That's a very good question.
This title that contains the notion of God does not mean everything that could come to one's mind.
This topic... is rather about an aspect of the God proposition.
Find out which one it is!
The review would state just my own thought of God. For to think is first in human life.
So if you first think of God as God, then the first, a thought, thought God. Yet the thought is a thought about God.
Then you would quote I am conscious, I am aware, everything else exists and when I look at it I see it. What I look at, I know I am not. Therefore did you, male self see God?
The Bible says no man can look upon the face of God.
So then you would think again and state, what am I looking at? The answer is what motivated your own human male self to think about a Creator.
For a male human, to think about a Creator is for his motivation as a human to cause/own and change a condition by understanding the concept Creator by his thinking about the Creator.
So you would then quote...above me in the heavens is a very bright light. I know that I cannot look upon it, it hurts my eyes, so I cannot really see anything but light.
Yet I am thinking as that male to the light itself, first.
Science as a statement, male would then claim, so that light is the spirit burning, the spirit is a gas and the gas is being sacrificed. Thus the first quote, a spirit body is being sacrificed to produce light.
Then you would question self, why then am I not burning?
To then give yourself a science answer that would quote because the void/spatial vacuum sucks heat out of burning bodies...a self aware lesson. Water and evaporation is also involved he said, so the spirit of the sacrificed body, gases moves upon the face of water.
And in that first and original thinking Creator concept, was when he idealised the circular movement of O into a G spiral back into a O that could split D/D and form double OO. How the spirit moved in the heavens above me he quoted, first thinking.
Those statements are all natural first.
Then he owns a motivated male reason for that study, which was the idea of science invention. A machine that as yet owned no presence. So it was artificial.
How he came about idealising self, male as a Creator/operator and owner/ motivated controller of the machine to try to copy the Creator theme.
How a radiation/radio wave machination historically then encoded his image male fed back from that burning gas light, as he included self in a history of information natural, where his natural life never existed. Which is called feed back.
It is why he tells a human male story about how looking for the reference a Creator sacrificed his life also, asides from the natural gases.
The concept of God/the Creator.