When it comes to those in any religion, many talk-the-talk but just don't walk-the-walk. But I especially have a problem with so many fundamentalist Christians, like many of those in the kind of church that I grew up in, who have a rabid pit-bull morals-be-damned attitude, which is also what Gandhi complained about. When I see there's over 80% of those who call themselves "Evangelicals" still supporting Trump with all that he's said and done, it is very disheartening to me.
And even more so, with so many of the Republicans not having a problem with children, including infants, being taken away from their parents, how is this not like what the NAZI's did? Answer: it ain't, although the latter obviously took it much further.
What is heartening, however, is that there is a growing number of clergy who have said "Enough!".
Frankly, every Christian, Jew, Muslim, humanist, etc., should be upset and not willing to put up with this desecration of the family. The Republicans used to pride themselves as being "the Party of Family Values", but it's clear that this certainly isn't true any longer even if it were to have been true back then.