Well-Known Member
No. But I am not trying to blame some mysterious higher ups whom we empowered. Bamboo and banana trees grow fast. Other plants grow fast as well. weed hardly has the market cornered. But this is not a single facet subject. What about all those monoculture farms. What about the landfills, the spendthrift consumers, the homeowners, the SUV owners, the supermarket shoppers, the meat eaters, the party goers, and even the hippies in the sixties traveling the states in their VW's. Roads are not exactly the pinnacle of environmentally friendly. We all contribute to waste.
We have been for centuries. You and I are just as much part of the problem. We cannot point our fingers as say, it was those dirty "higher ups." They should have thought better, offered us different choices.
How can you blame us when we had no say in the choices?
Basically, it's like saying if I only offer my kid candy bars to eat and he develops health problems by eating them it's his fault not mine for not giving him the choice of real food to eat.
We contributed because we had no say.
What part of that are you failing to understand?
Should we have froze to death in the winter and walked 10-50 miles a day to work and only worked at places that did not produce things unsafe to the environment?
Is it our fault too when big businesses pay off the gov, so they can continue to pollute the very air we breathe?
Is it all those in 3rd world countries fault that they have no clean water to drink because their gov allows big business to dump all their waste in it?
You reasoning is severally flawed.
Science knew from the beginning, common man did not.
In fact, some scientists are still in denial themselves and completely ignoring the problems.
I guess its the fault of us too that there was a race to get to the moon first and the continuing ruining of the ozone layer to keep the space station going too huh?
Sorry but you have this whole thing twisted to blame us as common man for what science did and is still doing.
Again, what part of them suppressing everything that doesn't make big business richer don't you understand?
What part of them now messing with even worse stuff that makes asbestos look like cotton candy and keeping it hush hush, don't you understand?
I bore easy and this is getting too ignorant for my tastes.
Good luck with your flawed reasoning.
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