I wanted to set something straight on this matter, due to a lot of confusion and twisting the facts regarding our belief about God. Trinitarians accuse us of denying the Holy Spirit, and believing that Christ was created, which is completely false. I have also had people asking me how I can believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and yet reject the Trinity, when "Father, Son and Holy Spirit IS the Trinity". So I wanted to lay out the clear Bible truth of why we reject and STRONGLY REJECT the mainstream Trinity teaching, while at the same time fully believing in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
There are two mainstream thoughts regarding trinitarianism. One says that there are 3 divine beings united as 'one god' the other says there is only 1 being, with 3 'persons' or 'personalities' that is 'one god' consists of, and the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are the SAME BEING. We reject BOTH of these teachings.
Let me share with you what we believe and then I will share with you WHY we reject those two beliefs regarding the Trinity above. While we fully believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, instead of using man's definitions, we turn to the Word of God for understanding of this very important subject. Afterall, the God we worship is THE most important part of our faith. So let me share with you, from the Bible, what we believe regarding the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
According to the Bible, God the Father is that 'one God' whom Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the prophets and apostles worshiped. He is the source of all life, the sovereign of the universe. Let us look at what the Bible says:
John 4:21-24 John 20:17 John 17:1-3
According to Jesus own words, who is the Father? Is He merely a 'third part' of the Trinity god? No! Jesus said Himself that His Father is the 'ONLY ONE GOD'. Jesus said the Father is not only our God, but HIS GOD also. How can this be if the 3 in 1 Trinity is true? For the Trinity states that all three are co-equal in EVERY way. But the Father is even quoted Himself in Hebrews 1:9 as saying He is the God of Jesus. So we have two witnesses to this fact. How can this be? Let us see what the apostle Paul says:
1Corinthians 8:5-6
Do you see? Paul confirmed what Jesus said, in that the Father is the 'one God'. But Paul also states why; it is because the Father is the SOURCE OF ALL LIFE, including the life of His own Son Jesus Christ, which we will explain next in 'WHO IS THE SON?'. God the Father is the very source of all life, and Jesus is the BY WHOM all life is created. This makes the Father the 'only true God'. He is the 'one God' the Bible speaks of, look:
1Timothy 2:4-5
Trinitarians believe that the 'one God' is the 3 in 1 Trinity god. And yet this is impossible according to the scriptures, because as the apostle Paul said, 'there us on God ...AND ... one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ.' So if Jesus is the mediator between the ONE GOD and men, then how can the one God be the Trinity?That would make FOUR! Do you see the problem? But when you see the TRUTH as we have shown above, that the Father is that, 'one God', then it makes complete sense! Jesus is the one mediator between THE FATHER and mankind.
Acts 3:13
So who is the Father? He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He is the 'only true God' - the source of all life and sovereign of the universe. He is our Father and God.
According to the Bible, the Son is Jesus Christ, the literal begotten Son of God the Father; begotten as a true Son in eternity past before anything was created. Let us take a look:
Romans 8:3 John 3:16-17
Just take a step back and think about these two vverses.For God the Father to SEND His own Son to save us, what does He need to have in the first place to send? A Son right? Both Paul and John tell us that Jesus is God's own Son. Now if Jesus isn't the LITERAL Son of God the Father, and they are just 'role playing', then the above two verses, and many more Bible verses are NOT truth! And if they are not truth, then we may aswell throw away the whole Bible! Just take that in for a moment.
Matthew 3:17 Matthew 17:5
Only two times did God the Father speak in the New Testament that people actually heard and understood. And what did God the Father used both those occasions to confirm? That Jesus Christ is His beloved Son! Was God trying to get an important message across do you think?
Galatians 4:4 Mark 12:6
The Bible even tells us that Jesus was begotten of the Father way back in eternity past before anything was created. And no, this does NOT mean that Jesus Himself was created. This is a blatant lie aimed at us by Trinitarians. The Father did not take some material and create Jesus like He did with us and the rest of creation. Jesus was begotten [born] of the Father's own divine being - taken from the very bosom of the Father:
Proverbs 8:23-25 Proverbs 30:4 Micah 5:2 Hebrews 1:5-6
These verses clearly tell us of Jesus is begotten (brought forth) of the Father in eternity past. How? We do not know because God has not told us. This is what FAITH is all about - taking God at His Word - "THIS IS MY BELOVED SON". The Bible tells us that Jesus was 'brought forth' from the Father before creation, so we must believe it by faith. Now some people will say, 'Oh, Proverbs 8 is speaking of wisdom not Jesus.'
1Corinthians 1:24 Luke 11:49 Matthew 23:1,34 1Corinthians 1:30
So the Son is Jesus Christ, the LITERAL begotten Son of God the Father; begotten as a true Son in eternity past before anything was created. Jesus Christ is a distinct personal being, apart from the Father and yet 'one' with the Father in Spirit, mind, action and purpose. Jesus is truly the SON OF GOD.
According to the Bible, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father, which He gives to us through His Son Jesus Christ. Let us take a look:
Luke 12:11-12 Matthew 10:19-20
Can you see what the Word of God is telling us here regarding the Holy Spirit? Luke and Matthew tell us that the Holy Spirit that speaks in us is the Spirit of God the Father. Now when you look at the word 'Spirit' in both the Hebrew and Greek, it means 'breath, mind, life.' So if the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father, then it means the Holy Spirit is the very divine life and mind of God the Father. Look at the two following verses:
Isaiah 40:13 Romans 11:34
Do you see how Paul understood Isaiah 40:13? He knew the Spirit of the Lord is the MIND of God. It is His very life, power and character that He gives to us. But how does the Spirit of the Father come to us? THROUGH Jesus Christ His Son. Look:
Revelation 5:1,6,7 Acts 2:32-33
Peter, speaking to the crowd on the day of Pentecost, explains what has just happened, and what does he say? That Jesus had received the Holy Spirit FROM the Father, and Jesus HIMSELF gives that Spirit - that life and power of the Father - to the disciples. Do you see?
John 20:19-22 Titus 3:4-6
Do you see? The Holy Spirit, which is the life, mind and power of God the Father comes to us through His beloved Son Jesus Christ. It is that 'one Spirit' which they both share, which is why Jesus said in John 14:23 that both He and the Father would dwell in us.
So the Holy Spirit is the divine life of the Father which comes to us through Jesus our Lord. The Holy spirit is not a separate divine being from the Father. We do not know the nature of the Spirit, but we know from the Bible that it is NOT a separate being who sits on the throne of heaven like the Father and His Son, as Revelation tells us that only TWO beings - God and the Lamb sit on the throne for all eternity (Revelation 22:1)
As you can see, the Bible clearly teaches that there is 'one God' the Father - A personal divine being. There is also the Son of God the Father, Jesus Christ our Lord - another personal divine being - the divine Son of God, begotten of the Father, as a true Son in eternity past before anything was created. And the Holy Spirit is the divine life, mind and power of God the Father, which He gives to us through His Son Jesus who is the 'one mediator' between God and man (1Timothy 2:5). But what does the trinity doctrine teach? Well, we saw at the beginning that there are two beliefs regarding the trinity. One is that God is one being consisting of '3 persons' in that one divine being. And the other teaching says that God consists of 3 beings, all co-equal and co-eternal.
Now there are many problems with BOTH of these teachings. The first problem is that the Bible NEVER says 'God is 3 in 1', or that 'God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.' The Bible ONLY ever says that the 'only true God is the Father '(John 17:3 1Corinthians 8:6). Yes, John 1 says that Jesus is God (divine). But that is because He is the SON OF God which makes Jesus 'God' (divine) like His Father. I am human and I have a son, which makes my son human also. But my son is NOT me and I have authority over my son, just as the Father has authority over His Son Jesus.
John 14:28 1Corinthians 15:27-28
Do you see? Jesus said Himself that His Father is greater than He. Does that mean Jesus is some 'lesser god'? No. Jesus is as divine as the Father. But the Father has authority over His Son, being the first, just as Adam had authority over Eve, being the first. And when all things are done, Jesus will be subject unto the Father, as 1Corinthians 15 confirms above. This proves the 'co-equal' Trinity God to be false.