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What are the best and worst things about heaven?


Veteran Member
""Exceptionalism is the perception or belief that a species, country, society, institution, movement, individual, or time period is "exceptional" (i.e., unusual or extraordinary). The term carries the implication, whether or not specified, that the referent is superior in some way."""

No idea, you not only write strange questions trying to dig into an opinion

but then even when asked to look up a word, you skip thru the meanings to find something that fits your belief.

Heck, i could not even find the 'condition' that you mentioned.

Here is a reference to the term:

Exceptionalism - Wikipedia

View attachment 86241
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Exceptionalism
@Sgt. Pepper said: My apologies if I misunderstood your comment: "One appreciates being alive; the other expects more." Perhaps you could elaborate on the bolded part.

Then you said to look into exceptionalism.

I did not skip thru the meanings to find something that fits my belief. I posted one definition of exceptionalism that I found:
exceptionalism : the condition of being different from the norm

Back yo the point:
Can you explain how you think exceptionalism is related to expecting more (within the context of not being satisfied with what one has)?


Well-Known Member
@Sgt. Pepper said: My apologies if I misunderstood your comment: "One appreciates being alive; the other expects more." Perhaps you could elaborate on the bolded part.

Then you said to look into exceptionalism.

I did not skip thru the meanings to find something that fits my belief. I posted one definition of exceptionalism that I found:
exceptionalism : the condition of being different from the norm

Back yo the point:
Can you explain how you think exceptionalism is related to expecting more (within the context of not being satisfied with what one has)?

There is an article to help.


Jesus in me
The best is that all your treasure is there but the worst thing is you can't gather more treasure while there.


Jesus in me
The best is that all your treasure is there but the worst thing is you can't gather more treasure while there.
No offense, but what makes you think we know anything at all about heaven, or if there even is a heaven? After all, it's not like people who die come back to tell us about it.

BTW, despite the seriousness of my reply, I did enjoy the general humor of your post :)
I believe I was in Heaven before coming to this life.


Jesus in me
I can't imagine that poor road crew in Christian heaven who has to keep repairing that insipid gold road made by gods highway dept stated in Revelations 21:21?

Didn't God know that gold is one the softest metals out there?
I believe the New Jerusalem is not in Heaven. I also believe John was judging by appearances and saw gold color but that does not mean that it is the element gold.


Veteran Member
I believe the New Jerusalem is not in Heaven.
I agree, since I believe that the New Jerusalem is on Earth. It is the New Earth referred to in Revelation 21.

Revelation 21
New International Version

A New Heaven and a New Earth

21 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,”[a] for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’[b] or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

“The time foreordained unto the peoples and kindreds of the earth is now come. The promises of God, as recorded in the holy Scriptures, have all been fulfilled. Out of Zion hath gone forth the Law of God, and Jerusalem, and the hills and land thereof, are filled with the glory of His Revelation. Happy is the man that pondereth in his heart that which hath been revealed in the Books of God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting. Meditate upon this, O ye beloved of God, and let your ears be attentive unto His Word, so that ye may, by His grace and mercy, drink your fill from the crystal waters of constancy, and become as steadfast and immovable as the mountain in His Cause.”
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 12-13


Well-Known Member
In your opinion, of course. Honestly, you have no way of knowing where @Trailblazer will be in her afterlife. So it would be a more honest response if you didn't state your opinion as if it were a definitive fact. I'm sure I'm not the only person who thinks that it is condescending and arrogant to state otherwise.
you will believe what you want to believe. the logic of the matter is dead means dead. your life came from the testicles of your father, your mother nurtured that life. its called procreation . you did not come from God neither will you return to God. clearly you want to go on living but you lie to your self as to how it can be done. John 3:16 ''For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. '' Its to save them from death as it is the greatest act of salvation. to live

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
you will believe what you want to believe. the logic of the matter is dead means dead. your life came from the testicles of your father, your mother nurtured that life. its called procreation . you did not come from God neither will you return to God. clearly you want to go on living but you lie to your self as to how it can be done. John 3:16 ''For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. '' Its to save them from death as it is the greatest act of salvation. to live

It's clear that you want to go on posting about your personal Christian beliefs, which is fine, but they're just that: personal beliefs, not definitive facts.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
So will you.

Imo, it is certain Christians who want to be resurrected back to physical life after they die and go on living on earth forever who are lying to themselves.

In my opinion, Christians are generally misled about the afterlife because of their preferred church teachings and interpretations of the Bible. I've seen it time and time again over the years and consider it a sad dilemma with those I've met and interacted with, which includes both the living and the dead.


Well-Known Member
So will you.

Imo, it is certain Christians who want to be resurrected back to physical life after they die and go on living on earth forever who are lying to themselves.
the penalty for sin is death . some how you have twisted death into something that does not really happen. even making it a reward . if its so great ,why not go now ? ''everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to go right now'' .Kenny Chesney.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
the penalty for sin is death .

Again, this is your personal religious conviction, not absolute fact.

some how you have twisted death into something that does not really happen. even making it a reward .

And once again, you are expressing your personal religious convictions rather than objective facts.

if its so great ,why not go now ?

I can't speak for @Trailblazer, but I can say that I'm not afraid of death. So if this is your attempt at fearmongering, it's not working.

''everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to go right now'' .Kenny Chesney.

Well, Kenny Chesney is mistaken in his failed attempt at being philosophical because, first, I have no desire to go to heaven because I don't believe in it, and second, I know that I'm not the only person in this world who doesn't have any desire to go to heaven because they don't believe it is real either.


Well-Known Member
Again, this is your personal religious conviction, not absolute fact.

And once again, you are expressing your personal religious convictions rather than objective facts.

I can't speak for @Trailblazer, but I can say that I'm not afraid of death. So if this is your attempt at fearmongering, it's not working.

Well, Kenny Chesney is mistaken in his failed attempt at being philosophical because, first, I have no desire to go to heaven because I don't believe in it, and second, I know that I'm not the only person in this world who doesn't have any desire to go to heaven because they don't believe it is real either.
the promise made was for eternal life . for those now dead to live again to also be given the opportunity for eternal life. you have been told. judgement can now come to you .you should of listened


Veteran Member
the penalty for sin is death . some how you have twisted death into something that does not really happen. even making it a reward .
Death is not a penalty for sin. Sin did not bring death into the world. God created humans to be mortal, and that is why the physical body is subject to death. Death happens to everyone and always did, regardless of any sin, since the human body is mortal.

I never said that death doesn't really happen. Physical death happens to everyone eventually since the physical body is mortal.
However, we are not a body. We are a soul. The body is only a temporary vehicle for the soul. After the body dies we get a new body and the souls associates itself with the new body.
if its so great ,why not go now ? ''everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to go right now'' .Kenny Chesney.
We do not want to go right now since it is not our time to die until we die. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
What's the hurry? We will spend eternity in heaven.


Veteran Member
People think the heavens are somewhere else, and not right in front of them.
Technically speaking, since I believe that there is no real separation between this world and the spiritual world, we can be 'in heaven' in this life as well as in the next life which will be conducted in the spiritual world, since heaven is a state of the soul. The same applies to hell.


Veteran Member
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death
That means spiritual death, not physical death.

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Eternal life will be in heaven, not on earth.