One is anointed whenever God so chooses. The anointing of the "children" of 1 John 2:27 has nothing to do with Pentecost, and they are required to abide in what "you heard from the beginning". (1 John 2:24). The ones who will rule for 1000 years includes Daniel, who did not "worship the beast", and remains at "rest" until the "end of the age".
I find your take on scripture jumps all over the place. Daniel did not worship the beast because he worshipped only his God. Are you thinking of his three companions perhaps? They refused to worship the image.
Daniel's prophesies would not be understood until "the time of the end". (Daniel 12:4) The beast did not exist until then. It is those who are alive at the time of the end who will choose to worship the beast and its image....only God's people will refuse.
Those who will rule with Jesus are only those taken into the "new covenant".....all of whom died after he opened the way into heaven. Anyone who died before that time will be blessed with a physical John the Baptist.
There is no "spiritual resurrection". There is a time when the bones will come out of their graves and the breath of life will bring them back to life (Ezekiel 37:9). The only "spiritual resurrection"/ revival, will be as per Ezekiel 36:26, when the "house of Israel" will be gathered from the nations (Ezekiel 36:24), and given a "new heart and a new spirit" (Ezekiel 36:26).
There must of necessity be a spiritual resurrection because Jesus said he was going his way to heaven to prepare a place for the chosen ones. His disciples were told to remain in Jerusalem for the "helper, the holy spirit" to give them all that they needed.....Unless you believe that Jesus went to heaven in the flesh, (which is physically impossible) then those chosen to rule with him, must of necessity experience a spiritual resurrection as well. These ones were to live in the flesh as Jesus did and when they died they would be resurrected as he was resurrected...."in the spirit". Flesh and blood cannot live in heaven.
Spiritual Israel will be gathered from all the nations at that time. It is not fleshly Israel, whom God has already abandoned. (Matthew 23:37-39)
There are no brides in heaven, for the marriage feast hasn't even happened. You still have the guest with improper clothing, and brides shopping for oil.
Some are already there....the rest are still earth bound until Jesus comes and they are transformed in order to join him in spirit form. How else are they to get to heaven? Just as Jesus had to be resurrected "in the spirit" do his "joint-heirs".Doesn't that stand to reason?
Revelation 17:10 incudes the 6th head of the beast/king who "is", which precedes the "end times". Daniel lived in the time of the 1st head of the beast, and he refused to worship the beast Nebuchadnezzar, the "head of gold", which entitles him to rule for 1000 years (Revelation 20:4). The beast with two horns like a lamb, was the "another" king of Daniel 7:24, who followed the 6th head of the beast who had 10 horns, and is who instituted the Roman church in 325 AD. His followers, who kept his laws and dogmas, carry the mark of the beast. That would include the majority of the Christian religion.
We have a completely different take on those things.....
Those with the mark of the beast will be "tormented with fire and brimstone" (Revelation 14:10), but while 1/3 of mankind is "killed by "fire smoke and brimstone" (Revelation 9:18), there will be survivors, "who were not killed", and will still not repent (Revelation 9:21). The "nations"/Gentiles will be ruled by a "rod of iron" (Revelation 19:15).
The end times will not be a picnic......but through it will come a "great multitude" seen by John in Revelation 7:9-10; 13-14. God will save them because he has guaranteed that he will preserve their lives.