To believe someone to be a Christian is to place a standard upon them that can never be reached in this life. That is important to understand and that is something that should still be considered the greatest honor to that perceived Christian. We all fall short of the mark. That truth is undeniable to Christians. But we strive to be a Christian like Jesus. We fight the good fight and keep the faith despite what we know about ourselves. Not the people around us but ourselves. Excluding God, any truth about a person can only really be known by that individual. Not outsiders who pretend to be God and pass judgment on others whom they can only have a fleeting idea of. The hardest thing to face is yourself because whether you admit it or not you know more than anyone else. With that knowledge will you withdraw from the temporal world and enter into the spiritual world of God? Will you seek his guidance and allow yourself to be transformed and embark on a journey that has no beginning and no end? Take care.
Will I seek guidance from Christians and follow with them? Why would I? I have no desire to detach myself from this world and seek an alternative, invisible reality, nor follow anybody. I have a worldview that suits me fine. What guidance would I want from Jesus or anybody else if I have an ideology that works?
If there was a perfect system divined in which all people were relieved of their physical and mental sufferings/hardships what place would there be for perseverance and patience? Or greater yet, faith? There would be no need for charity.
We see this kind of argument a lot. It's kind of like arguing that we need infections, without which there would be no place or need for antibiotics.
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