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What do you think about Jesus?


New Member
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
Who do you think Jesus was?
What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?
What did Jesus do?
Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
Does Jesus have any meaning to you?
If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?
What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?


Avid JW Bible Student
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
Being raised in Christendom, I cannot remember a time when I didn't know of him. Jesus was the centre of our worship.

Who do you think Jesus was?

He answers that himself...he said he was "the son of God".

What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existence?

There is no doubt that Jesus was the greatest teacher of all time. His teachings have survived for thousands of years, despite the fact that he was an active preacher and teacher for only three and a half years. His teachings are contained in the Christian scriptures but even "the church" itself tried to keep the word of God out of the hands of the common man. Today it continues to be a best seller.
No ordinary man could have had the impact that Jesus had, and continues to have, on the world.

What did Jesus do?

He fulfilled all that was written concerning his role as Messiah......most of which he could not have organized himself.
The place of his birth, the timing of it as well as the fact that he was born to a virgin mother. He followed the course set for him all the way to his foretold death. John the Baptist was sent ahead of him to prepare the people to accept him. He was born just six months before Jesus was.
Jesus followed the direction of his Father, teaching and performing miraculous feats and choosing 12 apostles to whom he gave the responsibility to carry on the work he started. (Matt 28:19, 20)

Does Jesus still have a meaning today?

He does, but his identity and message have been distorted in Christendom so much that many people today have no idea why he came, why he died and what the message about his kingdom even means. They might pray the Lord's Prayer, but most people have no idea what it means.

Does Jesus have any meaning to you?

He is the only means of salvation for those who accept him as Messiah. He gave his life to buy back what Adam lost for his children.....perfect life in paradise on earth.

If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?

That depends on how closely you follow the teachings of Jesus as compared to the teachings of the church. His teachings cover almost every aspect of life. The more closely you follow him, the better your life will be.
Without Jesus, nothing in this life could change. We would have an endless cycle of sin and death and no hope for the future as human troubles continue to go from bad to worse.

What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?

He is the very foundation of Christianity. Without Jesus there is no Christianity. :p


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
1. I learned about Jesus in primary school. I was briefly a theist for two/three years.
2. A really cool guy. like preaching a lot.
3. not sure. it's hard to tell what really went on 2000 years ago unless we trust the bible.
4.preach a lot and made a bad choice of friends.
5. "meaning"? I kind of doubt it. there will be a universal aspect to his message simply because we all share the human condition, but the Roman empire has long since collapsed.
6. I still believe in universal love/unconditional love as an atheist as it is a value to aspire for.
7. probably not. but really it's not about whether I believe he exists, but whether he was god on earth/the messiah etc.
8. an imaginary best friend for really bad days and we need someone to talk to.


Be your own guru
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus? My father was a doctor and many of the nurses were Christians from Kerala.
Who do you think Jesus was? Son of a girl betrothed to a carpenter, one of the many rebellious Jews in his time, trouble-makers.
What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existence? It is still undecided.
What did Jesus do? Nothing, said there will be a new Kingdom and he would be the King, assured people that it will happen in their life-time.
Does Jesus still have a meaning today? For many, yes.
Does Jesus have any meaning to you? No. Apart of Mohammad, his followers created mayhem all over the world.
If you believed in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life? Jesus does not belong to my world, so no question of my believing in what Jesus said.
What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians? He is son of their God as well as the God, but I am an atheist Hindu.


Well-Known Member
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
In an evangelical Church kindergarten I learned that he was sent by God, being also Son and part of the trinity of God and only through him you can escape from being thrown into hell.

Who do you think Jesus was?
Probably a charismatic man, a moral and religious teacher whose story got distorted early on in the mainstream and used for political power when it got more popular.

What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?
I used to think he was a combination a myths because his story is similar to many of the time, but I think he existed even though there is no proof. Having a following such as the Gnostics who saved books not accepted by the Bible convinced me that he existed as a religious teacher.

What did Jesus do?
Teach morals, meditation and maybe rebellion.

Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
For many people, yes.

Does Jesus have any meaning to you?
Not really. It's interesting to speculate on him.

If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?
Not that much.

What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?
Depends on what type of Christian they are.


Alien Hybrid
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
in church and a small bit at home.
Who do you think Jesus was?
the son of Mary and Joseph.
What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?
The bible proved Jesus, and history disprove Jesus
[/QUOTE]What did Jesus do?[/QUOTE]
we don't know, we've got myths about him. He might have been either an jewish revolt leader type, or a healing rabbi that was common during that time.
Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
no. The world today and the message of the Jesus myth is so far apart that it is not applicable anymore.
Does Jesus have any meaning to you?
, but not in the way that the church preaches.
If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?
not really
What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?
According to the jesus myth he's their savior but 90% of christians I've met only use him to further their own notion/ideas.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
I learned about Jesus (not personally) through scripture. I read the full gospels and pretty much the whole Bible when I was young. I also learned bits and peaces from churches. Pentecostals and baptist have good Bible studies.
Who do you think Jesus was?
A Prophet sent by His God to live His ministry on earth and sacrifice Himself for others in one way or another.

A Teacher whose concepts can be applied to any day and age.
What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existence?
I never thought about proving Jesus' existence. I don't see why I wouldn't believe He existed even though I have not see anything in history that Jesus Himself made a huge contribution as say Martin Luther King etc.
What did Jesus do?
He preached His Father's Words (that of He being the Savior of those who believe in Him) and die on the cross, as He was called to do.
Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
Yes. Without Him, some people would not be living today.
Does Jesus have any meaning to you?
Yes. He taught me dying to sin and living a whole life. Many prophets teach the same thing in a round about way.
If you believed in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?
If I believed in Him more profoundly as a Savior than a friend, it would change my life. Some for the better some for not. I think it would help because I'd be in constant awareness of what I do and actions I may do as immoral. On the other hand, because if I did have that type of religion, it would make me worse off seeing if I sinned more than I actually did.
What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?
Dying + living + resurrection=life


Peace be upon you.
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
Peace be on you.
Quran, Saying of Holy Prophet of Islam, Ahmadiyya Muslim Promised Messiah Mahdi, his Khulafa (Khalif-s), Bible, Christians, other people, books.

Who do you think Jesus was?
He was a mortal human, Prophet of Allah.

What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?
Allah do not let survive the faith and honour of false so long (even the original has been tempered). Jesus (on whom be peace) existed.

What did Jesus do?
He delivered the message of reform for Jews, some believed other did not, he was opposed, placed on cross, survived, migrated to Kashmir. On his way he met lost tribes. Remained his rest of life in Kashmir area. Died natural death at age 120 years. Proofs from Quran, Bible, ancient history and medical record in online "Jesus in India" in book section alislam.org

Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
Just like other gone Prophets. His name is used as metaphoric title as "second coming in Islam" to mark the idea of peace and no use of force [just as idea of Elijah was present but John the baptist was the man to come]

Does Jesus have any meaning to you?
Yes, his second coming is mentioned in Islam, which according to Ahmadiyya muslims has been fulfilled metaphorically in Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (alislam.org)

What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?
1-He announced to Christians of his era that he is the one being waited at that time.
2-He foretold them to look for new ones.
True Christianity and how it leads to Islam


An Págánach
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus? Church, theological seminary, independent reading.
Who do you think Jesus was? I think that he was a rabbi who likely taught nonviolence, preached heretical teachings, defied Rome in some way and was killed.
What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existence? The lack of any significant evidence speaks against his existence. There is a lot of secrecy and lies in the history of the church, starting with the founder, Paul. It's hard to say if he was real or not, but the existence of non-Pauline Christians in Israel at the time of Paul suggests to me that he was based on a real man who was deified.
What did Jesus do? Taught nonviolence, was put to death for some combination of heresy and defying Rome.
Does Jesus still have a meaning today? Yes, as a symbol of hope for those in dark times.
Does Jesus have any meaning to you? In a symbolic sense. Jesus was the name I first gave the source of my mystic experiences, and for 10 years, was the focal point of my life. It's hard for him not to have some kind of significance to me, but I don't believe in him as a savior from eternal torture or annihilation or as any other form of a supernatural being.
If you believed in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life? Yes, it would. I would be a Christian again, and would probably be incredibly depressed again. I would likely be experiencing cognitive dissonance from reading the Bible, again, which would lead me out of Christianity again.
What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians? As a savior from eternal torment. Some minorities believe in annihilation in place of hell, which is obviously preferable. The fire and brimstone crowd are the majority by far.
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Well-Known Member
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?

I live in the Bible belt - it's so pervasive to this culture that you can't avoid it.

Who do you think Jesus was?

The character of Jesus is an evolution of many similar mythological characters before him

What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?

You can't prove mythology, you can only understand the cultural context for it's creation and propagation.

What did Jesus do?


Does Jesus still have a meaning today?

Anything that is perpetuated throughout society lends meaning to it, so sure.

Does Jesus have any meaning to you?

Personally, no. If it wasn't so pervasive in the culture surrounding me I wouldn't give it a second thought.

If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?

If you believed in Zeus do you think it would make any difference to your life?

What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?

Jesus only exists in the cultural mindset because of Christianity. Without Christianity, there is no Jesus.
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Well-Known Member
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
I was brought up in a Christian family.
Who do you think Jesus was?
A would-be reformer of Judaism.
What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existence?
The evidence for him is better than for people like Pythagoras or Confucius: no professional historian has ever denied his existence.
What did Jesus do?
He pushed his luck and got himself killed. He also spent a lot of time threatening people with hell.
Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
Obviously, to those who believe he was divine.
Does Jesus have any meaning to you?
If you believed in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?
I used to, and abandoning Christianity was a great relief.


pro scapegoat
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
Church, my family, school, university, libraries, the internet etc etc etc.
Who do you think Jesus was?
An amalgam, created by combining many stories and legends into a single character.
What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?
No such proof exists either way.
What did Jesus do?
Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
Does Jesus have any meaning to you?
If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?
What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?
Well he is the core of the modern Christian Churches. He is the central figure in the most populous religious notion on earth.


Premium Member
1-Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
2-Who do you think Jesus was?
3-What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?
4-What did Jesus do?
5-Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
6-Does Jesus have any meaning to you?
7-If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?
8-What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?

1-From the Quran.
2-A human being sent as a prophet.
3-I believe the Quran does.
4-Spread the message of Christianity as the word of God.
8-He's the messenger that God sent to spread Christianity.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?

I first learned who he was from Jesus Christ Superstar when I was a teenager.
From there, amateur Bible study for a few years gave me the rest.

Who do you think Jesus was?

One of many apocalyptic teachers from that time period, who also taught ascetic ethics.

What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?

I don't have enough information to have definitive proof that he existed as an historical person, and negatives cannot be proven. However, the various conflicting narrative and supernatural elements in the Gospels tell me that they're embellished stories, not historical records.

What did Jesus do?

Historically? Dunno.

Does Jesus still have a meaning today?

Seeing as Christianity is one of the three major world religions (Islam and Buddhism being the other two), I'd say yeah.

Does Jesus have any meaning to you?

Not particularly.

If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?

Oh, most certainly. But "difference" doesn't necessarily mean "better", just "different". Similarly, if I were a Buddhist, Muslim, or a Satanist, these paths would make differences in my life.

What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?

Depends on the Christian.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
Aside from all the Christmas nativity stories around Christmas growing up, it was as someone else said seeing Jesus Christ Superstar as a teen in the theatre. I still love the movie and music, and grove on that Jesus. :) (Judas was the better singer however).

Who do you think Jesus was?
A provocative teacher who shook up the status quo socially, challenging religious structures seeking to break through to heart beyond the systems of men. In today's terms, a progressive, liberal, socialist, hippie, as well as a teacher of Wisdom who found a nondual path.

What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?
I don't believe the Gospels are intended as books of history, but the fact that a large movement started and grew and was centered around a central figure points to someone at the core. There as someone who got the ball rolling, and "Jesus" grew as it attracted that which it attracted to it grew.

What did Jesus do?
Opened the door to change, socially and spiritually.

Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
Certainly. Too many ways to list easily.

Does Jesus have any meaning to you?
Sure. Hard to explain easily. Call it Archetypal.

If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?
Of course. To hold any figure up as embodying the Light serves to open ourselves to that Light. This is the role of Guru.

What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?
It really depends what Christians you mean. To some Jesus means the American Flag and the National Rifle Association. To others he means the provider of blessings in the form of money and nice cars for their believing him. To others a spiritual guide. To others a Parent to save them from fear. To others, their brother, their friend, and so forth.


Being raised in Christendom, I cannot remember a time when I didn't know of him. Jesus was the centre of our worship.

He answers that himself...he said he was "the son of God".

There is no doubt that Jesus was the greatest teacher of all time. His teachings have survived for thousands of years, despite the fact that he was an active preacher and teacher for only three and a half years. His teachings are contained in the Christian scriptures but even "the church" itself tried to keep the word of God out of the hands of the common man. Today it continues to be a best seller.
No ordinary man could have had the impact that Jesus had, and continues to have, on the world.

He fulfilled all that was written concerning his role as Messiah......most of which he could not have organized himself.
The place of his birth, the timing of it as well as the fact that he was born to a virgin mother. He followed the course set for him all the way to his foretold death. John the Baptist was sent ahead of him to prepare the people to accept him. He was born just six months before Jesus was.
Jesus followed the direction of his Father, teaching and performing miraculous feats and choosing 12 apostles to whom he gave the responsibility to carry on the work he started. (Matt 28:19, 20)

He does, but his identity and message have been distorted in Christendom so much that many people today have no idea why he came, why he died and what the message about his kingdom even means. They might pray the Lord's Prayer, but most people have no idea what it means.

He is the only means of salvation for those who accept him as Messiah. He gave his life to buy back what Adam lost for his children.....perfect life in paradise on earth.

That depends on how closely you follow the teachings of Jesus as compared to the teachings of the church. His teachings cover almost every aspect of life. The more closely you follow him, the better your life will be.
Without Jesus, nothing in this life could change. We would have an endless cycle of sin and death and no hope for the future as human troubles continue to go from bad to worse.

He is the very foundation of Christianity. Without Jesus there is no Christianity. :p

excellent answers...
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Argumentative Curmudgeon
Premium Member
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
Sunday school growing up, decades spent as a Christian, studying comparative religion as an adult.
Who do you think Jesus was?
An charismatic and educated Jew who preached a radical form of religion in his time.

What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?
I don't doubt he existed, but there's nothing that proves he did or was what his follows claim.
What did Jesus do?
I think he led a radical doomsday cult, irritated the Romans enough to warrant crucifixion, and died.
Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
To his followers.
Does Jesus have any meaning to you?
If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?
Tried it and it didn't work for me. I believe that being raised a Christian took me farther away from God, and I am now finally getting to where I need to be spirituality.
What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?
Whatever they choose to assign to him.