He has all power because of the fact that He omnipotently decided that he can't.
He can be present everywhere because He has a location in heaven where He dwells and still can be right next to you.
He omnipotently gave you choices but because He knows your heart He knows what choice you are going to make.
Deut 30:19 - the choice to serve Him or serve someone else
Joshua 24:15 is a just a global statement of fact with exceptions (since Joshua himself was serving God along with Caleb and others). They still had the individual choice.
Now, to really get to the nitty gritty because we could just go back and forth on this... could you share with me what your specific area of interest was? In other words, since the previous poster was stating that in response to testing the spirits, why bring up those specific points in response?
Thank you for your reply.
God has self-imposed limits of what He can and can Not do. 'Can't lie' means: Not omnipotent.
Just as God can't be unjust, cheat, be wrong, or unloving, and God can Not make us obey.
That means God chooses Not to use foreknowledge of one's free-will choices.
There would be No point to offer us a choice if we had No choice in the matter.
What would be the point of ' working out one's salvation ' - Philippians 2:12 - if one could Not work out one's salvation ?
According to Scripture God is Not everywhere but He can send His holy spirit.- Psalm 104:30
What would be the point of ' testing the spirits ' - 1st John 4:1,2; 1st Cor. 12:10 - if one could Not test them ? Test to see which ones originates with God to see if the origin is in Scripture or Not - Deut. 13:1-5; 18:20-22; Galatians 5:22,23 - which comes from, or results from, searching or researching the Scriptures as did the people of Acts 17:11 who made a daily diligent investigation to see if what they were hearing and learning was really what the Bible really teaches.