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Was Jesus Eaten By Dogs?


If Jesus was a nobody with a small following then why was He crucified?

its a good question.

if he really did cause a disturbance in the temple then that alone would be a death sentance that passover weekend.

Pilate and Caiaphas wanted/demanded peace as tensions were running high.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
I don't care about influence the opinions of others, if people want believe that Jesus came from outer space then so what. I just want to piece together the true story as best as I can.

So you ask a question that it is impossible to know the answer to? A question that appears designed to humiliate the personal savior of millions? One has to wonder what motivation was behind that. :sarcastic


Veteran Member
That's what I was trying to get at. The tomb story is not necessary, so we then need to think about why it was added. For me, I think it was probably because it occurred.

not very probable...

i think the tomb story was added for the purpose to edit a previous theology.

Super Universe

Defender of God
He called himself king then tried to cause a riot in the temple during Passover. Have you read history? This was grounds for a charge of sedition, I wonder why they just didn't arrest him in the temple

Have I read history? Yep, and I've been to Italy more times than I can count. How about you? Which window is the Popes?

So you're saying that months later the Romans somehow used the Jewish leadership to declare Jesus a criminal. Then they brought Jesus before the Pilate and the Pilate must have been foolin' when he attempted to wash his hands of the whole thing because it must have been a setup and then the Romans crucified Him?


Crossan theorised that he had a small following, was an agitator if you like, a potential trouble causer. Jesus took that a step further and turned over the tables in the temple and this is what Crossan believes he was crucified for. It's been a while since I read the book but I think he said any trial or meeting with anyone of significant authority would have been unlikely, he would have just been killed in the usual manner of the day and the body dumped in a shallow grave in the usual manner.

As for interfering with Roman justice as it was and removing a body for special treatment, who knows? I would have thought they would have had rules about that to make an example but I'm only guessing - but aren't we all?


For me the tomb story was added to build the ressurrection story.

I find your post to be fairly accurate


The Life of a Mediterranean Jew.

This is the long "academic" version from which the shorter version was written. I have been informed it is very good but hard going for the lay person (such as me). I thought the short version was very thought provoking and iot was enough for me. Each to their own.


Super Universe

Defender of God
its a good question.

if he really did cause a disturbance in the temple then that alone would be a death sentance that passover weekend.

Pilate and Caiaphas wanted/demanded peace as tensions were running high.

But then why wasn't Jesus served with this death sentence immediately?

And why does the bible involve the Sanhedrin?

The original writers of the books of the bible wouldn't have had a problem with making the Romans out to be the bad guys but, instead, they blame the Jewish leaders.


Have I read history? Yep, and I've been to Italy more times than I can count. How about you? Which window is the Popes?

So you're saying that months later the Romans somehow used the Jewish leadership to declare Jesus a criminal. Then they brought Jesus before the Pilate and the Pilate must have been foolin' when he attempted to wash his hands of the whole thing because it must have been a setup and then the Romans crucified Him?

your missing s much of real history.

Pilate was a brutal killer and wouldnt have blnked a eye.

jesus death was a result of being around the temple that passover weekend, being near the roman's. the romans killed hime because they viewed him as breaking roman laws.

the gospels were written for a roman audience, any negativity towards romans [or the truth] would have been edited out. Even paul was a roman.


Veteran Member
But then why wasn't Jesus served with this death sentence immediately?

And why does the bible involve the Sanhedrin?

The original writers of the books of the bible wouldn't have had a problem with making the Romans out to be the bad guys but, instead, they blame the Jewish leaders.

because the gospels were written AFTER the destruction of the temple

these gospels were propaganda against the pharisees who were calling the jesus movement a cult.

Super Universe

Defender of God
because the gospels were written AFTER the destruction of the temple

these gospels were propaganda against the pharisees who were calling the jesus movement a cult.

Then you're saying the gospels were written by Romans? Or at least, those who supported the Romans against the Jewish leaders?


God Among Men
This turned to a complete ****-fest really fast.

I'd just like to add my two cents that even if Jesus was eaten by dogs, it shouldn't matter to Christians (other than the fact that their inspired book took a few liberties). What matters is the concept of resurrection. Even if I don't believe it happened, I think that to those who do believe it the exact details of the man's death shouldn't be enough to spark a flame war. It's very possible he was eaten by dogs. It's very possible he was eaten by vultures. It's very possible he actually was buried. Fact is, you don't know, so please stop trying to pass opinion as fact (something I really hate). This is a debate site, not a flame war site. Please keep it civil, and have a rational debate rather than hurling insults at one another.


But then why wasn't Jesus served with this death sentence immediately?

And why does the bible involve the Sanhedrin?

The original writers of the books of the bible wouldn't have had a problem with making the Romans out to be the bad guys but, instead, they blame the Jewish leaders.

One, we dont know that he wasnt.

lets give you the benifit here though and say he didnt. If jesus really tipped over a money changers table, that would be the same as a bank teller in that time and said teller would have had a guard and even the teller would have wrestled him to the ground personaly. So lets guess that jesus tipped a table and ran. The crowds were so huge one could have disappeared into it. Another thought is tesnions were so high if they had sent romans in or had temple guards arrest him then and there it could have started a riot. Above all pilate and caiaphas needed peace, they were making alot of money that weekend of epic porportions. this was like a rock concert with 400,000 jews paying temple tax and fee's for changing money into temple coinage. had a riot started it would have blown there chance at making a killing.

the temple incident is not a historical fact and may not have happened, what we do know with certainty is that jesus did tick off the romans and was put to death on a cross. beyond that there is alot of guessing going on based on known history of that time.

Remember not one thing was ever written by a jew from that time that was a wittnes, all the authors were unknown less paul, never heard a word from jesus and never met him NOR did they live in the same country. AND all gospels are basically jesus enemies version of jesus.

Romans were the enemy then to all jews, jesus viewed the jews in charge in the temple as corrupt, its why he started his own movement because he was so disatistfied with the current governement


But then why wasn't Jesus served with this death sentence immediately?

And why does the bible involve the Sanhedrin?

The original writers of the books of the bible wouldn't have had a problem with making the Romans out to be the bad guys but, instead, they blame the Jewish leaders.

as stated the books were all written for a roman audience

these are not jewish books for jewish people


Premium Member
It's the title of the OP that really turned me off. I wouldn't have asked that question, I would have asked- "What really happened to Jesus' body after the crucifixion?" The question was what made me question the motive of the thread.

As for Pilate, I always believed that he washed his hands to put it away from him out of fear- not for any righteousness.


It's the title of the OP that really turned me off. I wouldn't have asked that question, I would have asked- "What really happened to Jesus' body after the crucifixion?" The question was what made me question the motive of the thread.

As for Pilate, I always believed that he washed his hands to put it away from him out of fear- not for any righteousness.

its true , frubal sfor accuracy Christine [if they let me give them to you] I give you to many LOL

most of her post portray jesus as a cult leader like david koresh [her own words]

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
So was Jesus actually buried in the tomb of a wealthy man or did the Romans treat him like every other rabble rouser and just dump his body in the trash and let it be eaten by dogs?

I prefer to imagine a dead, sunglass-wearing Jesus being carted around to various parties by a few of the disciples, trying to pass him off as though he's still alive. Hilarious hijinx ensue.

Super Universe

Defender of God
your missing s much of real history.

Pilate was a brutal killer and wouldnt have blnked a eye.

jesus death was a result of being around the temple that passover weekend, being near the roman's. the romans killed hime because they viewed him as breaking roman laws.

the gospels were written for a roman audience, any negativity towards romans [or the truth] would have been edited out. Even paul was a roman.

The gospels were written for a Roman audience?

Then why were they written in Greek?