Favourite limerick of all time (no sex!?)
There once was a bishop whose brain
Was deranged through the use of cocain,
To a copse, dark and wild
He lured a small child
And beat it to death with his cane.
Very Charles Addams...or Edward Gorey.
I like it.
My limericking is typically about a person, current event, or issue.
For example, Wirey had the Hershy squirts when taking medicine
after his brain tumor surgery. Finishing his meds was wonderful,
so it had to be immortalized in doggerel....
His netherly regions were squalid
& joyless, so he became stolid.
But giving up pills
is bringing new thrills.
His doo doo is finally solid!
He once gave me a challenge to
write a limerick about "Enis".
I avoided the obvious.
There once was a girl named Enis,
a harlot of a diff'rent genus.
With only one tooth,
and keeping it couth,
we'll keep what she shan't do between us.
Haikus were briefly popular on RF.
Not with me though.
A difficult form has haiku.
Syllabic design they eschew
To cut up a word
in morae's absurd.
I can't figure out what to do.
Ode to bacon.
I think it must be a perversion
to have a pork product aversion
If your faith is make'n
you forgo the bacon,
it's time to consider conversion.