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What are the élites?

Hermit Philosopher

Selflessly here for you
In politology, the definition of élite is very simple.
It has nothing to do with being a millionaire or being highly educated.
It has nothing to do with being a powerful judge, or a Supreme Court member.

It has to do with these pillars
1) A member of the élites consider themselves élites, that means superior to the populace (who are inferior)
2) A member of the élites looks down on the populace, the people's needs come second.
3) A member of the élites is disposed to do anything to gain money, even at cost of the people's poverty
4) A member of the élites will never been held accountable for anything. They are untouchable.
5) A member of the élites wants to take the control of all resources within a country.

What does it mean? That there have been millionaires or very highly educated intellectuals who have fought for people's rights. They are not elites because they consider themselves populists.


Thoughts, yes; I’ve got some.

The “elite” are groups of individuals, possessing influence through some or several sorts of capital (intellectual, cultural, ancestral, political, financial, etc. - all of them social in character) giving them access to special domains (and privileges) from which others are excluded.

To me, what you’ve just described as “political elite” is nothing more than traditional fascism.

Not all elite is fascistic.


Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
If I was going to put my serious pants on...

In political theory, elite is generally defined by an outsized impact on power, and that this power isn't tied to democratic elections.
So...whilst one person has one vote, an individual like Rupert Murdoch fits elite theory pretty neatly.

Of course my more pithy explanation of 'elites' better explains why Donald Trump wouldn't refer to Murdoch as part of the 'elite' (or himself), despite this being definitionally true.

Populists aren't really concerned with what a term means. Only with perception. And again, I'm suggesting 'populist' in the common sense, rather than the highly theoretical (perhaps non-existent) one.

Another anecdote.
Giorgia Meloni is a person who is born within a very humble family of Rome suburbs.
She has a strong Roman accent (like all my Roman relatives) and she is very, very, very outspoken and loud.

Leftist intellectuals have called her fisherwoman, peasant, cow, boor, etc...
Because of her manners and origins.
And have said that she is not worthy of the Italian Parliament.
These intellectuals have been caught saying that.

That is why the populace has chosen her: Giorgia Meloni has been elected and will be the Prime Minister of Italy.
Because Italian voters have understood how horribly these elites think. How they despise and hate the commoners, such as fishmongers or bakers. Given that they use these words as insults.
But being a fisherman or a baker is noble. It is dignifying.

And I am so glad that these leftist intellectuals, these elitist intellectuals are defeated. Electorally and morally.
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My own religion
With all due respect, I am not understanding your points.
The thread is élites, not Italy.
American élites, European élites, etc...

Yes, but the elites don't live in their own world. Start describing how they are a part of the world that we are all a part of and how the relationship in effect works between the common people and them. And if all common people are exactly the same.

Your model is too simple.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Yes, but the elites don't live in their own world. Start describing how they are a part of the world that we are all a part of and how the relationship in effect works between the common people and them. And if all common people are exactly the same.

Your model is too simple.
Very simple: there have been people in my country who said " we are proud of being elites because we are far better than the populace".
They have said it all themselves. I didn't say anything.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Yeah, that is a part of it, but not all.

Okay, another example.
If the Queen of Denmark demonstrates that she cares about the people and she acts on their behalf, she is not élites. Because her job is being there for the people.
Have I made myself clear, now?


Veteran Member
It's very simple. "Elites" are invented classes of people that you have been encouraged to resent because they are better educated, wealthier, or occupy positions of power or influence that you don't.

It is a favourite term of populist politicians, who thrive by fanning latent, indirected dissatisfaction among the people into resentment, and from there into hatred that they can exploit to gain power themselves.

This is in contrast to responsible politicians, those that care about their country and its people, who do the opposite, spending their time finding ways to reconcile people and getting them to agree to work together for the common good.


My own religion
It's very simple. "Elites" are invented classes of people that you have been encouraged to resent because they are better educated, wealthier, or occupy positions of power or influence that you don't.

It is a favourite term of populist politicians, who thrive by fanning latent, indirected dissatisfaction among the people into resentment, and from there into hatred that they can exploit to gain power themselves.

This is in contrast to responsible politicians, those that care about their country and its people, who do the opposite, spending their time finding ways to reconcile people and getting them to agree to work together for the common good.

Populism always require "them".

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
It's very simple. "Elites" are invented classes of people that you have been encouraged to resent because they are better educated, wealthier, or occupy positions of power or influence that you don't.

It is a favourite term of populist politicians, who thrive by fanning latent, indirected dissatisfaction among the people into resentment, and from there into hatred that they can exploit to gain power themselves.

This is in contrast to responsible politicians, those that care about their country and its people, who do the opposite, spending their time finding ways to reconcile people and getting them to agree to work together for the common good.

If these people were less selfish and more altruistic, they wouldn't be élites.:)
A French word from the Latin eligĕre, which means: the chosen ones.

Because they do consider themselves the chosen ones.

And since (thank God) we are still a Christian Nation, my people do hate people who consider themselves "the chosen ones". They love the people who empathize with the less fortunate. Or the most humble.

So, @exchemist, it was so easy for me. It was sufficient to say that Giorgia Meloni opposes the Sorosized EU...and...she won the elections.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Populism always require "them".
As far as I know PM Frederiksen is the daughter of a typographer.
She is not the daughter of some Goldman Sachs banker. She worked hard, she deserved what she got.
That is the kind of European Civilization I believe in.


My own religion
If these people were less selfish and more altruistic, they wouldn't be élites.:)
A French word from the Latin eligĕre, which means: the chosen ones.

Because they do consider themselves the chosen ones.

And since (thank God) we are still a Christian Nation, my people do hate people who consider themselves "the chosen ones". They love the people who empathize with the less fortunate. Or the most humble.

So, @exchemist, it was so easy for me. It was sufficient to say that Giorgia Meloni opposes the Sorosized EU...and...she won the elections.

So you are the chosen one, because you are a Christian. You are not a Christian nation, because you are not a theocracy.


My own religion
As far as I know PM Frederiksen is the daughter of a typographer.
She is not the daughter of some Goldman Sachs banker. She worked hard, she deserved what she got.
That is the kind of European Civilization I believe in.

Well, stop talking about the rest of Europe like you control that idea. I don't and you don't.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
So you are the chosen one, because you are a Christian. You are not a Christian nation, because you are not a theocracy.
Quite the opposite: we Christians believe in Love thy neighbor as thyself.
So we love anyone.
There is not "Christians vs non-Christians".
We love non Christians even better.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Populism always require "them".

"They" have started it.
By stealing sovereignty from the people.
By stealing monetary sovereignty from the people.
Give my monetary sovereignty back, dear élites and I will praise you and be thankful to you.
Quid pro quo.
Do ut des.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
In politology, the definition of élite is very simple.
It has nothing to do with being a millionaire or being highly educated.
It has nothing to do with being a powerful judge, or a Supreme Court member.

It has to do with these pillars
1) A member of the élites consider themselves élites, that means superior to the populace (who are inferior)
2) A member of the élites looks down on the populace, the people's needs come second.
3) A member of the élites is disposed to do anything to gain money, even at cost of the people's poverty
4) A member of the élites will never be held accountable for anything. They are untouchable.
5) A member of the élites wants to take the control over all resources within a country.

What does it mean? That there have been millionaires or very highly educated intellectuals who have fought for people's rights. They are not elites because they consider themselves populists.


Elites typically say what you want to hear and then don't bother to do anything afterwards, and will dismissively poo poo others behind the scenes that they think are beneath them.

Remember to stand up whenever elites enter the room because they are much more important than you or me.