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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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Dragon Worshipper
You are really something else. I was a US soldier so I know infinitely more than you about being one. In the modern information age (at least outside of Islam where the media is controlled) we in the west know exactly what is going on. It is no longer an army of grunts (actually in the US it never was) blindly following orders. We are required to know why we are doing what we do, we are also required to disobey immoral orders by law, and we are well informed and candidly informed about what is motivating what we are doing. You just making up whatever it is you need to cover up inconvenient facts. You have obviously not studied military history. Even on my aircraft carrier in a war zone I was provided an uncensored internet where we had access to everything you do plus our own intelligence which you do not have access to. WE are our own worst critics and constantly evaluate our actions. It is the US not Islam that cannot fire on even people who were firing at us if they throw their weapon away, it is the US that spends billions on weapons designed to reduce collateral damage not Islam, it is the US that loses soldiers because of a code of honor that Islam does not obey, It is the US who require many levels of permission before we can fire so as to minimize civilian casualties and Islam who targets civilians purposefully. Let me ask you something if you have to deny reality to believe, is what you believe, worth believing?

Your are not only wrong about our soldiers being uninformed, you your self are either uninformed in the extreme or informed and covering up what you don't like. You are actually doing what you wrongfully think we were.

My God is that all you have. Do al roads in Islam end in it's one success. Does one period where it was not quite as backwards and oppressive as it was in all the other the years make up for that? If you imagine that technological advancement, scientific advancement, mathematic advancement, and societal advancement is measured by the intensity of light. You find Islam's golden age to be a candle in a time where darkness prevailed to some degree. Against darkness a candle looks bright. However when Christianity got out of it's own way and turned on it's high beam halogen spot lights it completely excised Islam's candle and stayed that way ever since. Now if you want to brag about your briefly flickering candle compared to our far longer lasting flood light go ahead, apparently it is all you have. But it does not make a single other thing you have said here true. You are covering up what Islam says Islam has done, your inventing garbage about what a US soldier knows when you have no idea about it, and have attempted to divert the conversation from every Islamic sin I bring up because you have no defense. This conversation is pointless.

BTW by the time war occurred I was the one who gave orders not the grunt who was always taking them but in the US army there is no such thing as blind obedience. We are required to be exhaustively educated about what we are doing and to even question it. Even in WW2 we were the ones who were fighting against the people with the gas chambers and the ones who freed the prison camps, and who exposed the to the world for the first time. Islam fought on the side which hid the camps and gassed the Jews by the millions. You cannot not even begin to make military moral comparisons between the two and you obviously know little about the US military. So please cut the cover ups, diversions, and stuff you don't know about and juts be honest or I can't justify this much longer.

"Islam fought on the side which hid the camps and gassed the Jews by the millions."

Really? Just gonna lump the entire religion into that? You are ignoring the thousands of Indian and Saharan Muslims that fought against the Axis. Furthermore, by that logic, Catholicism fought on the side which hid the camps and gassed the Jews by the millions. In fact, it was Catholics who were directly responsible for setting up the camps and gassing the Jews. Do you also hold Catholicism equally responsible? If not, why?
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"Islam fought on the side which hid the camps and gassed the Jews by the millions."
Several entire divisions of the Waffle SS (the really bad guys) were Islamic. Some of the worst atrocities were the work of these large units.

Really? Just gonna lump the entire religion into that? You are ignoring the thousands of Indian and Saharan Muslims that fought against the Axis. Furthermore, by that logic, Catholicism fought on the side which hid the camps and gassed the Jews by the millions. In fact, it was Catholics who were directly responsible for setting up the camps and gassing the Jews. Do you also hold Catholicism equally responsible? If not, why?
I did not lump an entire anything into it. I did not say every Islamic person fought for Hitler. I said Islam chose his side. They did not fight on the other side in any significant numbers. Islam being a significant number of Islamic people.
Catholicism's leadership rejected Hitler in general. I have many issues with Catholicism so I have no objection to you suggesting many of them were on the wrong side.

How many allied divisions did the Indian Muslims and African Muslims field? If you want to compare numbers I might learn something but what I said is technically correct. We were discussing US soldiers and whether they blindly followed immoral orders compared with Islam given the same parameters. If you want to have another conversation about another issue that is fine.

Since it was just one minor point in a long post I did not elaborate but Islam and Hitler were very intertwined. Did you know Hitler's first public announcement concerning the extermination or subjugation of Jews was made in a meeting with a prominent Islamic Imam?

Anyway state what context we are in and I can adapt my claims to it.
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Dragon Worshipper
Several entire divisions of the Waffle SS (the really bad guys) were Islamic. Some of the worst atrocities were the work of these large units.

I did not lump an entire anything into it. I did not say every Islamic person fought for Hitler. I said Islam chose his side. They did not fight on the other side in any significant numbers. Islam being a significant number of Islamic people.
Catholicism's leadership rejected Hitler in general. I have many issues with Catholicism so I have no objection to you suggesting many of them were on the wrong side.

How many allied divisions did the Indian Muslims and African Muslims field? If you want to compare numbers I might learn something but what I said is technically correct. We were discussing US soldiers and whether they blindly followed immoral orders compared with Islam given the same parameters. If you want to have another conversation about another issue that is fine.

Since it was just one minor point in a long post I did not elaborate but Islam and Hitler were very intertwined. Did you know Hitler's first public announcement concerning the extermination or subjugation of Jews was made in a meeting with a prominent Islamic Imam?

Anyway state what context we are in and I can adapt my claims to it.

"Islam being a significant number of Islamic people."
But no where near even a remote majority. I remind you, people who follow Islam make up a FIFTH of the human population. I believe you are wrong when you say that Islam fought on the side of the Axis.

Also, I understand that you simply chose not to elaborate on that point because it was a small one in a debate about a different matter. I simply find it disrespectful to say something negative about an entire religion without elaborating on it.

Otherwise, your other points seem valid, regardless of whether I agree with you on them.


Freedom Of Mind
You are really something else. I was a US soldier so I know infinitely more than you about being one. In the modern information age (at least outside of Islam where the media is controlled) we in the west know exactly what is going on. It is no longer an army of grunts (actually in the US it never was) blindly following orders. We are required to know why we are doing what we do, we are also required to disobey immoral orders by law, and we are well informed and candidly informed about what is motivating what we are doing. You just making up whatever it is you need to cover up inconvenient facts. You have obviously not studied military history. Even on my aircraft carrier in a war zone I was provided an uncensored internet where we had access to everything you do plus our own intelligence which you do not have access to. WE are our own worst critics and constantly evaluate our actions. It is the US not Islam that cannot fire on even people who were firing at us if they throw their weapon away, it is the US that spends billions on weapons designed to reduce collateral damage not Islam, it is the US that loses soldiers because of a code of honor that Islam does not obey, It is the US who require many levels of permission before we can fire so as to minimize civilian casualties and Islam who targets civilians purposefully. Let me ask you something if you have to deny reality to believe, is what you believe, worth believing?

Your are not only wrong about our soldiers being uninformed, you your self are either uninformed in the extreme or informed and covering up what you don't like. You are actually doing what you wrongfully think we were.

Are you proud for being there killing the Iraqis

What about listening to what other soldiers say, the good ones i mean

US War Crimes In Iraq Exposed By US Marine - YouTube

US Soldier Exposes USA FEMA Camps - YouTube

The truth about US military Exposed - YouTube

Alex Jones | US Soldiers | Iraq War Crimes - YouTube

My God is that all you have. Do al roads in Islam end in it's one success. Does one period where it was not quite as backwards and oppressive as it was in all the other the years make up for that? If you imagine that technological advancement, scientific advancement, mathematic advancement, and societal advancement is measured by the intensity of light. You find Islam's golden age to be a candle in a time where darkness prevailed to some degree. Against darkness a candle looks bright. However when Christianity got out of it's own way and turned on it's high beam halogen spot lights it completely excised Islam's candle and stayed that way ever since. Now if you want to brag about your briefly flickering candle compared to our far longer lasting flood light go ahead, apparently it is all you have. But it does not make a single other thing you have said here true. You are covering up what Islam says Islam has done, your inventing garbage about what a US soldier knows when you have no idea about it, and have attempted to divert the conversation from every Islamic sin I bring up because you have no defense. This conversation is pointless.

I ain't discussing the race of knowledge as related to religion, science is every where nowadays regardless of religion, china and Japan is excellent examples, India recently and Pakistan producing the nuclear bombs and no one could even know what Pakistan possesses recently and what other Islamic countries will posses one day, Iran is producing all kind of weapons including war planes, so just keep thinking that the science is still for christian .

BTW by the time war occurred I was the one who gave orders not the grunt who was always taking them but in the US army there is no such thing as blind obedience. We are required to be exhaustively educated about what we are doing and to even question it. Even in WW2 we were the ones who were fighting against the people with the gas chambers and the ones who freed the prison camps, and who exposed the to the world for the first time. Islam fought on the side which hid the camps and gassed the Jews by the millions. You cannot not even begin to make military moral comparisons between the two and you obviously know little about the US military. So please cut the cover ups, diversions, and stuff you don't know about and juts be honest or I can't justify this much longer.

WW2 that reminds me with hiroshima and nagasaki.



"Islam being a significant number of Islamic people."
But no where near even a remote majority. I remind you, people who follow Islam make up a FIFTH of the human population. I believe you are wrong when you say that Islam fought on the side of the Axis.
Where are the rules by which I can use the word Islam. I meant that significant number of Islamic people were on the side of the same evil that was mistakenly said to apply to the US in recent Islamic wars, actually in my case specifically. My statement had a whole lot of context which if retained and not dismissed made my statements applicable.

Also, I understand that you simply chose not to elaborate on that point because it was a small one in a debate about a different matter. I simply find it disrespectful to say something negative about an entire religion without elaborating on it.
Nope, I said I had not elaborated on it for those reasons. I actually said I would discuss it with you.

Otherwise, your other points seem valid, regardless of whether I agree with you on them.
Ok. Please consider my claims in the context they come in.


Are you proud for being there killing the Iraqis
I did not kill anyone. I was an electronics person. However I was proud that we opposed evil. I am not proud that others got killed. However we make more effort to limit them than anyone in history, I am proud of that.

What about listening to what other soldiers say, the good ones i mean
The good ones in what way. The extremely tiny fraction that would partially agree with you for similarly false reasons?

For the millionth time I can't get U-Tube on a DOD server and it is not a scholastic source. It is the first source for one side of a propaganda campaign however.

I ain't discussing the race of knowledge as related to religion, science is every where nowadays regardless of religion, china and Japan is excellent examples, India recently and Pakistan producing the nuclear bombs and no one could even know what Pakistan possesses recently and what other Islamic countries will posses one day, Iran is producing all kind of weapons including war planes, so just keep thinking that the science is still for christian .
No technology is everywhere. Actually it isn't but its close. Modern abstract science that produced much of the more advanced science has almost exclusive Christian and Jewish foundations. We invented Nuclear bombs in six months. In what way is taking 50 years to catch up better?

WW2 that reminds me with hiroshima and nagasaki.
What it does not remind you of is the 4 million Japanese and the half million Americans that did not die because the bombs worked and prevented. Does it remind you of them attacking us without any cause what so ever? Russia without cause, China without cause, the Philippines, or any of a few hundred Pacific islands, plus Australia they also attacked without cause. What about people in all those nations they enslaved and prostituted? Any of that ring a bell? What about the rape of Nanking, the execution of hundreds of thousands of civilians we died to stop them doing, or our rebuilding and giving back their nation and protecting it with our own lives? Any of that get past the old Islamic convenience filter? You above seemed to praise copying atomic bombs now you seem to suggest inventing them was bad. Which is it? Did you know if Japan had not been stopped by us Islam would have been on their list? They had an idea that they had a divine mandate to rule the entire planet. Sound familiar?

I can find utube videos of people who believe other people live inside the earth, politicians are actually lizards, and aliens built the pyramids. Why are you using such a garbage source to defend Islam. Is it because you know I have told you I cannot get it about a hundred times? If UTube and the word Spain had never been invented how would you defend Islam? You simply never responded to Islamic scholarship I provided at all. Is there any chance you are going to deal with what Islam has done for 1400 years at some point, or is diversions, utube, and out of no where comments about Spain it?


Dragon Worshipper
Where are the rules by which I can use the word Islam. I meant that significant number of Islamic people were on the side of the same evil that was mistakenly said to apply to the US in recent Islamic wars, actually in my case specifically. My statement had a whole lot of context which if retained and not dismissed made my statements applicable.

Nope, I said I had not elaborated on it for those reasons. I actually said I would discuss it with you.

Ok. Please consider my claims in the context they come in.

I didn't mean to dismiss your statements context and I apologize if it seems as such. There isn't anything to discuss, really. I just felt as though it was inappropriate to say that Islam, being a religion, supported the axis. Obviously, you feel differently. Unless you wish to further elaborate, I can accept that we disagree.

"Where are the rules by which I can use the word Islam."

See, here's the thing: it is problematic to ever say that Islam, as a religion, anytime after WW1, supported this or that or did this or that because the Islamic community has had no real leader to rule on what the faith's position on things is. Without a Caliph, whose rule on religious doctrine is accepted by the majority of the world's Muslim nations, one can never really be sure what Islam's position on whatever issue, on the whole, is. This is simply because the term "Islam" means a huge number of different things to different people.

In WW2, Islam, to the Iraqis, meant the complete destruction of a variety of different nations and ethnic groups, so they joined the Axis. To the Saharans, though, Islam meant fighting the Axis because they(specifically, Italy) wanted to wipe them out and colonize the Sahara with Ethnic Italians. Islam was the ideal that they held onto that allowed the Saharans to resist and not go quietly into the night.

But when a Ottoman Caliph ruled, for example, his decrees could be taken to be Islam's position since his rulings on doctrine were accepted by most of the world's Muslim nations, much in the way that the pope's decrees are accepted by most of the world's Catholic nations. If a Ottoman Caliph would've been reining during WW2 and agreed with the Axis and fought on their side, THEN you could've said that Islam supported the Axis.
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mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
FearGod Offlinewrote
<<<<<Are you proud for being there killing the Iraqis

What about listening to what other soldiers say, the good ones i mean>>>
Iraqi only knows what happened in Iraq
America came to Iraq at the official invitation of the Saudis and Kuwaitis and Arabs
And also a section of the Iraqis who rule Iraq now
So America came to Iraq to liberate Iraq from Saddam Hussein came to spread freedom
As she thought, but with great regret
Mistakes of America
Alvejae because the Islamists have coped with the terrorist
The truth is that America has helped Muslims
And also why when America has forgotten to protect the Bosnians and Serbs hit
America, if they were thinking of Christians
Why hit the Serbs and Bosnian Muslims supported
Why do you deny the merits of America upon you, O Islamists

The truth is that who built Iraq was Saddam who destroyed Iraq there is the Arabs and Muslimsand not amreca

This is the first
and The Second
Says the US-led wars and World War I and II
I tell you something important was going to say to you
Was not able to any of the parties supporting the war conflict the word of the Gospel
There are no single word in the Bible orders Christian fighting Christian fighting to defend himself
All christa iqatl only to interests
It does not say here that God commanded him to that war
Or that he is struggling for God
Says that the war for money or oil
Did not announce Christaana wants to spread Christianity to fight
But this is different from the wars of the Muslims
In any Hrpfiha Islamist party, it is the word of God to justify war
The state of the Koran
And if they do not believe me Read data fighting between Iraq and Ira
Anah Vicl for communication are no justify war


Dragon Worshipper
What it does not remind you of is the 4 million Japanese and the half million Americans that did not die because the bombs worked and prevented.

Hey, I wanted to ask you something about this. What are your thoughts on the theory that the Nuking of Japan was done to intimidate the Soviets, who were poised to go to war with the west after WW2 ended? The theory goes that since Japan was completely blockaded, with nothing allowed in or out, that the would've collapsed if they hadn't given in soon. It states that the Japanese were, in fact, willing to surrender, but not unconditionally. They wanted to keep Taiwan and guarantee that the Emperor would not be harmed and were using the threat of a fierce, bloody resistance as leverage to get these terms. Dropping the bombs would've still been appropriate as a war with the Soviets might've been even more bloody and chaotic. Thoughts?

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Is the theme of dialogue is spread Islam by the sword
Although the number of posts
Van Muslims who defend Islam trying to stay away from giving a clear answer
By giving examples and also give examples to other wars
And I want to tell them
In Iraq, in Palestine, in the past, present
The nations wars are wars interests and goals expansive
These wars are part of human nature
They rejected the right of religions
Christianity rejects all wars
For this to Aeetmkn any military commander
American or German or Russian or Japanese
That provides us with the war coated in any of the Gospels states
Hitler declared war because he believes in the Germanic nationalism
And also Lenin
And they believe Stalin clear goals and objectivesThe title of wars and clear
And Olhma not justify any war, using state of the states of the Christian Bible and you do not see how it coped American forces in the Iraq war, I tell you
I've been in a certain place
The American planes hit our goals
Do you know it's been hovering on the smelt four or five sessions
It was a signal enough for us because we move away from our
She wanted to hit our equipment and not kill us
Because you explain exactly located because it is personal information
I think the war in Iraq war clean Basttinabed cases
I repeat to you and say to others
The Alvekdmaldauy to Aharpfi Iraq Saudis first
Secondly, the Arabs
The Americans
They sent their troops
Because they were looking for their interests Alastregih
For this, the war is not religious
But this analogy does not apply to the Islamic wars
Because they're wrapping all states fighting wars using the Koran in which many will not be able listed
Each state of the verses of the Koran is enough to ignite a third world war
Each state of the verses of the Koran bloody mean war between the Muslim against Muslim and between the Muslim against all humanity

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Today in Iraq and in the city of Mosul, its name
The Islamists
What did they do
Do you know why they did
I've been displaced and displaced more than 52 000 Christian outside the city and robbed of their money
I Aatkelm of the Moon
I live reality
I know that these
* Istkhaddmonaklamallah in the Koran to justify their actions
Did they do with all Christians find its origin and justified from the Koran
I think the world should know that our problem is not with the man
But our problem with verses of the Koran
It states to make man a tool in the service of the God of War in Islam
Americans came to Alaariq editors and turned and went out to the occupiers beneficiaries
Today you see what is happening in Iraq
Islam is the truth


reform Jew humanist liberal feminist entrepreneur
Today in Iraq and in the city of Mosul, its name
The Islamists
What did they do
Do you know why they did
I've been displaced and displaced more than 52 000 Christian outside the city and robbed of their money
I Aatkelm of the Moon
I live reality
I know that these
* Istkhaddmonaklamallah in the Koran to justify their actions
Did they do with all Christians find its origin and justified from the Koran
I think the world should know that our problem is not with the man
But our problem with verses of the Koran
It states to make man a tool in the service of the God of War in Islam
Americans came to Alaariq editors and turned and went out to the occupiers beneficiaries
Today you see what is happening in Iraq
Islam is the truth

Hello again, my friend Mahasn. If indeed you are one of the displaced Christians in Mosul, our hearts cry out for you. Please keep us posted on your safety!


Veteran Member
The Andalusia proves your dishonesty. Spain was the best place in Europe and it was the golden age for the jews in Spain during the Islamic rule, so that confirms that you only make a silly propaganda about Islam but the historical evidence in Europe itself shows that you aren't telling the truth and any sane person can realize that your intention is to distort Islam and that you aren't speaking the truth

Spain had 200 years of very positive growth which was undermined by 400 years of stagnation, regression, civil war, religious intolerance and oppression. It is a prime example how vague the Quran is that whole nation-states can take a 180 turn due to how widely one groups interpretation and actions can be in stark contrast to other groups. Also for the 200 years of growth and development were under a dynasty which many see as anything but one which represents Islam. They were a rival caliphate in opposition to the Abbasid. So even under an Islamic system the cracks were already present and exploited by many groups. It is sad that the legacy of the Umayyad dynasty in the West was accepted by Christianity in Europe while rejected by Muslims in the East. It is this acceptance of non-Muslim work which saw radical developments in Europe. While the rejection of such work in the East led to stagnation and regression.

If you want to highlight the good parts of an era you must also accept the bad parts as well. Otherwise you are just cherry picking examples which is confirmation bias.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Hello again, my friend Mahasn. If indeed you are one of the displaced Christians in Mosul, our hearts cry out for you. Please keep us posted on your safety!

Hello Yes I am immigrants from Mosul before these events
I have received threats from Islamic group
After that I managed to leave the city before this tragedy
But I hear the news from the cities of my friends every day to the last stage
* Wait for God's mercy and also ask Jesusna Redeemer
To change the minds of Muslims and guide them to the path of truth in the Bible
And leave the Koran and terror states
Which brought them to such a brutal

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
I do not know why my questions are ignored by the Muslim axes
Are you unable to respond to them
Which is built on falsehood is false
Islam spread by the sword
When the reply you jump to another example
I had a book rarely
* Printed in the seventies of the last century
The fact that the actions of the Muslims in Spain
It is a history book
Speak for a maximum spread of Islam in Europe, Muslims have arrived to the South of France
Qrat if that book will know that Spain and Europe did not accept the Islamic thought and this is Harepetth
Because it felt its danger because he thought colonial
Think of a terrorist
Al-Qaeda is Harepetth by humanity
The right of defense
Europeans did not use any state of the Gospel to justify their war
Because the holy war is when you are defending, your identity
Yes I thank Spain every day
It has been able to stem the tide of colonial terrorist Muslim in Europe
And wait for them to purify the awakening of other lands Conception of this terrorist ideology
I forgot to type the name of the book
The name of the book, according to my memory of Muslims in Algeria Mediterranean
I remember the author's name is second only Arslan


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Rwanda:[1]
Islam is the largest minority religion in Rwanda, practiced by 4.6% of the total population according to 2006 census.[1] Virtually all Muslims in Rwanda are Sunni. Islam was first introduced into Rwanda by Muslim traders from the East Coast of Africa in the 18th century. Since its introduction, Muslims have been a minority in the territory, while the Roman Catholic Church, introduced to Rwandans during the colonial period in the late 19th century is the largest religion in the country.

For the first time in its history in Rwanda, Islam is accorded the same rights and freedoms as Christianity. Estimates show that there are equal numbers of Muslims amongst the Hutus as there are amongst the Tutsis.[2] The estimates cannot be verified since in the wake of the genocide, the government has banned all discussion of ethnicity in Rwanda.

Islam in Rwanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Rwanda.



I didn't mean to dismiss your statements context and I apologize if it seems as such. There isn't anything to discuss, really. I just felt as though it was inappropriate to say that Islam, being a religion, supported the axis. Obviously, you feel differently. Unless you wish to further elaborate, I can accept that we disagree.
Its no big deal. I used common language use in that context to indicate Islam seems to very often and in huge numbers wind up on the wrong side or morality. No big deal for a man made political system but of significant interest for a divine revelation. You may weight that as you see fit but I think in that context my statements were valid.

"Where are the rules by which I can use the word Islam."

See, here's the thing: it is problematic to ever say that Islam, as a religion, anytime after WW1, supported this or that or did this or that because the Islamic community has had no real leader to rule on what the faith's position on things is. Without a Caliph, whose rule on religious doctrine is accepted by the majority of the world's Muslim nations, one can never really be sure what Islam's position on whatever issue, on the whole, is. This is simply because the term "Islam" means a huge number of different things to different people.
That would exclude me from using any group label of any kind since at least one exception would always exist. There may be some technical merit in that but that does not imply what I did was inappropriate. Another example would be to show that both Palestinian Christians and Muslims suffered at the hands of the Jews but almost all the venom and motivation behind Jewish actions comes from Islamic Palestinians. Christian Palestinians don't use lands granted them to fire rockets, invade Israel periodically, and snipe at civilians in general so the problem is Islam not Palestinian even if many Islamic Palestinians have had enough and no longer do those things.

In WW2, Islam, to the Iraqis, meant the complete destruction of a variety of different nations and ethnic groups, so they joined the Axis. To the Saharans, though, Islam meant fighting the Axis because they(specifically, Italy) wanted to wipe them out and colonize the Sahara with Ethnic Italians. Islam was the ideal that they held onto that allowed the Saharans to resist and not go quietly into the night.
If you want show that Islam was coincidental to those who supported Hitler then you may attempt it but I would not recommend it.

But when a Ottoman Caliph ruled, for example, his decrees could be taken to be Islam's position since his rulings on doctrine were accepted by most of the world's Muslim nations, much in the way that the pope's decrees are accepted by most of the world's Catholic nations. If a Ottoman Caliph would've been reining during WW2 and agreed with the Axis and fought on their side, THEN you could've said that Islam supported the Axis.

So you do have rules and you decided that MOST is mandatory. How do you know this? Let me give another example. The 4% of US citizens that are homosexuals produce 60% of new aids cases. Even if I agreed that most homosexuals did not transmit aids would it still not be a homosexually relevant issue? In probability or statistics context is everything.


Hey, I wanted to ask you something about this. What are your thoughts on the theory that the Nuking of Japan was done to intimidate the Soviets, who were poised to go to war with the west after WW2 ended? The theory goes that since Japan was completely blockaded, with nothing allowed in or out, that the would've collapsed if they hadn't given in soon. It states that the Japanese were, in fact, willing to surrender, but not unconditionally. They wanted to keep Taiwan and guarantee that the Emperor would not be harmed and were using the threat of a fierce, bloody resistance as leverage to get these terms. Dropping the bombs would've still been appropriate as a war with the Soviets might've been even more bloody and chaotic. Thoughts?
I am a life long military historian and have never heard that as being a motive at all. I am not suggesting it was not but it was certainly not a primary one. Warfare is weird in that even it's benevolent acts are many times brutal. When the stick is necessary there are no optimal results. The USSR was not in any position to fight much of anyone after WW2. In fact only because of the US industry did they even survive. Even at the end they had no significant strategic arsenals. They could have pitched a fit in Asia and Eastern Europe but were no threat to us or Britain at that time. Churchill wanted to rearm the Nazis and turn them loose on Russia and they with our help would have won. I wonder what things would have been like in that case.

As far as Japan goes I recommend the movie "Emperor" it is historically accurate and covers the immediate post war events and studies what led to them. The best information we have is that the controlling had line militarists were running the show and would have resisted until annihilated. Our guys guessed that would require generations and millions of lives. The emperor was almost a figure head at the time politically but socially he was influential. To his eternal credit he told the generals that he would not allow his people to cease to exist and at risk to his life stuck to it. It was touch and go and there was civil battles fought over it but he prevailed. However our decisions were made while this was occurring and we had no reason to expect them. Virtually all the evidence suggested that the militarists would hold onto power and the war would last for a decade or more if things remained static. The atomic bombs were the wild card and history shows they made the right decision. WE spent billions and built cities to do so but only had three bombs worth of material. One was tested in the US which left two. Both had to be used to maximum effect. They actually were less destructive than conventional incendiary attacks. But it was the efficiency of using only one bomb that was terrifying. Thank God they did not know we only had the two. Anyway for every word I could have written a chapter on the issue. I recommend the movie.


Veteran Member
I do not know why my questions are ignored by the Muslim axes
Are you unable to respond to them
Which is built on falsehood is false
Islam spread by the sword

When the reply you jump to another example
I had a book rarely
* Printed in the seventies of the last century
The fact that the actions of the Muslims in Spain
It is a history book
Speak for a maximum spread of Islam in Europe, Muslims have arrived to the South of France
Qrat if that book will know that Spain and Europe did not accept the Islamic thought and this is Harepetth
Because it felt its danger because he thought colonial
Think of a terrorist
Al-Qaeda is Harepetth by humanity
The right of defense
Europeans did not use any state of the Gospel to justify their war
Because the holy war is when you are defending, your identity
Yes I thank Spain every day
It has been able to stem the tide of colonial terrorist Muslim in Europe
And wait for them to purify the awakening of other lands Conception of this terrorist ideology
I forgot to type the name of the book
The name of the book, according to my memory of Muslims in Algeria Mediterranean
I remember the author's name is second only Arslan

Was Islam spread by the sword?

No; it is a wrong premise.

For example:

Spread of Islam in Spain:

Islam has had a fundamental presence in the culture and history of Spain. The religion was present in modern Spanish soil from 709 until 1614 beginning with Arab rule and ending with the expulsion of the Moriscos of Al-Andalus. For key historical dates, see Timeline of the Muslim presence in the Iberian peninsula.

As of 2007, it is estimated that over 1,021,000 million (2.3% of population) will grow to 3.7% of population in 2030 source (PEW) [1] most of them recent immigrants from North Africa, Middle East, and South Asia; although there are also some Spanish converts, estimated at between 20,000[2] and 50,000.[3]

Recent immigration and conversion

In recent decades, immigration has resulted in a resurgence in the presence of Islam, with over one million Muslims currently residing in Spain, of which the majority are Moroccans and Spaniards represented by theIslamic Commission of Spain. Many Muslims include those from other neighboring African countries (mostly Morocco), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, Iranians, and a few Bangladeshis, Indians, and Pakistanis.

There are a number of converts to Islam, estimated at between 20,000[2]and 50,000,[3] from a total number of 1,000,000 Muslims. Many converts to Islam reside in the southern Andalusia region and have opened Muslim learning centers drawing visitors from across Europe, Canada and theUnited States.[8] The majority of Muslims in Spain are Sunnites, with a minority of Shiites.
The first Mosque after the Fall of Granada in 1492, in modern Spain, was built after approximately 500 years in 1982.[9]*

Islam in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

*[9] BBC News - Who are the Ahmadi?

Anybody please tell us; when did the "1,000,000 Muslims" existing in today's Spain entered Spain with swords in their hands.?

Did the "between 20,000[2]and 50,000,[3]" converts to Islam change their religion by the sword? Please



Was Islam spread by the sword?

No; it is a wrong premise.

For example:

Spread of Islam in Spain:

Islam has had a fundamental presence in the culture and history of Spain. The religion was present in modern Spanish soil from 709 until 1614 beginning with Arab rule and ending with the expulsion of the Moriscos of Al-Andalus. For key historical dates, see Timeline of the Muslim presence in the Iberian peninsula.

As of 2007, it is estimated that over 1,021,000 million (2.3% of population) will grow to 3.7% of population in 2030 source (PEW) [1] most of them recent immigrants from North Africa, Middle East, and South Asia; although there are also some Spanish converts, estimated at between 20,000[2] and 50,000.[3]

Recent immigration and conversion

In recent decades, immigration has resulted in a resurgence in the presence of Islam, with over one million Muslims currently residing in Spain, of which the majority are Moroccans and Spaniards represented by theIslamic Commission of Spain. Many Muslims include those from other neighboring African countries (mostly Morocco), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, Iranians, and a few Bangladeshis, Indians, and Pakistanis.

There are a number of converts to Islam, estimated at between 20,000[2]and 50,000,[3] from a total number of 1,000,000 Muslims. Many converts to Islam reside in the southern Andalusia region and have opened Muslim learning centers drawing visitors from across Europe, Canada and theUnited States.[8] The majority of Muslims in Spain are Sunnites, with a minority of Shiites.
The first Mosque after the Fall of Granada in 1492, in modern Spain, was built after approximately 500 years in 1982.[9]*

Islam in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

*[9] BBC News - Who are the Ahmadi?

Anybody please tell us; when did the "1,000,000 Muslims" existing in today's Spain entered Spain with swords in their hands.?

Did the "between 20,000[2]and 50,000,[3]" converts to Islam change their religion by the sword? Please

I have no idea about today but their predecessors certainly had swords and used them quite often in Spain. How about Tours for example? If it was not for swords there would probably not be any significant Islamic population in Spain.
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