Thank you for the rant.
First I am a conservative. When I speak of conservatives, for obvious reasons, I don't demonize them. I speak from a pragmatic historical perspective. I'm on board with most conservative ideals. Not this one though because I believe the science pointing to "global warming" is not perfect, but overwhelming.
Second, the change from "Global warming" to "Climate change" has been falsely hijacked by conservatives and blamed upon liberals, even though it's conservatives and their PR machine who made the change. The term "Climate change" was originally used to replace the scarier term "Global warming", in order to water down the issue. "Climate change" was more vague and moldable and therefore easier for non-believing politicians to manipulate than the more direct "Global warming".
Now, conservatives have turned it on it's head and have been saying that it's the "liberals" who changed it from global warming to climate change, for whatever reason. No it wasn't.
Third, only when people don't believe in things do they come up with all sorts of obstacles against it. Global warming amelioration does not have to cause catastrophe (I'm not including AOC). Those who accept it are indeed looking to integrate solutions into society and economy. Deniers simply say making any efforts to slow "Global warming" will unavoidably destroy society so ignore it altogether. Cover my eyes, plug my hears, and scream as loud as I can, I won't hear it.
Fourth, politics don't matter. Either the science and the problem with C02 & methane is real or it is not. And if it is, (and I believe it is), we'd better make efforts because otherwise, the changes are beyond what would otherwise occur naturally, and it will not naturally return to cooling.