But then why wasn't Jesus served with this death sentence immediately?
And why does the bible involve the Sanhedrin?
The original writers of the books of the bible wouldn't have had a problem with making the Romans out to be the bad guys but, instead, they blame the Jewish leaders.
One, we dont know that he wasnt.
lets give you the benifit here though and say he didnt. If jesus really tipped over a money changers table, that would be the same as a bank teller in that time and said teller would have had a guard and even the teller would have wrestled him to the ground personaly. So lets guess that jesus tipped a table and ran. The crowds were so huge one could have disappeared into it. Another thought is tesnions were so high if they had sent romans in or had temple guards arrest him then and there it could have started a riot. Above all pilate and caiaphas needed peace, they were making alot of money that weekend of epic porportions. this was like a rock concert with 400,000 jews paying temple tax and fee's for changing money into temple coinage. had a riot started it would have blown there chance at making a killing.
the temple incident is not a historical fact and may not have happened, what we do know with certainty is that jesus did tick off the romans and was put to death on a cross. beyond that there is alot of guessing going on based on known history of that time.
Remember not one thing was ever written by a jew from that time that was a wittnes, all the authors were unknown less paul, never heard a word from jesus and never met him NOR did they live in the same country. AND all gospels are basically jesus enemies version of jesus.
Romans were the enemy then to all jews, jesus viewed the jews in charge in the temple as corrupt, its why he started his own movement because he was so disatistfied with the current governement