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what do you feel is wrong with homosexuality?

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Ahh I see. So do you feel the term "marriage" should only be applied to a man and a woman but that same sex relationships are ok?

Yes, i have no problems with gays being together, having a union, but i think the amrriage term is something for a man and a woman, maybe they should make a new word, like... gayge.


Premium Member
Yes, i have no problems with gays being together, having a union, but i think the amrriage term is something for a man and a woman, maybe they should make a new word, like... gayge.

In the UK it is a civil partnership.
    1. in a state of ill health; sick.
    2. Characterized by or symptomatic of ill health: an unhealthy pallor.
    3. Causing or conducive to poor health; unwholesome: an unhealthy diet.
  1. Harmful to character or moral health; corruptive: unhealthy reading material.
  2. Characterized by or symptomatic of disturbed mental health: took an unhealthy interest in violence and fires.
  3. Of a risky nature; dangerous: an unhealthy predicament.


Intentionally Blank
I'm sure that it being an unhealthy lifestyle has nothing to do with it.

Your post is not clear. Are you trying to intimate that my way of life is for some reason not healthy? What? I don't smoke, eat a healthy diet, am not sick, exercise regularly, and enjoy a fulfilling relationship with my beloved. If anything, I contend that my way of life is probably healthier than the average heterosexual woman: fewer pregnancies, fewer abortions (none), less domestic violence, fewer STDs.


Veteran Member
    1. in a state of ill health; sick.
    2. Characterized by or symptomatic of ill health: an unhealthy pallor.
    3. Causing or conducive to poor health; unwholesome: an unhealthy diet.
  1. Harmful to character or moral health; corruptive: unhealthy reading material.
  2. Characterized by or symptomatic of disturbed mental health: took an unhealthy interest in violence and fires.
  3. Of a risky nature; dangerous: an unhealthy predicament.
The reply this deserves would get me in trouble so I'll pass. Have a nice day.


A fool
penguino said:
I think marriage is a man and woman thing, i dont think a gay/lesbian can be really married properly.
Unless you are gay and married, how would you know?

Homosexuals who are married seem to think they are married properly. Even very religious homosexuals.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
    1. in a state of ill health; sick.
    2. Characterized by or symptomatic of ill health: an unhealthy pallor.
    3. Causing or conducive to poor health; unwholesome: an unhealthy diet.
  1. Harmful to character or moral health; corruptive: unhealthy reading material.
  2. Characterized by or symptomatic of disturbed mental health: took an unhealthy interest in violence and fires.
  3. Of a risky nature; dangerous: an unhealthy predicament.
Excellent, you can look up a word in the dictionary. Good for you, your mum must be proud.:yes:
Now, if you can give valid examples not put together by religion based studies with a pre-existing bias as to how homosexuality in and of itself - leave out any references to promiscuity, because that's neither an inherent nor exclusive feature of homosexuality - is an inherently unhealthy lifestyle and you may even be able to make a point.
As you've probably got nothing more to offer than anal sex however - and the fact that plenty of heterosexual couples practice that and plenty of homosexual couples don't has really been flogged so much that the horse isn't just dead, it's dismembered - you're probably clear out of luck.
Feel free to attempt to fail to impress us with the same twaddle we've heard countless times before, however.:cool:


Born Again,Spirit Filled
What do you think is wrong with homosexuality from a religious view point?

It's not what I or anyone thinks about this particular subject, as a Christian, it is all about what God thinks about and calls sin.
If God includes homosexuality as one of those sins that will be punishable by eternal separation from God, which he clearly states in his word ,well than ,no more needs to be said about it............but men will justify ,excuse,refute,shift blame and in the end they will call good bad and bad good.
Isa 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Pro 20:6Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?
By the way, man is not a sinner because he is homosexuality or a thief or a fornicator or a liar or a murderer, according to scripture he is a sinner by his very nature and there is nothing in man that is good and God condemns the sinner unless he repents.

That's what the God of christianity thinks and says, over and over again.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
It's not what I or anyone thinks about this particular subject, as a Christian, it is all about what God thinks about and calls sin.
If God includes homosexuality as one of those sins that will be punishable by eternal separation from God, which he clearly states in his word ,well than ,no more needs to be said about it............but men will justify ,excuse,refute,shift blame and in the end they will call good bad and bad good.
Isa 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Pro 20:6Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?
By the way, man is not a sinner because he is homosexuality or a thief or a fornicator or a liar or a murderer, according to scripture he is a sinner by his very nature and there is nothing in man that is good and God condemns the sinner unless he repents.

That's what the God of christianity thinks and says, over and over again.
Then your god has a sad lack of faith in his own creations...not to mention the fact that if you tell your children often enough that they're screw ups, that's what they'll believe and that's what they'll become.
Perhaps he should get his heavenly butt off to a parenting class.
Then your god has a sad lack of faith in his own creations...not to mention the fact that if you tell your children often enough that they're screw ups, that's what they'll believe and that's what they'll become.
Perhaps he should get his heavenly butt off to a parenting class.

Who is your "parent"? (or mentor) Surely you have one.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
If God includes homosexuality as one of those sins that will be punishable by eternal separation from God, which he clearly states in his word ,well than ,no more needs to be said about it
God clearly states? Show me the quotation from God.
First off, I don't recall any quotations from God on the subject. Second, the homosexual references are about a clear as mud, where they pertain to some sort of absolute, heavenly law.

Plenty more needs to be said about it. It's this kind of blind, surface mistreatment of scriptures that has led to many atrocities by Christians on behalf of God.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
there is nothing in man that is good and God condemns the sinner unless he repents.
This is so wrong on so many levels. When humanity was created, God called it "good." Therefore, humanity is inherently good, and God seeks to celebrate that inherent goodness.

This post is frightening.
I can't relate to the male to male attraction because it has never occurred to me. But I can relate to being sexually attracted to a women. It can be overwhelming. Sexual stimuli is one of our most driving desires. If that desire is directed toward someone of your sex that makes you a homosexual. I am sure it does not decrease that desire. Knowing it is not accepted as norm can be a stimuli.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't work for me but hey what ever floats your boat as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. I have nothing against it at all not in the least.
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