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What are the mistakes Muslims do when informing others about Islam?


I'm tired of this charade. I think you have unwittingly managed to exemplify what many Muslims do wrong when "informing others about Islam" however. Well done.

I'm tired of this charade too, it's frustrating people can't manage to be direct in their posts

You are confusing an ideal for the on the ground reality. Heck, even Communism looks good on paper, it just doesn't work in the real world.

Except there are real world examples of it done correctly, direct to the nation that successfully adopted Communist ideals.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
And? Furthermore, it would do you good to demonstrate where it is illogical or oppressive because if you believe in the right to adulterate in public I'll agree that my religion would oppress your warped way of thinking.

We have laws that cover these kind of acts,they just don't involve physical harm

The man's conditions? What does that mean and I hope you realize you can't marry without the acquiescence of the women.

Except in Saudi,i think they have a "buy one get one free" kind of deal

Hah so many couples don't want to be together....
And Islam doesn't ban anything like divorce so I'm not sure when you're getting to start hitting relevant points.

Yes you can divorce but if you have commited adultery you will be physically harmed

Apostasy doesn't equate to treason. Actions against the state constitute as treason.

Islam in the 7th century was the same as a state,thats why when our Army went into Afghanistan and Iraq we were accused of attacking Muslim lands which is silly really because like Christianity Islam isn't a single entity anymore and hasn't been for a very long time,so Apostacy is the same as treason in Islam.


Well-Known Member
I've learned a bit about Islam and have read translations of the Qu'raan, once all the way through so far and large portions multiple times in various translations, and I do understand that most Muslims are not extremists.

But I have two major criticisms: when I have visited many Islamic websites in the past, they are often more focused on proving Christianity wrong than talking about their own religion.

And number two: I don't think moderate Muslims in general are vocal enough against the extremists in their religion. (This doesn't only apply to Muslims, of course.) This can contribute to Westerners' perception that Islam is terroristic.

That being said, I've learned enough about Islam to respect it as a viable spiritual tradition. For some people, I think it is the right faith. But I don't accept the "one, true religion" idea promoted among many religious people of whatever religious persuasion.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I've learned a bit about Islam and have read translations of the Qu'raan, once all the way through so far and large portions multiple times in various translations, and I do understand that most Muslims are not extremists.

But I have two major criticisms: when I have visited many Islamic websites in the past, they are often more focused on proving Christianity wrong than talking about their own religion.

i can see your point here. just keep in mind that those who choose to speak out tend to be the loudest; the vast majority don't care to prove others wrong...although i've seen that trend in all faiths.

And number two: I don't think moderate Muslims in general are vocal enough against the extremists in their religion. (This doesn't only apply to Muslims, of course.) This can contribute to Westerners' perception that Islam is terroristic.

what on early are we moderates supposed to say about the extremists? clearly most of us don't agree with them (i surely don't), but speaking out against them will do what, exactly? in some countries it will get you killed. in the US, those who are speaking out don't receive media coverage because...well...it's not sensational enough to have Muslims perceived as doing something good. it certainly won't draw the audience as much as an "extremist" pointing at the screen spewing hate.

That being said, I've learned enough about Islam to respect it as a viable spiritual tradition. For some people, I think it is the right faith. But I don't accept the "one, true religion" idea promoted among many religious people of whatever religious persuasion.

fair enough. :)


New Member
'What are the mistakes Muslims do when informing others about Islam?'-
bcz most of us have forgotten that Islam=Peace=Love(Peace rests only there where rests the love). "
A church,a temple or a kaba stone,
Quran or Bible or a martyr's bone,
All these and more my heart can tolerate,
Since my religion now is love alone." - Abul Ala
And this is the Islam.


non-existential luminary
Empty words from the Americans and English don't sit well with most Muslims, sorry.

Empty words from the Palestinians, and those who would wish to associate themselves with such kindfolk through religious fraternety, don't sit well with most Israelis.
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what on early are we moderates supposed to say about the extremists? clearly most of us don't agree with them (i surely don't), but speaking out against them will do what, exactly? in some countries it will get you killed. in the US, those who are speaking out don't receive media coverage because...well...it's not sensational enough to have Muslims perceived as doing something good. it certainly won't draw the audience as much as an "extremist" pointing at the screen spewing hate.

You know, I would buy that if it weren't for the fact that I see exactly the same thing happening on this forum. Yes, there are one or two Muslims who will speak out and criticize the extreme positions of other Muslims, but most just observe it quietly and ask themselves: "what's the point?".

The point is, extreme positions are becoming more and more prevalent, while moderates are getting ever quieter. This spells disaster for moderate muslims especially, but is an issue for everyone else as well. And there is no way I (or any other non-muslim) can address these issues credibly - it has to be Muslims that sort this out. Otherwise the situation will spiral out of control and that's not what any of us want.


The Lost One
abibi said:
What do you mean a couple? Again, you are talking about two already married people cheating in public.

In the 30 years, I have not come across people having sex in public.

Do you think a lot of cheating spouse would risk exposures to cheat out in public?

Seriously, do you know of many people who have sex in public?

I don't know about you, but I think this is unrealistic.


Hostis humani generis
Seriously, do you know of many people who have sex in public?

What I wondered was if there was a major problem with extra-marital public sex during Muhammad's time for such a claim to be made by Abibi, that it only affects if someone has sex outside.

This is also one of the few times I've seen it said as "in public". Most have said, including the imam at the mosque I visited, that it affects the private life as much as the personal, so the punishment for extra-marital sex would be the same regardless of where, if they were found out.

Is there a major difference in opinions here, that one can say outside-only for punishment, and another can say anywhere for punishment?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Quote Abibi:

Except there are real world examples of it done correctly, direct to the nation that successfully adopted Communist ideals.

Can you show these examples please,it would be interesting because i have never seen or heard of one.


Empty words from the Palestinians, and those who would wish to associate themselves with such kindfolk through religious fraternety, don't sit well with most Israelis.


What I wondered was if there was a major problem with extra-marital public sex during Muhammad's time for such a claim to be made by Abibi, that it only affects if someone has sex outside.

I say in public because if there are four honorable witnesses, then your actions are affecting the public notwithstanding the many hadith that ensure the privacy of one's home.

The point is, extreme positions are becoming more and more prevalent, while moderates are getting ever quieter. This spells disaster for moderate muslims especially, but is an issue for everyone else as well. And there is no way I (or any other non-muslim) can address these issues credibly - it has to be Muslims that sort this out. Otherwise the situation will spiral out of control and that's not what any of us want.

Yeah thanks for that brilliant geopolitical analysis.

Can you show these examples please,it would be interesting because i have never seen or heard of one.

The prophet's own marriages.

We have laws that cover these kind of acts,they just don't involve physical harm

We'll see how effective they are :rolleyes:

Except in Saudi,i think they have a "buy one get one free" kind of deal

You know I wonder why people discuss scripture, when I use scripture and religious text to refute their claims they return to point out examples in Saudi Arabia or Sudan.

Yes you can divorce but if you have commited adultery you will be physically harmed

Wow this thread has gone on for so many pages and yet you are still so wrong on the simplest of concepts.

Islam in the 7th century was the same as a state,thats why when our Army went into Afghanistan and Iraq we were accused of attacking Muslim lands which is silly really because like Christianity Islam isn't a single entity anymore and hasn't been for a very long time,so Apostacy is the same as treason in Islam.

What no, you most definitely were attacking Muslim lands because the countries the Americans and their lackeys invaded were Muslim.

And please one more time again, I want to understand how you are trying to equate apostasy to treason.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
The prophet's own marriages.

I guess if you have 12 wives that you have to offer yourself four times a week you wouldn't have a whole lot of time for Adultery.

We'll see how effective they are :rolleyes:

How effective is lashing someone 100 times,stoning or throwing someone from a high place,is there any evidence that this discourages people from forming a relationship outside of Marriage,i'll say this though,i would rather someone stayed with me because they wanted to and not because they are scared of being stoned whipped etc.

You know I wonder why people discuss scripture, when I use scripture and religious text to refute their claims they return to point out examples in Saudi Arabia or Sudan.

Well the birthplace of Islam is a good start and an opportunity to look into our Medaeval past.

Wow this thread has gone on for so many pages and yet you are still so wrong on the simplest of concepts.


What no, you most definitely were attacking Muslim lands because the countries the Americans and their lackeys invaded were Muslim.

Again,Islam,like Christianity isn't a single entity anymore,just like the Holy See of the Catholic Church the Ummah is no more and carries no clout.

And please one more time again, I want to understand how you are trying to equate apostasy to treason.[/quote]

Why are Apostates executed then,there are hadiths that tell of their punishment,an Apostate is treated the same as someone who has commited treason.


I guess if you have 12 wives that you have to offer yourself four times a week you wouldn't have a whole lot of time for Adultery.
1. He didn't have 12 wives at the same time period

2. Of his wives the vast majority were widows and is taken as an example of helping and being compassionate towards the lesser beings of society

The prophet could have had all the women he wanted in the tribe with hundreds of them if it were concerned with sexual pleasure. Clearly the model runs opposite of that.

How effective is lashing someone 100 times,stoning or throwing someone from a high place,is there any evidence that this discourages people from forming a relationship outside of Marriage,i'll say this though,i would rather someone stayed with me because they wanted to and not because they are scared of being stoned whipped etc.
There is substantial evidence that deterrence does work.

Regardless, a women can leave you if she feels like it. Just not have sex with another man in public. Really I'm sick of this primitive cyclical argument please raise new points.

Well the birthplace of Islam is a good start and an opportunity to look into our Medaeval past.
Yeah the birthplace of Islam meaning the actions of the Prophet. Again please don't backtrack I want to know why you keep switching and reverting from scriptural debate to what the world is now.

The mere fact that you haven't realized it's not the action of adultery that merits punishment.

Again,Islam,like Christianity isn't a single entity anymore,just like the Holy See of the Catholic Church the Ummah is no more and carries no clout.
None of this pertains to the fact that the people you invaded and killed were Muslim living in Muslim countries. The statement is self-explanatory.

Why are Apostates executed then,there are hadiths that tell of their punishment,an Apostate is treated the same as someone who has commited treason.
Apostates are executed for reasons that are not supported by religion. Perhaps it would do you good to have some evidence to back up your claims.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
1. He didn't have 12 wives at the same time period
Volume 1, Book 5, Number 268:

"The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number. Prophet was given the strength of thirty (men)."

OK 11

2. Of his wives the vast majority were widows and is taken as an example of helping and being compassionate towards the lesser beings of society

Q33.50 : O Prophet! In addition to all your wives, slave girls and captured women, we have made lawful to you all your first cousins and any believing woman if she gave herself to you, and if you desire her.

The prophet could have had all the women he wanted in the tribe with hundreds of them if it were concerned with sexual pleasure. Clearly the model runs opposite of that.

I think there enough evidence that he did

Muslim, Book 008, Number 3240:

“Jabir reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) saw a woman, and so he came to his wife, Zainab, as she was tanning a leather and had sexual intercourse with her”.

There is substantial evidence that deterrence does work.

Please provide it

Regardless, a women can leave you if she feels like it. Just not have sex with another man in public. Really I'm sick of this primitive cyclical argument please raise new points.

Please,the reality is people are executed or punished whether it was in public and in contradiction of the Qur'an

Yeah the birthplace of Islam meaning the actions of the Prophet. Again please don't backtrack I want to know why you keep switching and reverting from scriptural debate to what the world is now.

Which do you prefer,the actions of your Prophet were no worse than many Medaeval rulers

The mere fact that you haven't realized it's not the action of adultery that merits punishment.

What does merit physically harming someone then

None of this pertains to the fact that the people you invaded and killed were Muslim living in Muslim countries. The statement is self-explanatory.

Again,Islam isn't the single entity it was

Apostates are executed for reasons that are not supported by religion. Perhaps it would do you good to have some evidence to back up your claims.

Certainly the Qur'an says "there shall be no compulsion in religion"again the hadith contradict this


Well-Known Member
what on early are we moderates supposed to say about the extremists? clearly most of us don't agree with them (i surely don't), but speaking out against them will do what, exactly?
It will at least provide people with another perspective on Islam and give you more credibility. This is something Christian moderates and liberals could do more as well. I don't think it wise to think of this as pointless or will have no effect. The extremists are the loudest. It is all the more important to speak out, for your own sake if no one else's.


The Lost One
ssainhu said:
what on early are we moderates supposed to say about the extremists? clearly most of us don't agree with them (i surely don't), but speaking out against them will do what, exactly?
EverChanging said:
It will at least provide people with another perspective on Islam and give you more credibility. This is something Christian moderates and liberals could do more as well. I don't think it wise to think of this as pointless or will have no effect. The extremists are the loudest. It is all the more important to speak out, for your own sake if no one else's.

If you are prepared to speak out when a non-Muslim have the wrong interpretation of Islam or its scripture (by correcting them) or that Western countries have treated Muslims wrongfully, then you should be prepared to speak out against Muslims who do the same.

No one (referring to non-Muslims) here would expect you to out there to physically fight against fellow-Muslims, but we do expect you speak out. We are not asking to be rude or insulting.

If it is okay to educate, debate, disagree or criticize non-Muslims about certain issues, then shouldn't you be able to do the same with Muslims? If you can correct us about Islam, shouldn't you be able to do the same with fellow Muslims?

I'd disagree over some issues with other agnostics. Being Australian with Chinese background, I would and have debated issues against other Australians and Chinese.

Why is it wrong to disagree with another Muslim?

I think the failure of Muslims to speak out against Muslims or to remain silent when some Muslims do something morally wrong, actually do more harm to Islam...from Western and Eastern POV. If your principle matters to you, then it matters whether you speak out or remain silent.


The Lost One
The other mistake Muslims make, is claiming that certain Qur'anic passages contained scientific merit, and using modern science, and then claiming that it could only have come from Allah. Rather than give due credits to scientists who made the discoveries, giving to credits to Allah in vague passages that are open to all sorts of interpretations.

It's a sign of insecurity in their faith, as well as desperation for having a place in modern science, which is seriously lacking in the last 500-600 years.


New Member
The Shia believe is difficult to be spread because it condridict with basic logic.

The Shia believe that the Imams are infallible and posses many attributes of Allah. But the Shia don’t stop there; they have taken it to the next level. The Shia have erected shrines over the graves of their Imams. Millions of Shia from all over the world visit these shrines in Iran and Iraq to pray in them.
The Ahlus Sunnah is stunned by this pagan practise of creating shrines and grave-worshipping. The Shia will argue that they really aren’t praying to the deceased, but that really doesn’t make any sense. Why then do they travel all the way to Iran to do prayer? Surely they believe there is some benefit of praying next to the body of a deceased Imam? Otherwise, why would they come from so far to do it?
Shrines are completely Haram (forbidden) in Islam because they are paganistic and polythiestic in nature. Historically, Prophet Muhammad

Answering Shiism+Contradiction in Shi'ism.
discoveringislam org
Answering Shi'ism

Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
The Shia believe is difficult to be spread because it condridict with basic logic.

The Shia believe that the Imams are infallible and posses many attributes of Allah. But the Shia don’t stop there; they have taken it to the next level. The Shia have erected shrines over the graves of their Imams. Millions of Shia from all over the world visit these shrines in Iran and Iraq to pray in them.
The Ahlus Sunnah is stunned by this pagan practise of creating shrines and grave-worshipping. The Shia will argue that they really aren’t praying to the deceased, but that really doesn’t make any sense. Why then do they travel all the way to Iran to do prayer? Surely they believe there is some benefit of praying next to the body of a deceased Imam? Otherwise, why would they come from so far to do it?
Shrines are completely Haram (forbidden) in Islam because they are paganistic and polythiestic in nature. Historically, Prophet Muhammad

Answering Shiism+Contradiction in Shi'ism.
discoveringislam org
Answering Shi'ism

It has been long time since I heard these traditional Wahhabi propaganda :D