I'm not sure "everybody knows this" or even if most people know it. Listening to the rhetoric commonly propagated out there, people talk about rights as if they're god given and sacrosanct. Politicians talk about freedom. Veterans and other pro military types routinely proclaim that they fight for our rights and,freedom. Even liberals say as much when they talk about freedom and many people take umbrage and get very emotional when anyone tries to tell them otherwise. I've seen it here on RF.
So, I don't think everybody knows this, and it almost seems heretical in the American mainstream political culture to even suggest such a thing.
Yeah, although no one says that money is "god given."
But if it's all based on faith in certain ideals which seem to be fraudulent, then society starts to break down, which does happen from time to time. The question is, is the rule of law and the principles upon which our republic was founded even legitimate at all? What makes America so exceptional or different than other nations we presume to pass judgment on (such as NK, USSR, Germany, Iran, etc.)?