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What Do You Feel is Lacking in Modern Christianity?


Well-Known Member
It seems that some Christians are using the name of Yeshua but not really paying attention to His teachings! quote]
Who is doing God’s will today?
True footstep followers of Jesus Christ would be doing the work that he said they would do: MATTHEW 28;19-20


Dakota Kid

Harmony Artist
For the past ten years, I have recognized a lack of presence(presence 1: the fact or condition of being present 2: the part of space within one's immediate vicinity (Websters Dictionary). Presence (no distractions or hurried look)to me means that one is actually acknowledged as being there. Does the Church(each member) say hello to one another in the vicinity of your space and presence. I have been in many(every person that walked by me) Churches (in my hometown)in times past that have said "Hi!" or have "greeted" me. To me, that is a Holy embrace(a Holy kiss). Somebody "noticed me!" Be encouraged....we can do this! As some people like to study a specific tree, some people(overseers) like to study the forest. I was touched(ministered to)"in the heart" by a man walking along the road, who simply waved at me and each car passing by(Did not Moses lift his hand ...and will Michael(archangel)? This man planted a seed in my heart to do the same. Jesus began both to do and to teach(scriptures). Greeting is done when people are present(not preoccupied)No one unnoticed.......no one left out. Be encouraged .......we can do(gifts of hospitality) this! Imitate......as if you were at the Wedding Feast! 10,000x10,000 SAINTS! He is....a....coming..........:yes:

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
What do I feel is lacking with much of modern Christianity today? Simple. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
I agree. I also think that the American Ego and Consumerism is destroying our spiritual fulfillment. We like to say that "God's will be done", but we are all just full of hot air when we say that.


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
I'm just busting out the threads today, aren't I?

My question for this one is very simple, but may provoke thoughtful answers. Do you think there is anything lacking in Christianity in general these days? I don't mean little/subtle things either. For instance, it seems to me that prophecy played a huge part in both the Old and New testament. Yet, people these days seem skeptical and reluctant to accept prophecies these days. Of course, there may be false prophets, but is it necessary to hush all mouths in order to keep the false ones quiet? I don't think so.

So, what kind of things would you like to see Christianity embrace more? What kind of revival would you like to see?

I think many Christians don't either understand or embrace the accounted teachings of their own claimed Savior.

Generally speaking...most people are stupid, ignorant, selfish, or ill-informed. For some, this is a maintained and willful choice. For others, this is an embedded and resolute position of proclaimed faith. Self-proclaimed Christians are but a part of this whole...for better or worse.

Religion isn't about affecting change...it's about establishing conformity. Proselytism is all about persuading others (by whatever means) to accepting your views of morality, ethics, and behavior...by a "commanded" ethos, and standards of "immutable" rules.

Instead of attempting to debunk the claims of any claimed "prophet", I would instead request that any allegedly "fulfilled" prophecies be subject to fair skeptical review and open to other reasonable/rational explanations.

I'm just another heretical atheist, but I deal with real people that are homeless, hopeless, and heartbroken...on a regular and personal basis. In these interactions, I sometimes encounter/enjoin "followers of Christ" in deeds of exemplary faith in serving those that might be most open to the "message" of redemption and "deliverance" from their independent travails and ongoing obstacles. I applaud the results of focused human compassion, and any restoration of respect for an individual's dignity; regardless of stated motivations, religious beliefs, or ideals.

If I were from Missouri, I'd caution Christians to "show me", not "tell me" what they believe to be the delivered "truth" of their own proclaimed Savior.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I think some kinds of Modern Christianity lack a willingness or an ability to reconcile their teachings with what we now know of the universe.


Albert Schweitzer thought that it was impossible to live up to the incredibly high standards set by Jesus. And this from a man that served the sick and dying in Africa for a good portion of his life. Go figure. Perhaps a better notion would be not to ask what Christianity can bring forth-but what is still possible within possibility itself. Christianity already has a sect and denomination for every nuanced whim out there.


Premium Member
From experience, I find that most of the people at various Churches deal mostly with Paul's epistles rather than from the 4 gospels. I am not sure why, but this has always bothered me a bit. I think we should spend more time with the gospels and only use the epistles to supplement it.


Well-Known Member
The original spirit of rebellion and revolution. Scientific validity. Real spirituality. Shared intelligence. A willingness to enhace the lives of followers with authetic ritual and obervance. Tell you what it lacks most: Jesus. Lots of lip service to him, not enough understanding or compassion in honour of him.

Melissa G

Non Veritas Verba Amanda
I'm just busting out the threads today, aren't I?

My question for this one is very simple, but may provoke thoughtful answers. Do you think there is anything lacking in Christianity in general these days? I don't mean little/subtle things either. For instance, it seems to me that prophecy played a huge part in both the Old and New testament. Yet, people these days seem skeptical and reluctant to accept prophecies these days. Of course, there may be false prophets, but is it necessary to hush all mouths in order to keep the false ones quiet? I don't think so.

So, what kind of things would you like to see Christianity embrace more? What kind of revival would you like to see?

They could start by embracing truth. Jesus was no son of God. Maybe a rebel preacher, one of many around the time he's supposed to have lived. How can men vote whether a person is divine ? it's no different than Caligua, or Domitian declaring themselves Gods.

Melissa G


Religions real meaning
The true meaning of the word religion
Is: Again connecting....... God and who?
Of course .....between the good Lord and man
That is a wish of our heart .....we hope we can
In the middle ages.... ....... uttering such a wish
Inqusition would find a place to burn you as a fish
In those days the"servants" could not be trusted yet
Many good people were killed..... without any regret
This church was only interested in money and power
Even in these enlightened days.... until this very hour
They will not tell you how you could unite with God
Even when you should ...............spend a very lot
What they not believe themselves at all...... to be true
They keep it away from the sheep.....letting them blue
Killing and tortoring is not to be heard any more
But for real truth they did not open for us the door
Millions souls cannot reach the goal .....to be reached
But a new area......... all hidden truths will be teached
Money and power.......... ..until now the great doer of evil
Will not be the goal... on the whole new earth....it not will
The righteoutness man has found inside his heart his God
That will chance................ not only for himself a very lot
A robe of God His love is being ....drapped all me around
That is what the servant tells us ....words in Isaiah found
I delight greatly in the Lord.....my soul rejoices in my God
With garments of salvation........... ..... He me has clothed
And He has arrayed me in a robe of righteoutness
And as a bride adorns herself....... with her jewels.
For as the soil makes....... the sprout come up
O the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness....
And praise spring up before all nations.
You will see that He speaks truth all times

Mr. Peanut

Active Member
They could start by embracing truth. Jesus was no son of God. Maybe a rebel preacher, one of many around the time he's supposed to have lived. How can men vote whether a person is divine ? it's no different than Caligua, or Domitian declaring themselves Gods.

Melissa G

That is what is lacking, the realization and proclamation that Christ is, in fact, divine!



Today the old prophecys will unfold....like that what Isaiah spoke of.
But in these days new prophets stood up......Jakob Lorber and Bertha Dudde are great ones.
Jakob lorber wrote 25 years each day for our Lord.....12000 pages aprox. in total.
Bertha Dudde....more than 9000 messages for our Lord.
The Lord His wish is that these writings will reach the people.
Ask and it will be given to you.........
But the idia that God only in the past was able to speak through prophets....is totally ridiculous.

Mr. Peanut

Active Member
Today the old prophecys will unfold....like that what Isaiah spoke of.
But in these days new prophets stood up......Jakob Lorber and Bertha Dudde are great ones.
Jakob lorber wrote 25 years each day for our Lord.....12000 pages aprox. in total.
Bertha Dudde....more than 9000 messages for our Lord.
The Lord His wish is that these writings will reach the people.
Ask and it will be given to you.........
But the idia that God only in the past was able to speak through prophets....is totally ridiculous.

That is some strange stuff, to me. God still speaks to us through his prophets, the prophets of the Bible. Afterall, revelation is about the last days, Jesus, Daniel, Ezekiel, etc. all spoke of last day events as well. God has revealed all we need to know his will and do it in these last days is my belief.


Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Hebrews 1:1 In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. 3 The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. 4 So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs. NIV

What more could we ask for? Jesus, the EXACT REPRESENTATION of God, has spoken to us. This is better than EF Hutton! The Scriptures are great, but they NEVER EVER claim to be the WORD of God. They do proclaim Jesus as the WORD of God. We need nothing but the words of Jesus, and we would do well to embrace them as surely as we embrace life.

So, does God still speak? Not overtly, but he does so inwardly with his Spirit.

I Corinthians 2:10 but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.
The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. 11 For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12 We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. 13 This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. 14 The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15 The spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself is not subject to any man's judgment:
16 "For who has known the mind of the Lord
that he may instruct him?" But we have the mind of Christ.