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What Can Be Done To Stop the Sexualization Of Children?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Most people would agree that children are increasingly sexualized these days. For instance, not too long ago, a major department store was selling thongs to little pre-pubic girls with phrases like "eye candy" embroidered on them. So, what, if anything, can be done to halt the sexualization of children?


Flaming Queer
Most people would agree that children are increasingly sexualized these days. For instance, not too long ago, a major department store was selling thongs to little pre-pubic girls with phrases like "eye candy" embroidered on them. So, what, if anything, can be done to halt the sexualization of children?

well, the thongs are the supply manifesting from the demand... i would say the only feasible way to challenge this is to create a counter demand with role models and fashion models who aren't stick thin and screaming whore.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
Most people would agree that children are increasingly sexualized these days. For instance, not too long ago, a major department store was selling thongs to little pre-pubic girls with phrases like "eye candy" embroidered on them. So, what, if anything, can be done to halt the sexualization of children?

teach religion in schools, any religion, I would happily send my kid to a Catholic school rather than a public school.

What were kids like in the 1950's? There is a reason for it, the country was quite religious, we had prayer in school, kids were taught biblical morality. Complain all you want about being taught religion but it worked, it gave children a morality that they do not have today.

Society has liberalized itself and expected there would be no consequences for their actions. Teaching kids that oral sex is not sex has consequences, taking prayer out of school has consequences.

I am absolutely dumbfounded by the people in this country who want religion removed from social life on every level and then turn around and wonder why their daughter is out servicing the neighborhood when she is 12.

EDIT: BTW - that was a general criticism and not aimed at uncle sunstone.


Obstructor of justice
Well, we could shoot all the marketing executives. Just a thought...

Really though, the best way to rid of it is to not buy those types of things. We're a capitalist society, the best way to get the message across is to withhold money from the people you don't like.

And, Comprehend, I don't know if you think of the 50's as "the good old days", but you should know that even back then they thought children were "oversexed", with the calf length skirts, and prolific public displays of affection. If you think that "taking prayer out of school" is the one and only culprit to all the evil in the last 50 years, then I think you're a bit misinformed.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
Well, we could shoot all the marketing executives. Just a thought...

Really though, the best way to rid of it is to not buy those types of things. We're a capitalist society, the best way to get the message across is to withhold money from the people you don't like.

And, Comprehend, I don't know if you think of the 50's as "the good old days", but you should know that even back then they thought children were "oversexed", with the calf length skirts, and prolific public displays of affection. If you think that "taking prayer out of school" is the one and only culprit to all the evil in the last 50 years, then I think you're a bit misinformed.

If you are going to argue that kids are NOT increasingly sexualized these days, then the OP is invalid. :)

Sunstone said "Most people would agree that children are increasingly sexualized these days."

Do you disagree with this?

I didn't say taking prayer out of school was "the one and only culprit". Maybe you should go back and re-read my post, or if you like I could point out the other things I said.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
oh what the heck. For MaddLama:

teach religion in schools, any religion, I would happily send my kid to a Catholic school rather than a public school.

What were kids like in the 1950's? There is a reason for it, the country was quite religious, we had prayer in school, kids were taught biblical morality. Complain all you want about being taught religion but it worked, it gave children a morality that they do not have today.

Society has liberalized itself and expected there would be no consequences for their actions. Teaching kids that oral sex is not sex has consequences, taking prayer out of school has consequences.

I am absolutely dumbfounded by the people in this country who want religion removed from social life on every level and then turn around and wonder why their daughter is out servicing the neighborhood when she is 12.

EDIT: BTW - that was a general criticism and not aimed at uncle sunstone.

obviously, I was making the argument for religion to take a greater role in education and society generally and not simply having prayer in schools.


Obstructor of justice
If you are going to argue that kids are NOT increasingly sexualized these days, then the OP is invalid. :)

Sunstone said "Most people would agree that children are increasingly sexualized these days."

Do you disagree with this?

I didn't say taking prayer out of school was "the one and only culprit". Maybe you should go back and re-read my post, or if you like I could point out the other things I said.

I think that it's a perception that kids are more sexualized today than they have been, but I don't think it's entirely accurate. More likely, I think, is that society has become more increasingly mature, knowledgeable and comfortable with sex, so the way adults and younger people treat it is different, and people aren't as afraid of sex and the naked body anymore.

And, I think if anything, putting religion back in the schools would drive society backwards, and not forwards. Besides, if you have values about sex you want to teach your kids, then teach them when they're not in school. Teachers are there to teach kids information, not values.

The Seeker

Once upon a time....
teach religion in schools, any religion, I would happily send my kid to a Catholic school rather than a public school.

What were kids like in the 1950's? There is a reason for it, the country was quite religious, we had prayer in school, kids were taught biblical morality. Complain all you want about being taught religion but it worked, it gave children a morality that they do not have today.

Society has liberalized itself and expected there would be no consequences for their actions. Teaching kids that oral sex is not sex has consequences, taking prayer out of school has consequences.

I am absolutely dumbfounded by the people in this country who want religion removed from social life on every level and then turn around and wonder why their daughter is out servicing the neighborhood when she is 12.

I believe that kids are more openly sexual nowadays but it's not because of religion.
Kids are merely more exposed to sexual images thanks to the internet as well as well crafted movies and TV ads that target teens. These things didn't exist in the 50s.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
I think that it's a perception that kids are more sexualized today than they have been, but I don't think it's entirely accurate. More likely, I think, is that society has become more increasingly mature, knowledgeable and comfortable with sex, so the way adults and younger people treat it is different, and people aren't as afraid of sex and the naked body anymore.

well then it sounds like you just disagree with the premise of the OP. In fact, it sounds like you would argue that things are actually getting better and not worse. I disagree but I know it is just my opinion.

And, I think if anything, putting religion back in the schools would drive society backwards, and not forwards. Besides, if you have values about sex you want to teach your kids, then teach them when they're not in school. Teachers are there to teach kids information, not values.

I agree, unfortunately, schools have taken it upon themselves to teach kids values and they are values I do not agree with. I think the values currently being taught in school is the whole problem. I would LOVE it if schools would keep their values to themselves and stick to teaching reading, math, science, history, etc.


Obstructor of justice
well then it sounds like you just disagree with the premise of the OP. In fact, it sounds like you would argue that things are actually getting better and not worse. I disagree but I know it is just my opinion.

"Better" is a subjective term. I think it's good that people are less afraid of sexual topics, because the more comfortable with it we are, the more freedom we have to research about it, and the more things we have to think about. But, to be cliche, freedom has its responsibility, and I don't think that society has a whole lot of responsibility. Hence the problems of sexuality you have, any decade.

I agree, unfortunately, schools have taken it upon themselves to teach kids values and they are values I do not agree with. I think the values currently being taught in school is the whole problem. I would LOVE it if schools would keep their values to themselves and stick to teaching reading, math, science, history, etc.

I agree with you there. It's been a while since I've been in high school, but colleges today are exceedingly liberal. Sometimes I don't think it's the fault of the school itself, but the teachers who can't separate their views with what they're teaching. This is especially true in english classes. I think they should be unbiased. But, I can't have everything. And, it also means I can pick topics that argue against the prfessors viewpoint, just for fun. :D


Well-Known Member
I believe that kids are more openly sexual nowadays but it's not because of religion.
Kids are merely more exposed to sexual images thanks to the internet as well as well crafted movies and TV ads that target teens. These things didn't exist in the 50s.

Yeah I agree! The ratings of movies are more flexible now! I will occassionally (although I am 21) watch the old black and white films which are 12/15s and there idea of "love" is showing a bit of skin here and there or some love dovy talk! and WOW a kiss!! cant believe it! :) Nowadays its full on sex, oral sex, full nudity, etc etc! This is going a little off topic, but its proving the point of movie ratings. My parents allow my 9year old brother to watch 12A, as they USED to be not too bad, just the odd swear word hear and there which my brother knows is not right and a few "jumping" moments - nothing over the top! I took my bro to see Ghost Rider (12A) - I couldnt believe what was in it. I had to cover my bros eyes most of the time with them literally showing the demons sucking the life out of the people! and they say 12A is suitable for 8years and older!!!


Premium Member
I, as a parent, teach my children about values. Too much sexualization has in my opinion at least caused very many unwanted pregnancies, a major increase of STDs, the major spread of HIV and AIDS, and so on.
I can't fault the parents and schools for this, but I can fault the media: TV, movies, music videos throw sex in the faces of our children constantly. I try to protect my children from this onslaught by blocking certain channels and ratings, but I know that isn't going to always work as my kids get older. I can only keep trying and hope that my teaching will help them make the right decisions.
I believe that most parents do the same with their own children (I don't say all, because I know better).


Uber all member
I am absolutely dumbfounded by the people in this country who want religion removed from social life on every level and then turn around and wonder why their daughter is out servicing the neighborhood when she is 12.
obviously, I was making the argument for religion to take a greater role in education and society generally and not simply having prayer in schools.
Let's see - the current "state of affairs" was reached when religion was in "social life on every level". Seems like a failure now doesn't it. If is doesn't work for society why should it be in society.

Thirty percent of evangelical women and about thirty-three percent of evangelical clergy visit porn sites. Seems like a failure now doesn't it. Why should it have any influence of society?

There are others that say it the parent's fault we have reached this social status. With eighty-seven percent of the country Christian that includes a lot of parents who failed. Again, it seems like a failure now doesn't it.


Obstructor of justice
I am absolutely dumbfounded by the people in this country who want religion removed from social life on every level and then turn around and wonder why their daughter is out servicing the neighborhood when she is 12.

The reason why people want religion to stay out of many aspects of life is that we're a lot more inclusive now. Back in the 1950's most people were Christian, and if they weren't, they were weirdos. Today there are hundreds of different religions across the nation. So, how do we choose which values to teach children? Teach them Christian values, because the religious politicians are the ones that scream the loudest, or let parents impart their own religious or non-religious values to their children without interference from the government? Which one sounds better to you - teaching values and keeping everyone's rights intact, or mowing down the religious liberty of non-Christians because someone claims Christian values are superior to all others?


teach religion in schools, any religion, I would happily send my kid to a Catholic school rather than a public school.

Yeah... about that... I live in Rhode Island, a predominantly Catholic state, and I have known many, many, MANY Catholic school girls over the years... It doesn't make any difference.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
Yeah... about that... I live in Rhode Island, a predominantly Catholic state, and I have known many, many, MANY Catholic school girls over the years... It doesn't make any difference.

LOL. I don't even know what to say to that. :cover:


Res Ipsa Loquitur
"Better" is a subjective term. I think it's good that people are less afraid of sexual topics, because the more comfortable with it we are, the more freedom we have to research about it, and the more things we have to think about. But, to be cliche, freedom has its responsibility, and I don't think that society has a whole lot of responsibility. Hence the problems of sexuality you have, any decade.

I don't think that religious teaching requires us to be afraid of sexual topics and I agree, it is good that people are not afraid of sexual topics. I wasn't brought up that way. I agree it is important to be comfortable with sexual education and ourselves, I just do not agree that some teacher that I know next to nothing about should be allowed to teach my kid how to put a condom on or whether oral sex is ok or not.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
Let's see - the current "state of affairs" was reached when religion was in "social life on every level". Seems like a failure now doesn't it. If is doesn't work for society why should it be in society.

how do you figure?

Thirty percent of evangelical women and about thirty-three percent of evangelical clergy visit porn sites. Seems like a failure now doesn't it. Why should it have any influence of society?

It is an incredibly poor argument to say that because something is not perfect, it is a failure. Gun control in the UK has not stopped all gun crime, does that mean it is a failure? Police officers do not catch every criminal, does that mean they are failures and we should get rid of police? :areyoucra

There are others that say it the parent's fault we have reached this social status. With eighty-seven percent of the country Christian that includes a lot of parents who failed. Again, it seems like a failure now doesn't it.

I am not sure I follow what you are trying to say.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
The reason why people want religion to stay out of many aspects of life is that we're a lot more inclusive now. Back in the 1950's most people were Christian, and if they weren't, they were weirdos. Today there are hundreds of different religions across the nation. So, how do we choose which values to teach children? Teach them Christian values, because the religious politicians are the ones that scream the loudest, or let parents impart their own religious or non-religious values to their children without interference from the government? Which one sounds better to you - teaching values and keeping everyone's rights intact, or mowing down the religious liberty of non-Christians because someone claims Christian values are superior to all others?

we are a democracy. We choose a president who is a republican even though the country is split about 50/50. That is the way a democracy works, Brightness has just said the country is 87% Christian which is an enormous margin over the politics for president.

We also have private schools that are specifically designed for different groups such as Catholic schools, etc. Couldn't we have some schools that are completely secular, some that are christian some that are jewish etc simply based upon the local population?


Obstructor of justice
we are a democracy. We choose a president who is a republican even though the country is split about 50/50. That is the way a democracy works, Brightness has just said the country is 87% Christian which is an enormous margin over the politics for president.

We also have private schools that are specifically designed for different groups such as Catholic schools, etc. Couldn't we have some schools that are completely secular, some that are christian some that are jewish etc simply based upon the local population?

Sure, but public schools are already supposed to be secular. The government is a secular institution, which is why most government property like schools and courts have been forced to take an "all or nothing" representative policy on religions - you can't put up the 10 commandments and exclude other religions.
If you want to send your kid to private school, that's one thing. But, so suggest that a public school should teach only one set of religious values and exclude the others isn't right. Schools shouldn't be teaching children anyone's values, since that is the subject for parents to teach. Putting religion back in the schools would send the country hurdling backwards. Don't try to take away the freedom for kids to learn non-Christian religious or non-religious values, and likewise you can teach your children Christian values, and we keep them all out of the public education system. I don't see what's so terrible about that arrangement.