A quick Google search on Western Left Hand Path resulted in 4,000 results. Below I highlighted a few of the first pages that discuss what we are discussing and added my own edits where I felt were needed for clarity.
The WLHP has evolved over time in to many different paths, including Satanism, Luciferianism, Setianism, Ahrimanism, Mercurænism and similar paths.They all share certain common traits – apathy towards cultural norms/values, a high respect for subjective experience, and perhaps most importantly, a focus on the individual Self (as something Isolate and unnatural from the objective universe). This is taken to the extreme extent of self-deification, whether that means becoming metaphorically godlike in this life, or literally continuing as godlike being after death.
Many people try and say that the WLHP is invalid and such because of this, as the traditional LHP in the East still had the goal of the loss of ego, nirvana, etc. This, however, is specifically WHY the WLHP specifies that it is not Eastern in its very name. The WLHP is also apathetic to values and such, rather than strictly heterodox in nature. In some of Don Webb’s texts from the Temple of Set, for instance, he explicitly explains that sometimes teaming up with authority can be a means to success and power.
The WLHP does not claim a relation to the ELHP, rather the ELHP seems to need to cling onto its legacy and therefore ends up attaching itself to the WLHP. Heterodoxy and loss of the self are not of interest to practitioners of the WLHP. It’s also ridiculous to claim that the WLHP somehow is not real or is inauthentic, and there are many academic works out there discussing the topic.