FF VII. Been awhile since I've played it. So long I forgot you can't save limit attacks.
FF X was very enjoyable. Definitely liked it more this time around, but I was able to more appreciate the ending this time around (probably that "growing up" thing and having learned much since the last time I played). I'm gonna try and get the platinum trophy for it, but I don't know if I'll have the patience to play it long enough to grind levels long enough to max the sphere grid for all characters (I'm probably at the very most no more than half-way done with any given character, with Auron being the furthest along, followed by Lulu, then Yuna). I do know someone who did do that for the PS2 version, and I thought it was overkill then.
Tactics will probably be next, as it's one I've never finished. But I'm also wanting to play the Arc the Lad games, as 4 is the only one I've played. Vandal Hearts 2 is another one I've been wanting to play, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Although I'll have to play 1 again, because it's been long enough that all I remember is some really awesome attacks, liking the game, and a ton of blood.