Flaming Queer
I'm curious. Do you espouse the eradication of all stereotypes, resulting in a complete blur between sexual differentiation? Are there some defining stereotypes that look realistically at differences, and use them to compare/contrast, rather than qualify?
Do you advocate complete andogyny?
i don't think this is going off topic, because it is explaining the religious reason why i am pro-homosexuality... but if it looks like going off topic then we can start a new thread
in my personal religion, finding our true selves in this life is the single most important thing you can do. i believe that people should discover their identities within themselves, and i believe that keeping to stereotypes - by either holding one's self to stereotypes, or by judging others by stereotypes - stops people from doing this.
so yes, i espouse the eradication of all stereotypes. or at least, i espouse people being aware of stereotypes, after all, my finding my true will doesn't mean i have to lift the veil of ignorance from others so long as i am aware of the stereotypes that affect me, my actions, my perceptions, and work to change that, i'm doing good within myself.
the word androgyny - from Wiki - can be used in 2 ways. 1) the mixing of two gender orientated characteristics into one. or 2) a characteristic that is not restricted to any one gender.
both of these ways of using the word androgyny have some socio-cultural assumption that there is a definitive masculine and a definitive feminine from which to make relative comparisons - assuming that this is in reference to behavior and other social interactions, and not physical parameters. these are the stereotypical bonds i believe in breaking from, so no, i do not advocate androgyny.
i guess the follow-up question is, what do i advocate? simple, "intelligence".