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'We Have Plenty of Guns If Trump Loses'


Veteran Member
I think it's interesting too, that no law enforcement died that day, and of the few that died later, one had a stroke and 3 committed suicide, or maybe 1 had a stroke and 4 committed suicide, not sure which, and several were many months later. One person did die that day, a Trump supporter who was shot by law enforcement. Oh, and several other Trump supporters died that day of unrelated causes.
Your own source disputed your above claims in the other thread.
People did die as a result of the events that unfolded that day. Plus 140 other police officers were injured.


Veteran Member
Actually I am but as I said before, you see what you want to see and I see what I want to see, I guess.
You can repeat it again, but it doesn't make it any truer that the link you posted doesn't back up your claims.
You are believing what you want to believe, regardless of what the evidence indicates.
You also seem to think that if someone dies a few days after something happened to them, then the thing that happened to them couldn't have been the cause, when it is quite obviously the cause in the case.
You also seem to think that if someone commits suicide a few months after the event, that somehow that event has nothing to do with the suicide, despite the person's family members telling you that it's a direct result of that even occurring.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I could care less what Trump spouts out of his mouth. I only care if his policies work.
  • His policy to turn Springfield, Ohio into a bastion of terrorism and stochastic violence seems to be working pretty well if you like that kind of thing, but otherwise, not so much. And that resulted from what spewed from his mouth.
  • His policy to illegally retain power didn't fare very well unless its purpose was to garner multiple indictments, in which case it was a resounding success.
  • His policy of grabbing women by their genitals and then defame them also apparently backfired to the tune of nearly $100 million.
  • His policy of paying porn stars hush money also backfired unless the purpose was to become a convicted felon.
  • His policy to dismantle pandemic preparedness either worked or failed according to whether you prefer more death or less. It probably also cost him reelection.
  • His policy to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it, his policy to improve Obamacare, and his policy to stimulate infrastructure were all very successful if their purpose was to dupe susceptible voters by lying to them, but not if you actually wanted any of those things.
So what do you say? Did those policies work according to your values? He did dupe a lot of voters and became president in part because of that. Maybe you approve.
What number of child deaths from school shootings will convince Republicans of the need for some accommodation of gun control?
Rhetorical question, right? You know the answer. All of them can die, and that's acceptable to the ammosexuals.

This is gun world mentality, which is based in fear. When you're terrified to live in your own skin, no number of guns can make that fear go away, but taking the guns away would lead to even greater levels of fear.

And it's MAGA mentality, which includes other fear-based behaviors such as bigotry. These people are afraid of immigrants raping their women and eating their pets, of women having reproductive choices, of people of color outcompeting them for jobs, and of people reading the books that they feel threatened by or learning accurate history.

Of course, none of these fears are justified, and the fearful are oblivious regarding who they should be fearing, which are the same people who manufacture that fear using conservative indoctrination media, and which is apparently very effective against the defenseless, which is about half of the country.

Those people will NEVER willingly give up their guns no matter how many children are murdered. But as I suggested, I think you know that.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
My best friend is an ex-pat American, now a Canadian citizen, born in Schenectady NY, who declares himself at a complete loss to explain what's happened to his native countrymen. For myself, I've listened to literally hundreds of interviews with Trump supporters, and I know one thing -- they really, truly are stupendously underinformed, and not particularly gifted at reasoning, either.
Two books that help explain it well:
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life by Richard Hofstadter.
The Chaos Machine by Max Fisher.