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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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The Lost One
FearGod said:
The fact remains that Islam was in the golden age at the time Europe were in the Dark ages

That's not wholly true.

While western Europe were in the Dark Ages, the former Eastern Roman empire, the Byzantine Empire wasn't in the Dark Ages. They (Byzantines) didn't lost literature, science and technology like their former counter part had (the former Western Roman Empire).

No one is dying the Golden Age of Islam, with regards to literacy, maths, science and technology.

HOWEVER, some of the science were wholly Muslims' discoveries. Some were actually rediscoveries from both Greek/Roman science and Persian science, in which Muslims had made use of, and even greatly improved our knowledge in science.

But these science (particularly in maths, astronomy and medicine), whether they be new discoveries or rediscoveries of old and forgotten scientific treatises, were made by the ordinary Muslims themselves, and not by their scriptures (Qur'an or hadiths).

It is due to their inquiring and logical minds and hard work, and not because of the religion Islam.
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Dragon Worshipper
That's not wholly true.

While western Europe were in the Dark Ages, the former Eastern Roman empire, the Byzantine Empire wasn't in the Dark Ages. They (Byzantines) didn't lost literature, science and technology like their former counter part had (the former Western Roman Empire).

No one is dying the Golden Age of Islam, with regards to literacy, maths, science and technology.

HOWEVER, some of the science were wholly Muslims' discoveries. Some were actually rediscoveries from both Greek/Roman science and Persian science, in which Muslims had made use of, and even greatly improved our knowledge in science.

But these science (particularly in maths, astronomy and medicine), whether they be new discoveries or rediscoveries of old and forgotten scientific treatises, were made by the ordinary Muslims themselves, and not by their scriptures (Qur'an or hadiths).

It is due to their inquiring and logical minds and hard work, and not because of the religion Islam.

While the Eastern Roman Empire lose much, they didn't advance much either and especially not in maths, astronomy or medicine. I'd say the statement that the Islamic lands experienced a golden age while Europe, as a whole, experienced a dark age is not inaccurate. Especially if you take good governance into account, aswell. The Caliphs were far more sophisticated and culturally advanced rulers than the Byzantine Emperors(many of which were creul and unusual in temperament) of the time were and it goes with saying than the various emirs and sultans of smaller domains outside the Caliphate in Islamic lands were far more enlightened rulers than the non Byzantine nobles and warlords of Europe were.

I only mean to say that I don't find his comment inaccurate.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
arethis meaning islam spread in peace

500 hundred man and womn and biby
mohamed cuting his face
and muslem say islam spread in peace
the story to how mohamed lillind 500 jews in arabic but my english not will
i want any omne to write who moamed lilled 500 man and woman

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
mohamed killed one jwes man and he marrige in his wife
are muslem forget that story
from qoran
this all story
and muslem say from god
are god say
killed and marrig to his wife

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
--to my friend -gnostic
some of the science were wholly Muslims' discoveries-
i m write in arabic --
and pleas translation to english by google
يقول المسلمون انهم قدموا لعالم علماء وحضارة
ولكن الحقيقة المجردة انه لاتوجد حضارة اسلامية بالمعنى الصحيح للاسباب التالية
1- كل العلماء في عصرالعباسيين او الامويين من اصول غير عربية
هؤلاء لم يعتنقوا الاسلام واغلب الاطباء كانوا من اصول حضارة الرافدين
- الاسلام دمر ثلاث حضارات
وهي الفرعونية القبطية في مصر
الكلدانيةوالاشورية واللارامية والسريانية في سوريا

لاتوجد اي فنون او مظاهر الفن في كل العصورالاسلامية
الاسلام يحرم الصور والموسيقى ويحرم اي نوع من انواع الفنون
لايمكن القول انه اوربا كانت في عصور مظلمة
اوربا قدمت للعالم الحضارة الرومانية
وايضا اليونانية
ولكن اوربا كانت تقاوم الغزوات الاسلامية في الاندلس
العرب ليس لهم حضارة حضارتهم السيف والبداوة
الى اليوم
اقول لكم شيئا
في احدى مدن العراق
يوجد نهرمن اعظم انهارالعالم
لم يتمكنهؤلاء من بناء جسر واحد
الى ان جاء الانكليز وهؤلاء بنوا جسرا حديديا
اين هي تلك الحضارة
التي لاتتمكن من بناء جسر من بداية نشوئها والى اليوم
في زاخو يوجد جسر
ولكن الذي بناه كانوا الرومان ولازال باقيا الى اليوم على ضفاف الخابور


Veteran Member
That's not wholly true.

While western Europe were in the Dark Ages, the former Eastern Roman empire, the Byzantine Empire wasn't in the Dark Ages. They (Byzantines) didn't lost literature, science and technology like their former counter part had (the former Western Roman Empire).

No one is dying the Golden Age of Islam, with regards to literacy, maths, science and technology.

HOWEVER, some of the science were wholly Muslims' discoveries. Some were actually rediscoveries from both Greek/Roman science and Persian science, in which Muslims had made use of, and even greatly improved our knowledge in science.

But these science (particularly in maths, astronomy and medicine), whether they be new discoveries or rediscoveries of old and forgotten scientific treatises, were made by the ordinary Muslims themselves, and not by their scriptures (Qur'an or hadiths).

It is due to their inquiring and logical minds and hard work, and not because of the religion Islam.

Quran does not claim to be a text book of science. It improves one's faculties in ethical, moral and spiritual domains. It definitely makes one reasonable and rational if one follows its teachings.

There is no teachings in Quran which makes one radical or extremist. There are no teachings in Quran that are against peace and against the norms of the human society. Quran only allows one to fight against the aggressors or the chaos mongers very rationally.



Well-Known Member
Quran does not claim to be a text book of science. It improves one's faculties in ethical, moral and spiritual domains. It definitely makes one reasonable and rational if one follows its teachings.

There is no teachings in Quran which makes one radical or extremist. There are no teachings in Quran that are against peace and against the norms of the human society. Quran only allows one to fight against the aggressors or the chaos mongers very rationally.


Yeah .. sure. So why are so many muslims so radical and violent? Why do so many muslims follow absurdities such as creationism?


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Liberia:

Islam in Liberia is practiced by an estimated 12.2% of the population.[1] The vast majority of Liberian Muslims are Malikite Sunni, with sizeable Shia and Ahmadiyya minorities.[2] The primary Muslim ethnic groups are the Vai and Mandingo but also Gbandi, Kpelle and other ethnic groups.[3]

Historically, Liberian Muslims have followed a relaxed and liberal form of Islam that is heavily influenced by indigenous religions that were integrated into Islam when it came to Liberia in the 16th century with the collapse of the Songhai Empire in Mali. Religious practices varying in cities and towns across the country. Younger Liberians, particularly in the cities along the coast, tend to be more secular but still practice Islam in everyday life.

In rural countryside, Liberian Muslims are more conservative in dressing modestly, performing prayers and attending religious studies. The practice of Islam in Liberia has been compared to Sufi Islam common in Senegal and Gambia. The major Islamic holidays, Eid el Fitr, Ramadan and Eid al Adha called Tabaski Day are celebrated annually in Liberia. People have begun to go on Hajj to Mecca in recent years.

Joint English-Arabic language, Quranic, Muslim universities and Islamic studies schools have opened and been rebuilt in the capital Monrovia, rural towns and other cities. Islam appears to be experiencing revival alongside Christianity in the country as a result of the Liberian Civil War. America-Liberian Methodists, the first Christians in Liberia, arrived on January 7, 1822.[4]

Islam in Liberia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Liberia.

Do you see any? Please



Be your own guru
The divorced woman takes her rights by power of law and she can marry once again.
The law is that by saying 'talaq' thrice a man divorces his wife, the wife gets what was accepted as 'mehr', and no more. And she goes thus impoverished with the children spawned by the man, whatever be her age, to her father's house who may be dead by this time, and asks for her share of the property from the brothers, their wives, and children, and thus earning their eternal enmity. BTW, Mrs. Shah Bano was 62 years of age when she was divorced. A very just law. Read it here (USD 1 = Rs. 61, to help you to get an idea):
Mohd. Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Freedom Of Mind
The law is that by saying 'talaq' thrice a man divorces his wife, the wife gets what was accepted as 'mehr', and no more. And she goes thus impoverished with the children spawned by the man, whatever be her age, to her father's house who may be dead by this time, and asks for her share of the property from the brothers, their wives, and children, and thus earning their eternal enmity. BTW, Mrs. Shah Bano was 62 years of age when she was divorced. A very just law. Read it here (USD 1 = Rs. 61, to help you to get an idea):
Mohd. Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No the woman isn't responsible to feed her children, it is his responsibility and the father will keep the relation with his own children and the mother as well, that is a normal thing to happen regardless of religion, no one will accept his child to live in poor condition while he is rich, that doesn't make any sense.


Veteran Member
Originally Posted by paarsurrey
Yes that is doing of the extremists under cover of religion.

That is against the teaching of Quran/Islam/Muhammad.

Islam spread in the world peacefully.

Islam in India

Trade relations have existed between Arabia and the Indian subcontinent since ancient times. Even in the pre-Islamic era, Arab traders used to visit the Malabar region, which linked them with the ports of South East Asia. Newly Islamised Arabs were Islam's first contact with India. The historians Elliot and Dowson say in their book The History of India as told by its own Historians, the first ship bearing Muslim travellers was seen on the Indian coast as early as 630 AD.

H.G. Rawlinson, in his book: Ancient and Medieval History of India[11] claims the first Arab Muslims settled on the Indian coast in the last part of the 7th century AD. Shaykh Zainuddin Makhdum's "Tuhfat al-Mujahidin" is also a reliable work.[12] This fact is corroborated, by J. Sturrock in his South Kanara and Madras Districts Manuals,[13] and also by Haridas Bhattacharya in Cultural Heritage of India Vol. IV.[14] It was with the advent of Islam that the Arabs became a prominent cultural force in the world. The Arab merchants and traders became the carriers of the new religion and they propagated it wherever they went.[15]

Muslim neighbourhood in Delhi circa 1852.

The first Indian mosque, Cheraman Juma Masjid, is thought to have been built in 629 AD by Malik Bin Deenar.[16][17][18][19]

In Malabar, the Mappilas may have been the first community to convert to Islam as they were more closely connected with the Arabs than others. Intensive missionary activities were carried out along the coast and many natives also embraced Islam. These new converts were now added to the Mappila community. Thus among the Mappilas, we find, both the descendants of the Arabs through local women and the converts from among the local people.[15]


It is unfortunate that Islamophobic (if I get the word right) people only search for the hiccups done by Muslims and use them against Islam and all Muslims as a whole. They only look at the uncivilized acts of kidnapping and raping, and ignore facts like the ones you, with my appreciation, post. As if they don't know that for example Malaysia, and Brunei are Muslim countries under Islamic rule!

I'm talking generally, not about members here!

Thanks for your appreciation.



Veteran Member
The law is that by saying 'talaq' thrice a man divorces his wife, the wife gets what was accepted as 'mehr', and no more. And she goes thus impoverished with the children spawned by the man, whatever be her age, to her father's house who may be dead by this time, and asks for her share of the property from the brothers, their wives, and children, and thus earning their eternal enmity. BTW, Mrs. Shah Bano was 62 years of age when she was divorced. A very just law. Read it here (USD 1 = Rs. 61, to help you to get an idea):
Mohd. Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That is not correct.

That is not the correct teaching of Islam. Just by saying the word thrice at a time Talaq/divorce does not happen.



Veteran Member
I thought that the policy of saying Talaq three times is recent due to the conflict in Syria. A policy rejected by many.


Dragon Worshipper
The comparison is wrong as one is region and the other is a religion. It is afalse analogy.

True, but wouldn't you agree that Islam, especially in the beginning, was a civilization in and of itself? Just as "European" is often considered to be a distinct civilization(whether that be accurate or not)? In my understanding this levels the terms, does it not?


Veteran Member
True, but wouldn't you agree that Islam, especially in the beginning, was a civilization in and of itself? Just as "European" is often considered to be a distinct civilization(whether that be accurate or not)? In my understanding this levels the terms, does it not?

Islam based on Quran is a religion; if one consider it as a civilization; then that civilization must show its focus on Quran; else it has nothing to do with Islam/Quran/Muhammad.



Veteran Member
True, but wouldn't you agree that Islam, especially in the beginning, was a civilization in and of itself? Just as "European" is often considered to be a distinct civilization(whether that be accurate or not)? In my understanding this levels the terms, does it not?

I consider the society as a whole including culture(s), religion(s), social order(s), etc. Majority and minorities of these categories as well. To do otherwise always one to cherry pick postive or negative examples which is just confirmation bias. Otherwise I could easily say Islam is backwards, ignorant and barbaric based on the status of current nations with Muslim majorities or Islam as the state religion and has been for over a century. Religion is only one aspect of a civilization, not a civilization.
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mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Islam spread by the sword--
the first example --and important --
do not foget --
who islam spread in --<iran >
mohamed send an massage to iran king
this is famous in history of islam
and the pattle between muslem ary and iran army
it name < al -qadesea>
islam spread in fist beginning by sward
in iraq
in tekret city
there is an important battle
< ad-al satee> and between muslim army
this battel not famouse in history
in turkea
--islam spread by sward
and not forget --who muslim army burn --< eskanderea -labrary > al book -- burn --
al that from islam history
in egpit
--by sward
in all --middel est the islam spread by sward

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
paarsurrey -wrote in post 507 --There are no teachings in Quran that are against peace and against the norms of the human society. Quran only allows one t
my friend
what you say --about teaching this verse-
fathing who not believe in god from jewse and al nasara --until they bay the trubt ????????what this teaching --are this teaching to peace or to fatheing ?????
fathing ---
jewse and christean --
it is an important order in qouran teaching -
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