This answer reminded me of a couple other things I wanted to ask you.
Many say that Christianity is eurocentric and that Christian culture is nearly synonymous to western culture. This isn't too surprising, since a little less than half of all Christians live in Europe and North America( and that's not counting South America, South Africa, Australia or other regions that are primarily "Western" or "European" cultured) How do you answer those that say it marginalizes and displaces non-western cultures? Do you think that this culture is superior to all others? Some of your posts lead me to wonder if you do.
Christianity is western Asian centric, but Europe would be a close second. However it may change based on what you mean by centric and what time period is in question. It has certainly affected western civilization more than anything else. It is said western culture is built on Jerusalem and Athens. I would add in Rome.
Christian faith has been the glue that has held the west together. It and democracy are what made them kind of uniform. Now I am sure that the bible being the most divisive subject in human history it has divided culture to some extant. You would have to judge it's unifying effect versus its divisive effect and that would be hard to do. However I would rather have 50% that were right and 50% that were wrong that 100% unity in being wrong and doomed.
Truth is always divisive. Those that accept it are always at odds with those that deny it.
Next, I know that you value military might and aggressive military action highly. You've articulated that you think that if we applied our metaphorical sword more often and more deeply that the world would be a better place. My question is this: How do you square your deep religious faith in Christianity, with it's "turn the other cheek" philosophy, with this value? If one were to read the gospels without context and bias, then they would likely come away understanding it as a pacifist work. You can correct me on this if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that Christ never states that violence and killing is ever allowed and, In fact, seems to take the opposite stance: that it is never justified and that if you are attacked or oppressed, to embrace the attacker. For he even says "Whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other also; and whoever takes away your coat, do not withhold your shirt from him either." And also, "Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two."
I am not sure if value it is correct. I appreciate it. For example there is almost nothing about ancient Sparta I find good but they may have been the best soldiers for their time than any in history. I can appreciate something without always agreeing with it.
I wish that no literal swords were necessary at any time. Regardless we live in a world full of evil. Evil does not stop, it cannot be reasoned with, it does not abbey rules, it can never be trusted, and only respects power. It will always win if unopposed. The only thing necessary for evil too prevail is for good men to do nothing. Now in that context I am pro war, but war is still not good just necessary.
My faith was never intended to govern nations nor apply to war. It was not designed to be a earthly based state system. It was to be a spiritually based personal system. IOW I am to treat men personally as it suggests but our corporate duties to our neighbors and nation are another matter. The bible must be read as a whole and with common sense. If we turned the other cheek with al-Qaida they will view it as weakness and strike. Sometimes it gets confusing but God has never condemned a nation who justly fought evil and he in fact ordered it himself many times. So I must integrate they OT black flag battles with the NT turn the other cheek scriptures into a consistent whole.
You don't see a conflict?
I can see how someone who does not understand the whole bible might see a surface conflict. I can sympathize, even though I know a comprehensive understanding of the whole bible clears up most of these issues. It would take me a long time to step by step point out all the doctrines involved here. I would suggest you look up Christian doctrine and war where it has already been done many times. Christians have intensely studied these things for over a thousand years and much information is available.
Furthermore, about the quote above. It's important to realize that, over the years, Palestinians in the West bank and, especially, in Gaza people have died in huge numbers, both civilian and military. Especially in Gaza, it is rare to find a family that has not lost a loved one or friend or that does not know someone that has lost a loved one or friend to Israeli attacks. Regardless of whether you could make a convincing argument that it was someone else's fault for forcing Israel to kill them or that it was their own fault for whatever reason, it'd be unlikely to work in converting them to your line of thought. It is, perhaps, no so hard to imagine that the Palestinians harbor so much hostility toward Israel, regardless of whether it is justified. This is a matter of emotion and we all must try to empathize if we wish to understand the conflict.
That is true in that it exists, it is not true in that it is proper. Palestine's problems have Palestinian causes from day one. I will just give one example. The Jews were forcibly taken from their 3000 plus year homeland and dispersed in large numbers. Palestinians simply moved into the vacancy. They never had a right to one square inch of that land. In 1948 the Jews were given only 50% of their own land back and the Palestinians offered the rest despite having no claim to anything. Now which side refused. Israel said fine, Palestine not only said no but that Israel must be destroyed. Now if they want sympathy then admit the mistake and quit killing people. Note the following.
1. Only the Islamic Palestinians keep up this unjust fighting that kills their people. The Christian Palestinians seem to know when enough injustice is enough and how stupid picking on people who can whip you is.
2. Palestine has no claim to any land what so ever in Israel proper. Israel has every right in every category there is by which rights to land are justified.
3. Israel could do so but has never attempted to wipe out any Palestinian or Arab nation. Most Arab nations have not only claimed but tried to wipe out Israel time after time.
4. This is the central matter: If the Arabs laid down their weapons today there would be peace tomorrow. If the Jews laid down their weapons today there would be no Israel tomorrow. The Arabs can quit and live in peace. They will not let the Jews do so nor themselves.
I can go on but there is no need. You said I won't convince those who disagree. That is probably true but that does not mean I am not correct. I am called to speak truth, I am not responsible for what is done with it. If the truth can't stop them from tunneling into Israel unfortunately a bullet will. Its' their choice.
Looking at the current state of things and ignoring, if only for a moment, the "Who started it" debate, you'd have to admit, if someone you loved was killed by a foreign government, even if it said it had really good reasons to kill them, that it'd be hard not to harbor some resentment toward that government. Now take that feeling and multiple it many times over and add the feelings generated by those that have lost their homes and community centers. I just mean to say that empathy to all involved, regardless of their race or religion, is vital.
That is probably true in general but not for me. I have studied war so long and have changed so dramatically as a result of faith that I no longer think typically. I can rise above our inherent flaws and see things as they are at times. You are right that I value military capacity but I value truth and Christ more. Christ showed us something new. When he was attacked sin was not repaid upon the attackers. Man is constantly paying other men back in a never ending cycle of revenge. Christ did not. Sin ended with him. However he was a little different that Israel. He could be caused pain and misery but his enemies could not destroy him, and killing him would not destroy countless others. Israel is in a sea of enemies that have vowed in public to wipe them out. A person may lose his in God's service but he is not asked to sacrifice all his countrymen's lives on the alter of his enemies pure evil. God would never ask that.
Israel has been right in every war that the Arabs started. However like you say lets ignore this. What we can't ignore is the Palestinians will always lose and suffer terrible loss for their aggression. It is not only wrong but insane for them to keep up this lunatic cycle of revenge. They will not survive it.
Lastly, perhaps you are right. Maybe the reason that Christians are not a big problem in Palestine is their religion. Maybe they, in Christ's homeland, stay closer to the pacifism originally preached by Christ in the gospels.
That may be true in some cases but it is probably to idealistic for all. I think that Christians are just wiser that those who follow lies and are not so filled with hate. They can view this thing practically and see they will only suffer in carrying it out. IOW it is just stupid to keep poking the tiger. Forget al the past wrongs and try and salvage a little peace. Israel will be happy to never fight another battle and leave them alone.
A few.