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Were tongues abolished?


Well-Known Member
Q. If tongues were abolished please explain also why Paul is so pleased to say "I pray in tongues more than all of you"

Paul also said he was blameless at keeping the laws and ordinances of Moses, in order to silence those who added the law to faith in Christ for salvation. Paul was more scrupulous at keeping the 613 mitzvot, but he said they were were a stopgap measure after the Fall of Adam, made redundant by the death and resurrection of Christ. Paul was more charismatic than the others who spoke in tongues, but he said they were a stopgap measure after the birth of the Church, made redundant by the coming of the Sacred Scriptures.

Q. Demonstrate from Scripture that these no longer are applicable for today.

"Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue." (1 Cor 14:19)


Poetry is "tongues".
Parables & "Codes".

double meanings,
multifaceted meanings,
deeper meanings,
hidden meanings.

all "tongues",
inspired and poured forth
in the Spirit...

but understood only by those
gifted in the Spirit's interpretation.
(poets, prophets, sages, seers... etc...)


Mother Heathen
Tongues weren't abolished. I speak in tongues.:)

As do I. (Hi April...waves!)

Francine, scripture describes tongues serving two purposes in addition to being an outward sign that one has received the Holy Spirit...

1. Edification of the Church
2. Self Edification

I offer no apologies for yielding my tongue to the Holy Spirit in prayer and worship.

I don't understand why this practice bothers other Christians. (Not implying that you're bothered. :) )


Active Member
When I was a kid attending a pentecostal church:eek:, the same people used to speak in 'tongues', aka gobbledegook, every Sunday. This caused embarrassment to some, and us teenagers to giggle at such total stupidity! Why would God impose such silliness on some people, or does he enjoy having them look daft?


Well-Known Member
When I was a kid attending a pentecostal church:eek:, the same people used to speak in 'tongues', aka gobbledegook, every Sunday. This caused embarrassment to some, and us teenagers to giggle at such total stupidity! Why would God impose such silliness on some people, or does he enjoy having them look daft?

Tongues served a real purpose in the early church, as the gospel was preached to a number of nations and the apostles needed a way to reach them in their own language. Those tongue were real languages. After the initial rush, enough converts existed who could cover all known languages, so the supernatural boost was no longer required.


Jesus in me
When I was a kid attending a pentecostal church:eek:, the same people used to speak in 'tongues', aka gobbledegook, every Sunday. This caused embarrassment to some, and us teenagers to giggle at such total stupidity! Why would God impose such silliness on some people, or does he enjoy having them look daft?

All foreign languages sound like gobbledygook to me but they have meaning for those who understand the language.

It is typical for teenagers to judge by appearances but Jesus says you should not do it.

I might point out that there were people who mocked the Wright brothers for thinking that they could fly. Also Jesus was mocked on the cross. He who laughs last laughs best.


Premium Member
I never personally spoke in any tongues, but my husband has. He told me he said "Praise God" in Arabic or something and he doesn't know the language at all.


Active Member
It is typical for teenagers to judge by appearances but Jesus says you should not do it.

I doubt Jesus would have thought much of that stupidity either. I still think speaking in so called tongues is crazy even though I am now a granny!



Christian Author
Q. If tongues were abolished please explain also why Paul is so pleased to say "I pray in tongues more than all of you"

Paul also said he was blameless at keeping the laws and ordinances of Moses, in order to silence those who added the law to faith in Christ for salvation. Paul was more scrupulous at keeping the 613 mitzvot, but he said they were were a stopgap measure after the Fall of Adam, made redundant by the death and resurrection of Christ. Paul was more charismatic than the others who spoke in tongues, but he said they were a stopgap measure after the birth of the Church, made redundant by the coming of the Sacred Scriptures.

Q. Demonstrate from Scripture that these no longer are applicable for today.

"Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue." (1 Cor 14:19)

First off, I think it might be a good idea to define what "speaking in tongues" actually is.

Acts 2 gives the only detailed account of true biblical speaking in tongues, of which the two subsequent mentions refer.
Notice that it wasn't nonsense gibberish, but actual languages that the crowd heard. Specifically, their own language. This was necessary due to the long term Jewish diaspora and reunification for that particular event.

The modern "tongues" movement, as perpetuated by Charismatic/Pentecostals, actually has its origins in paganism, and was only recently "discovered" in the past two centuries. Like many pagan things, a God sticker was slapped on it, and therefore accepted by modern Christians.

Your second question's answer is that, under the proper circumstances, i.e., two people of different nationalities and languages conversing about God, it is still a viable gift today. I know someone who, in the mid-60's was sitting in church while a man behind her prayed in Serbo-Croatian, a language she knew, but he didn't. It sparked a discussion, and brought the two together.

The litmus test to see if what a person is speaking is truly the gift of tongues is to see if it's a real language first, which is easily verifiable by simply tape recording them. Then figuring out what possible purpose it would serve. Edification? Instruction?
Unfortunately, Charismatic/Pentacostals rarely submit to tape recording of their "prayer language" because it would sadly prove that it is merely gibberish, and not real Acts 2 speaking in tongues.

Good question!

JC Masters

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
I do not believe the biblical gift of tongues to be glossolalia...

I believe the gift of tongues can be manifest in a situation where it is needed...


Well-Known Member
I've been in church services where people supposedly spoke in tongues. I can say w/o a doubt it is all faked.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Glossolalia is a highly personal expression, probably best done in privacy and not as part of corporate worship...as Paul said.


Well-Known Member
Glossolalia is a highly personal expression, probably best done in privacy and not as part of corporate worship...as Paul said.

When people are taught that they must speak in tongues, or burn in eternal hell fire, it's amazing what motormouths they become.


Well-Known Member
could anyone post in tongues ?

Sure. Let's run your signature through babelfish, English to Chinese.

English: what is needed in this world is a little less God and a little more Humanity

Chinese: 什麼必要在這個世界裡是小的較少上帝和少許更多人類

Now lets get it back to English again:

Any necessity in this world is small less God and the little more humanities



Jesus in me
Sure. Let's run your signature through babelfish, English to Chinese.

English: what is needed in this world is a little less God and a little more Humanity

Chinese: 什麼必要在這個世界裡是小的較少上帝和少許更多人類

Now lets get it back to English again:

Any necessity in this world is small less God and the little more humanities


Babelfish is limited to known languages. God knows many more probably including languages spoken by aliens.

It would be nice if a native tongue would help a person come closer to God. More often than not it is a stumbling block. For some people tongues can be a stumbling block.

For an example of tongues: Vratzgah jamisch, jouvratin mejainta veghts.

I couldn't tell if that last "V" was a "V" or an "F" because it was a softer "V" than I am used to and too soft for an English "F" as well. That happens sometimes when the English alphabet doesn't quite cover the sounds of foreign letters. The english alphabet doesn't convey very well the French sounding "J" and "V" in "jouvratin" either. The "GH" in veghts is not quite an "X" sound because it is too soft so I used the "GH".

Could this be Flemish? LOL.