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What do you think about Jesus?


New Member
For me, jesus is just a man. He is a prophet and a messenger of god but not a god. He never claim divinity.
The bible clearly said that Jesus is the messenger of God and not God.
“So Jesus answered them, “My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me” (John 7:16)
“I came not of my own accord, but he sent me” (John 8:42)
“I tell you the truth, no SERVANT is greater than his MASTER, nor is a MESSENGER greater than the one who sent him” (John 13:16)
“Jesus said to them, ‘My food is to do the will of Him who sent me, and to accomplish His work” (John 4:34)
“For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak” (John 12:49)

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
What do I think about Jesus? Well, I don't think about Jesus. He has no relevance to my life. Some poor rabbi executed on the other side of the world almost two thousand years ago. Now excuse me, I want to go back to not thinking about Jesus.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
What do I think about Jesus? Well, I don't think about Jesus. He has no relevance to my life. Some poor rabbi executed on the other side of the world almost two thousand years ago. Now excuse me, I want to go back to not thinking about Jesus.

Did you just resurrect a year old thread just to tell us that you didn't want to participate in it? :D

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
Did you just resurrect a year old thread just to tell us that you didn't want to participate in it? :D
Where do I find the dates of these threads? I'm on a cell phone, not a computer. Okay, I'll participate. Jesus is like Hercules. Zeus had sex with a human woman, having a god-man Hercules, much like God got Mary pregnant having god-man Jesus. Just another pagan myth.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Where do I find the dates of these threads? I'm on a cell phone, not a computer. Okay, I'll participate. Jesus is like Hercules. Zeus had sex with a human woman, having a god-man Hercules, much like God got Mary pregnant having god-man Jesus. Just another pagan myth.

You just have to look at the date the last post was created. The post before yours was made April 3, 2015.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Help it grow, Zack?
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?

I learned about him first at 14. Mother said she wanted a perfect family: single family, husband/wife, christian, boy and girl, white picket fence and a labor dog. She bought us to church. She wasnt interested so we went. I studied.
Who do you think Jesus was?

A man who evangalized people to know his father.

What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?

I have no reason to doubt he existed. His being a religious figure doesnt change his probability of existing more likely than, say, Shariputra.

What did Jesus do?

A lot of things. You mean what he actually did? Honestly, I wouldnt know. The bible isnt written by him, so.

Does Jesus still have a meaning today?


Does Jesus have any meaning to you?

Yes. He (the Church) gave me a foundation for my spiritual walk. Among other foundations, his spirit was a best friend.

If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?

Most definitely. Id probably be the handful that doesnt see the need to bring people to Christ who dont find it their spiritual path. Id probably be the few that advocate Catholicism isnt for everyone. Id be more about peoples spiritual health so jesus would be an example of that. Unfortunately, I dont find that in his teachings just a calling that he doesnt quite agree with.

What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?

Simplest form: Salvation from suffering to live in eternity with christ or god.

Angy Ex Arcana

Pagan Priestess
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
Who do you think Jesus was?
What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?
What did Jesus do?
Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
Does Jesus have any meaning to you?
If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?
What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?

Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
At school and family (I think like everyone else)

Who do you think Jesus was?
a con man

What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus' existence?
Jesus was only human.

What did Jesus do?
Nothing. He cheating people. It was a bad person.

Jesus has still hold true today?
No, because it restricts people, forcing them to obey rules created by men to manipulate the masses.

Jesus has no meaning for you?

If you believe in Jesus, do you think it would have made any difference to your life?
Luckily I was born on free will.

What significance do you think Jesus has for Christians?
Be slaves of other decisions, limiting the freedom of thought.


Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
From Qur'an and Hadeeth
Who do you think Jesus was?
He is a Prophet of God.. He is the Maseeh (Messiah).
What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?
Verses of Qur'an
What did Jesus do?
He preached Islam
Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
Yes ofcourse.. He is the one and only Prophet who did not die.. He shall return back and rule the world with justice.
Does Jesus have any meaning to you?
If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?
I think following him would make much difference rather than just believing in him.
What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?
I think they really have misunderstood him.