This seems to verify what the OP said.
Before Adam and Eve: The First Intersex Person
As does basically every translation of the Genesis passage. God indeed made Man in Their image, male-and-female. Although the original Man was, according this basically a dual-bodied person "joined at the hip." You see, the
"rib" of a tabernacle is a side of it.
However, it becomes complicated.
More Than Just Male and Female: The Six Genders in Classical Judaism
It turns out there are six genders in ancient Judaism.
1. Male (Zachar)
2. Female (Nekeivah)
3. Perfect Hermaphrodite (Androgynos)
4. Underdeveloped (TumTum)
5. "Female at Birth" (Ay'lonit) -> Usually referring to barren women rather than other intersex conditions
6. "Male at Birth" (Saris) -> A sterile man. Also has a separate subcategory for eunuchs.
Jesus was not (during his life, anyway) a Androgynos, or Hermaphrodite. This is something widely believed by Gnostics, however, for reasons
explained here, this would not be considered okay in terms of his "without blemish" status. Both the TumTum and the Androgynos are largely restricted in temple ceremony. The TumTum can only play the shofar for themselves, the Androgynos can play it only for other Androgynos. It is assumed, therefore, the same is the case for temple ceremony, so we have Luke 4:16-21 where he reads the scroll to other people. Androgynos are simultaneously "unclean" and "holy", so they can enter the temple despite not being clean (but probably can't lead many ceremonies). Jesus could not have done this if he had either of those conditions (and because of circumcision, trust me, the whole town knew what you were).
He could, however, have been a Saris, because he was a wandering priest rather than a member of Sanhedrin (only reserved for those with child) despite early mastery of the Law that impressed priests. The Saris were able to do
most things regular men could do in terms of duty, and was not regarded as "unclean" or "blemished", something required for a sacrifice. This also jives with his scraggy beard but long flowing head hair in many paintings, as well as his seeming indifference to sex when it was basically civic duty for Jews (Catholic abstinence? Nahhhh).
This may not have been true of
after the resurrection, as it was said repeatedly "the disciples did not recognize" Jesus. Therefore, it is possible that after the resurrection, Jesus no longer had fixed form at all (shapechanger).
As a side note, why would Jesus have been sterile? Well, Mary had a baby without a dad involved.
Parthenogenesis (what is termed "virgin birth" and generally viewed as nonexistent in humans, although it happens in lizards and sharks) typically produces a female. They're basically clones. However, parthenogenic lizards sometimes had genetic anomalies such as the scales being coffee colored. In other words, while Jesus would look like a younger twin of his mother, there would be mutations. There are conditions that cause a woman to develop as a man. One of the most common, is called
XX male syndrome, which can cause three conditions: 1) appear male, 2) ambiguous, 3)
true hermaphrodites (which contrary to popular belief (and the name) is still sex-dominant in humans, meaning that while they can get pregnant or make someone pregnant they can't do both).
Jesus, would have been #1.
Moreover, while Jews soundly reject Jesus, he did fulfill his stated purpose as blood sacrifice, by being a person not suited to be the main body of Jewish priests (which, like most males was expected to pass on, that is to procreate). This one could not pass on, so he was more fit for the sort of life Jesus lived.
In final days, however, we have Christian prophecy drawing parallels to the idyllic setting of Eden (while being more grand and majestic). It could be possible that like the unity of good/evil, this Jesus will appear as more like a woman with something extra. Which explains a great deal about why we see "whore of Babylon" and the "woman who has a crown of 12 stars around her head." This sounds like nonsense, until you understand that much of Judaism and Christianity is from a monistic perspective, and the glass broken in Jewish weddings is about the fragmented creation. Also, there are twelve stars in the EU flag. Currently, the EU is corrupt, confusing "unity" as one wide open zone for crime and injustice to reign, for open treason against Europeans by having a third-party body make all the decisions for it (rather than each state having its own laws and rights and only agreeing to move the countries in a unified direction of lasting prosperity that becomes a beacon to the world). This is the whore of Babylon.
The passage speaks at length of her groaning as in pregnancy (what is she pregnant with would be the New Earth, not to be confused with the New World Order, which is what selfish dictator types want) and a Dragon trying to undermine her. And then we have War in Heaven, a Beast, the Lamb and the 144000 Jews, the fall of Babylon, and preparation for Judgement Day. Remember Wisdom and Folly? This is what we call a callback. We have the unfaithful woman, and the woman who if her act wasn't clean in the first place, cleaned up her act. This is all prep-work for a world where unity also means sovereignty.