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What Can Be Done To Stop the Sexualization Of Children?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I don't think that religious teaching requires us to be afraid of sexual topics and I agree, it is good that people are not afraid of sexual topics. I wasn't brought up that way. I agree it is important to be comfortable with sexual education and ourselves, I just do not agree that some teacher that I know next to nothing about should be allowed to teach my kid how to put a condom on or whether oral sex is ok or not.

The sad fact is a large percentage of parents fail to educated their kids about sex. That's one reason I feel schools should provide sex education: Too often, the parents don't.


Obstructor of justice
I don't think that religious teaching requires us to be afraid of sexual topics and I agree, it is good that people are not afraid of sexual topics. I wasn't brought up that way. I agree it is important to be comfortable with sexual education and ourselves, I just do not agree that some teacher that I know next to nothing about should be allowed to teach my kid how to put a condom on or whether oral sex is ok or not.

I agree. It would be nice if they could hire qualified teachers. Realistic sex education is important.


Well-Known Member
Most people would agree that children are increasingly sexualized these days. For instance, not too long ago, a major department store was selling thongs to little pre-pubic girls with phrases like "eye candy" embroidered on them. So, what, if anything, can be done to halt the sexualization of children?

Stop the feminization of men.

Media and marketing will continue to do what works for them even if it is morally wrong. Therefore, it is necessary for strong, traditional fathers to protect their daughters from the filth that exists.
The answer is simple: just say NO and don't buy that garbage.

Once there's no market, there won't be a product.

However, I don't see that happening. Parents seem to find it easier to say yes to whatever their children want than fight the battle associated with maintaining authority.


Stop the feminization of men.

Media and marketing will continue to do what works for them even if it is morally wrong. Therefore, it is necessary for strong, traditional fathers to protect their daughters from the filth that exists.

This statement leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Not sure if it's because it sounds slightly sexist, or because it's imposing arbitrary gender roles on people, or both. Lemme mull it over...


Inquisitive Youngin'
I lie in the midst of such a sexualized generation, and the general word is not too far off the mark. At least at an adolescent level, there are a number of girls who tend to refrain from sexual activity, whereas it seems most teenage boys could care less about what age they are when they interact sexually.

However, there an amount of girls my age, and younger, who are so ridiculously sexually active that it sickens me, and the number of them is way too large. I walk through school everyday to see girls hanging onto men or touching them in the most sexual of manners and I can only imagine how truly sexual things get outside of school.

I can see biologically why teenagers have the highest libidos, but it is a bit outrageous with kids these days.


Well-Known Member
Why have religion in the schools? There are 1 of 2 reasons why people want religion in schools. 1) They are too lazy to teach their kids religion and want the school to do it for them. 2) They want to force their morals & teachings on other peoples children.

And what is so bad about the sexualization of children? There is a pretty big leap between what you look like and what you do. Children are becomming more comfortable with their bodies and no longer think that they should be ashamed of how they look. A side effect of that is kids flaunt if it they think they got it.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Stop the feminization of men.

Media and marketing will continue to do what works for them even if it is morally wrong. Therefore, it is necessary for strong, traditional fathers to protect their daughters from the filth that exists.

I have to disagree with this, Nutshell. I'm sure the sexualization occurs in households with men who are plenty full of androgens, and it's not just the daughters who are going out and having sex.


Well-Known Member
Statistics show daughters with strong fathers are less likely to engage in risky sexual behavior.

Statistics show sexually transmitted diseases have a more adverse impact on girls than boys and risky sexual behavior leads more often to depression in girls than it does in boys.

I'd like to point out the mere presense of a male in the home does not help the daughter. He must be involved in her life.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
Statistics show daughters with strong fathers are less likely to engage in risky sexual behavior.

Statistics show sexually transmitted diseases have a more adverse impact on girls than boys and risky sexual behavior leads more often to depression in girls than it does in boys.

I'd like to point out the mere presense of a male in the home does not help the daughter. He must be involved in her life.

sounds good to me.


To Save A Lamb
Most people would agree that children are increasingly sexualized these days. For instance, not too long ago, a major department store was selling thongs to little pre-pubic girls with phrases like "eye candy" embroidered on them. So, what, if anything, can be done to halt the sexualization of children?

Stop buying that crap. Teach girls respect for themselves and their bodies. It doesn't have to be a religious teaching- it's common sense to have respect for yourself.

Stop the feminization of men.

Media and marketing will continue to do what works for them even if it is morally wrong. Therefore, it is necessary for strong, traditional fathers to protect their daughters from the filth that exists.

Thanks, but no thanks. Even with my lowly excuse for a woman's brain, intellect, and strength I really think I'll be able, in the big bad world, to fend and think for myself without a man doing all that for me.

My boyfriend only thinks he's there to protect me. I could kick his bum if I wanted.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Humans are sexual creatures. But I agree with many of my fellow posters who have mentioned the media influence. Sex sells, and so it is sold. I certainly don't agree with it.

I wonder just how much more sexualized children are as compared to the past. Is it that it is more, or that we are seeing it more. Sex is not as taboo a topic as it used to be, and it isn't as shocking for us to see it on TV or the internet. Are we becoming as complacent about our youngsters as we are our media? Perhaps it's like the idea of rape and molestation; it isn't that it's happening more, it's just being reported and talked about more than in the past.

Sexualization is certainly an important issue, what with STDs and the rising population and such. Education is vitally important, and I think that's where the best answer lies. I don't think we should go back to the overly conservative past, but should instead look towards a better educated world. (I still see many teenagers shocked when they hear that pulling out before orgasm is NOT effective birth control!)

As a side note, I wonder if earlier sexualization could also be tied to earlier puberty rates. (This has interestingly been linked to the rise in obesity, since sex hormones are typically lipid-based.)


Well-Known Member
Thanks, but no thanks. Even with my lowly excuse for a woman's brain, intellect, and strength I really think I'll be able, in the big bad world, to fend and think for myself without a man doing all that for me..

I said nothing about intellect or strength.

The type of "protection" I'm speaking of begins when the daughter is only an infant and it goes to the mental health and stability of the daughter.

Just out of curiosity, how old are you?

My boyfriend only thinks he's there to protect me. I could kick his bum if I wanted.

Well, I'm not talking about the relationship between you and your boyfriend. And I'm not talking about physical protection.

Reread my post if you'd like and try again.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Statistics show daughters with strong fathers are less likely to engage in risky sexual behavior.

Ah, but strong doesn't necessarily mean masculine. A feminine male can be a strong father as well.

Statistics show sexually transmitted diseases have a more adverse impact on girls than boys and risky sexual behavior leads more often to depression in girls than it does in boys.

Still isn't all that pleasant for the boys, I imagine. While I see your point--and it is a good one--it just seems like it's focusing on percentages that may be skewed, biased, or inaccurate. It also doesn't take into account the differences in social sexualization between boys and girls, where sex is associated with masculinity, and virginity with femininity.

I'd like to point out the mere presense of a male in the home does not help the daughter. He must be involved in her life.

I agree. The presence of a strong, loving parent is often positive.


Well-Known Member
Ah, but strong doesn't necessarily mean masculine. A feminine male can be a strong father as well.

Still isn't all that pleasant for the boys, I imagine. While I see your point--and it is a good one--it just seems like it's focusing on percentages that may be skewed, biased, or inaccurate. It also doesn't take into account the differences in social sexualization between boys and girls, where sex is associated with masculinity, and virginity with femininity.

I agree. The presence of a strong, loving parent is often positive.

I think we agree for the most part.

My choice of the word feminization is unfortunate. What I mean't to convey is that men are being pushed aside as a result of the feminist movement. I'm all for equal rights, but I strongly oppose the theory that women and children are just fine without husbands and fathers.

I certainly do recognize social sexualizatin between boys and girls and that is part of the explanation as to why each sex responds so differently.

In the case of daughters, it's not just a strong "parent." It's a strong father who will have the greatest impact on her sexuality.


The Feisty Penguin
Statistics show daughters with strong fathers are less likely to engage in risky sexual behavior.

Statistics show sexually transmitted diseases have a more adverse impact on girls than boys and risky sexual behavior leads more often to depression in girls than it does in boys.

I'd like to point out the mere presense of a male in the home does not help the daughter. He must be involved in her life.

I'm female, but my father was hardly ever around when I was growing up. He certainly had little to do with my social life, as he was hardly there when I had choir concerts and dance recitals. Let me say, I was NOT sexual growing up and I'm still not to the level that I see some children at nowadays, male or female.

Maybe girls are more sexual than boys because we can sometimes feel that we need to prove ourselves to the rest of the female student body. It's another form of competition, and I can definately say that females are VERY competitive, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. (Of course, that's not to say that boys aren't competitive, I just have no way of really knowing, since I'm not male).

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
I think we agree for the most part.

My choice of the word feminization is unfortunate. What I mean't to convey is that men are being pushed aside as a result of the feminist movement. I'm all for equal rights, but I strongly oppose the theory that women and children are just fine without husbands and fathers.

I certainly do recognize social sexualizatin between boys and girls and that is part of the explanation as to why each sex responds so differently.

In the case of daughters, it's not just a strong "parent." It's a strong father who will have the greatest impact on her sexuality.

Cool! :cool:

Specifically, you say strong father for physical protection? I'm curious about your reasoning for that...

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Maybe girls are more sexual than boys because we can sometimes feel that we need to prove ourselves to the rest of the female student body. It's another form of competition, and I can definately say that female are VERY competitive, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. (Of course, that's not to say that boys aren't competitive, I just have no way of really knowing, since I'm not male).

That's an interesting point, as well! Males have always (conceivably) been competitive with sexuality. I wonder if a new trend in female competition (perhaps fueled by media personalities that appeal to youngster? <Cough> Britney <Cough>) is being observed. Or an old one being brought into the open...


Well-Known Member
We also have private schools that are specifically designed for different groups such as Catholic schools, etc. Couldn't we have some schools that are completely secular, some that are christian some that are jewish etc simply based upon the local population?
Uh, yeah. That's called public school.

Stop the feminization of men.

Media and marketing will continue to do what works for them even if it is morally wrong. Therefore, it is necessary for strong, traditional fathers to protect their daughters from the filth that exists.
Hmm...couldn't strong traditional mothers do the same thing? What about strong, non-traditional fathers? Who cares as long as the children are being protected?

I lie in the midst of such a sexualized generation, and the general word is not too far off the mark. At least at an adolescent level, there are a number of girls who tend to refrain from sexual activity, whereas it seems most teenage boys could care less about what age they are when they interact sexually.

However, there an amount of girls my age, and younger, who are so ridiculously sexually active that it sickens me, and the number of them is way too large. I walk through school everyday to see girls hanging onto men or touching them in the most sexual of manners and I can only imagine how truly sexual things get outside of school.
See, I don't think the feelings in teenagers have changed much. I think it's a matter of self-respect and dignity. When I was a teenager, I was engaging in all kinds of sex with my boyfriend, but I never flaunted all of that in public. I was taught it was a private thing.

Maybe girls are more sexual than boys because we can sometimes feel that we need to prove ourselves to the rest of the female student body. It's another form of competition, and I can definately say that females are VERY competitive, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. (Of course, that's not to say that boys aren't competitive, I just have no way of really knowing, since I'm not male).
This is a very good point. Women (and girls) are incredibly competitive (to the point of downright nastiness at times) with each other. Sometimes I wonder if there is a line that women are willing to draw? It seems to me that anything becomes acceptable in this competition including cheating, lying, manipulating, blackmailing, etc. I've seen it all.