Thou art That
Perhaps you can bend your awareness for a little while, but it is analogous to taking a deep ocean dive. You must return to the surface, to the dry land that is conceptual reasoning. Whatever you bring back soon dies in this dry air, and there's just no way that it proves that anything comes out of nothing.
There is no other choice, unless you want to say it comes out of something, but then how do you explain IT'S origin?
Contrary to your suggestion, it is via conceptual reasoning that awareness has become bent.
Conceptual reasoning is nothing more than an altered state of consciousness. It is foisted upon us at birth, and so is extremely difficult to overcome. But the ultimate point is that, once understood for what it is, it is seen that the state of mind which existed prior to such conditioning is our true state of being, and when this is accessed, and with the machinations of the discriminating mind subdued, we can then see the relationship of nothingness as the default state of being, and that all things come out of it. There can be no other way, once understood. It's not complicated.
As long as you see the universe in terms of Reason, there will always be Paradox, because nature is not based on Reason. Only when seeing, without thought, comes into play, can one get a glimpse into the true nature of Reality. Until then, we are just nibbling around the edges. Reason, Logic, and Analysis, will NEVER show us the true nature of Reality, as that lies beyond them.
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