments mentioned in Quran.
If other religions don't have them any more they can borrow the from Quran, and these are for everybody,no copy-rights attached.


Veteran Member
There have been scientific inventions and discoveries because of dreams. It depends on the person who sees a dream and his experience with dreams.

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
There have been scientific inventions and discoveries because of dreams. It depends on the person who sees a dream and his experience with dreams.

Really? Interesting. Do you know of any?

Could you also answer the question as I worded it please? I was asking specifically about dreams as ways of encountering & relating to the divine. Do you think dreams are a valid way of experiencing gods other than your own?


Veteran Member
Really? Interesting. Do you know of any?
Do you believe dreams are a valid & accurate way of experiencing gods if a person has a dream about a god other than your own?
Could you also answer the question as I worded it please? I was asking specifically about dreams as ways of encountering & relating to the divine. Do you think dreams are a valid way of experiencing gods other than your own?


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, it is wrong. Islam spread peacefully.


Spread of Islam in Dominica: [2]

Mezquita (Masjid) Al Noor is located in the heart of Santo Domingo on:
66 Ave Francia, Gazcue SD, Dom. Republic

Statistics for Islam in the Dominican Republic estimate that 0.02 percent of the population are Muslim. Although the majority of the population is Roman Catholic, Muslim students and local organizations such as the Círculo Islámico de República Dominicana (The Islamic Circle of Dominican Republic) and the Islamic Center of the Dominican Republic (located in Miami) have helped spread Islam in this country. Currently, the Círculo Islámico estimates that Muslims number over 3,000 (most recent statistics), comprising of a good number of local converts.


Muslim population 2010 Pew Report[1]:< 1,000
Muslim percentage (%) of total population 2010 Pew Report[1] :0.2
Percentage (%) of World Muslim population 2010 Pew Report[1] :< 0.1
Muslim Population Other Sources : -


Islam spread peacefully in Dominica.
Please correct me if I am wrong.



Veteran Member
Further to Posts #2717, #2720 , #2722, and #2942 in response to OP's Post #1 I have to add:
Those who doubt that Islam spread peacefully in times of Muhammad they should focus on spread of Ahmadiyya true Islam, If it has happened now peacefully, it should be a clear sign for the doubtful that Islam spread peacefully in times of Muhammad.
For instance:
  • Now I give peaceful spread of Ahmadiyya true Islam in



Historic meeting of Irish Atheists, Evangelicals and Ahmadiyya Muslims for Secularism
"Yesterday in Dublin, for the first time in the history of the State, Atheist Ireland, the Evangelical Association of Ireland, and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Ireland united to start a campaign for Separation of Religion and State. We agreed that the first steps of this campaign will be:
  • We will promote the fundamental human rights of freedom of conscience, religion and belief, equality before the law, and freedom from discrimination for all citizens.
  • We will promote these human rights within Irish society and Irish political institutions, and at United Nations and other international human rights regulatory bodies.
  • We will ask General Election candidates to support Separation of Religion and State. We will publish an analysis of the secular content of the political parties’ manifestos.
  • We will specifically seek Separation of Religion and State in our schools. We want a State-funded secular education system that is neutral between religious and atheistic beliefs.
  • We will ask the NCCA and politicians to ensure that the new proposed primary school curriculum on religion, beliefs and ethics is delivered objectively, critically and pluralistically.
  • We will develop and promote more detailed agreed principles to promote a Secular State for a Pluralist People, where the State protects everybody’s human rights equally."

Ahmadiyya Muslim move peacefully and progressively with the society where-ever and whichever country they are and believe in peaceful dialogue with everybody.

Ahmadiyya population : 500
Percentage (%) of Muslims : 1.2%
Percentage (%) of population:< 0.1 %
Estimate[25]:Lorna Siggins (September 20, 2014). "Persecuted Muslims build first Irish mosque in Galway". Irish Times. Retrieved September 20, 2014.

Does one see any sword used for spread of Ahmadiyya true Islam in

Isn't it a glorious sign for the wise? Please

Mar 18, 2016#3343 (1) Apr 8, 2016#3379 (2-i) Apr 13, 2016#3383 (2-ii)


Veteran Member
paarsurrey said: #3490
There have been scientific inventions and discoveries because of dreams. It depends on the person who sees a dream and his experience with dreams.

A Greased Scotsman said: #3491
Really? Interesting. Do you know of any?

A Greased Scotsman said: ↑ #3489
Do you believe dreams are a valid & accurate way of experiencing gods if a person has a dream about a god other than your own?
Could you also answer the question as I worded it please? I was asking specifically about dreams as ways of encountering & relating to the divine. Do you think dreams are a valid way of experiencing gods other than your own?

paarsurrey wrote
#4. James Cameron Dreams the Terminator

In 1981, director James Cameron was pretty much unknown in Hollywood, his greatest accomplishment at that time having been Piranha II: The Spawning, a cautionary tale about genetically engineered flying carnivorous fish. It was not the kind of film that people would watch and think that, 30 years later, the director would be responsible for the first and second most successful films in history.

Cameron also wrote Strange Days, which is a better movie than both of these combined.

That night, he had a fever dream -- there was an explosion, and coming out of it was a robot, cut in half, armed with kitchen knives, crawling toward a fleeing girl. Despite a 102 degree fever, Cameron sketched the robot down after he awoke, and once back in the United States, he hammered out a draft of what would become The Terminator.

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
paarsurrey said: #3490
There have been scientific inventions and discoveries because of dreams. It depends on the person who sees a dream and his experience with dreams.

A Greased Scotsman said: #3491
Really? Interesting. Do you know of any?

A Greased Scotsman said: ↑ #3489
Do you believe dreams are a valid & accurate way of experiencing gods if a person has a dream about a god other than your own?
Could you also answer the question as I worded it please? I was asking specifically about dreams as ways of encountering & relating to the divine. Do you think dreams are a valid way of experiencing gods other than your own?

Never mind. For some reason you seem determined to not answer the question I asked in the beginning. You ignore that I'm asking about dreams as a method of interacting with the divine. Forget it. I've lost interest in what you think now.


Veteran Member
Never mind. For some reason you seem determined to not answer the question I asked in the beginning. You ignore that I'm asking about dreams as a method of interacting with the divine. Forget it. I've lost interest in what you think now.
sorry, I could not understand your question. Now, I get you.
Sure, dreams are a valid method of interacting with G-d, but have to be correctly interpreted:

[12:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
[12:2] Alif Lam Ra. These are verses of the clear Book.
[12:3] We have revealed it — the Qur’an in Arabic — that you may understand.
[12:4] We narrate unto thee the most beautiful narration by revealing to thee this Qur’an, though thou wast, before this, of those not possessed of requisite knowledge.
[12:5] Remember the time when Joseph said to his father, ‘O my father, I saw in a dreameleven stars and the sun and the moon, I saw them making obeisance to me.’
[12:6] He said, ‘O my darling son, relate not thy dream to thy brothers, lest they contrive a plot against thee; for Satan is to man an open enemy.
[12:7] ‘And thus shall it be as thou hast seen, thy Lord will choose thee and teach thee the interpretation of things and perfect His favour upon thee and upon the family of Jacob as He perfected it upon two of thy forefathers — Abraham and Isaac. Verily, thy Lord is All-Knowing, Wise.’



The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
sorry, I could not understand your question. Now, I get you.
Sure, dreams are a valid method of interacting with G-d, but have to be correctly interpreted:

[12:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
[12:2] Alif Lam Ra. These are verses of the clear Book.
[12:3] We have revealed it — the Qur’an in Arabic — that you may understand.
[12:4] We narrate unto thee the most beautiful narration by revealing to thee this Qur’an, though thou wast, before this, of those not possessed of requisite knowledge.
[12:5] Remember the time when Joseph said to his father, ‘O my father, I saw in a dreameleven stars and the sun and the moon, I saw them making obeisance to me.’
[12:6] He said, ‘O my darling son, relate not thy dream to thy brothers, lest they contrive a plot against thee; for Satan is to man an open enemy.
[12:7] ‘And thus shall it be as thou hast seen, thy Lord will choose thee and teach thee the interpretation of things and perfect His favour upon thee and upon the family of Jacob as He perfected it upon two of thy forefathers — Abraham and Isaac. Verily, thy Lord is All-Knowing, Wise.’



Sigh. You're closer than your previous post but you're still missing the point. I originally asked you since you believe dreaming is a valid way of experiencing your god, do you believe dreaming is still a valid way for experiencing deities of other religions? Or is dreaming only a valid way of experiencing deity when it fits your idea of what deity is?
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