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What do you think about Jesus?


Premium Member
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
Who do you think Jesus was?
What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?
What did Jesus do?
Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
Does Jesus have any meaning to you?
If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?
What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?

1. I heard kids talking about him occasionally.
2. Nothing can prove or not prove.
3. I have no idea.
4. Not for me, but I suppose for others.
5. None whatsoever.
6. I don't know.
7. I don't know.


Active Member
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
Everyone in America hears about Jesus from various media, Christian culture, etc. I also believe that I learned more about him and his legacy by studying the Bible (and its context), classical civilizations in general, and other parallel traditions.

Who do you think Jesus was?

He was a Jewish prophetic figure who gained a following in Judea sometime around the early 1st century CE. He was one of various people who were seen by their followers as the fulfillment of Messianic prophecy, but Jesus seems to have understood his role differently from others and suggested a very different way of looking at things, suggesting that the true eschatological perfection of the world was not one of conquest and lordship, but rather that it is every person's brithright to be free of sin and the fear of death. Most people then and now were not prepared to understand his enlightened perspective.

What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existence?

It is impossible to prove or disprove, but someone had to start the tradition, and there's no reason to believe it wasn't Jesus. Moreover, there are aspects of Jesus's biography, such as his untimely death, that his later followers would have a hard time reconciling with the prevailing view of what the Messiah was supposed to be and do. That suggests that it really happened.

What did Jesus do?

He taught a different way of understanding things that on the one hand was in keeping with the later prophetic tradition, but on the other hand was still radical enough that it didn't sit well with a lot of people, and a lot of people found it hard to understand. He demonstrated universal love and enlightened mind and invited people to realize that they were much more than they thought they were. He was then killed by the Roman authorities, presumably for sedition, as being hailed as the true anointed king or "Son of God" (even if Jesus never meant that in an earthly sense) would have been seen as threatening to the current political order.

Does Jesus still have a meaning today?

Obviously he does have meaning to many people, in one way or another. I think his insights and teachings are still useful, although they are still hard to understand--even more so for people who are not familiar with his cultural context. He is not only a moral exemplar but also a model of the power to triumph over death and delusion.

Does Jesus have any meaning to you?

I view him in similar terms as Paul did, although I am not a Jew (but Paul said that in Christ there are no Jews or Gentiles). Jesus led the way for people in his world, to show them that delusion and death need not bind people, that there is liberation from the things that oppress us in this life. In Buddhist terms he is a Buddha whose teachings were colored by his particular cultural context. He had great insight and great compassion that led him to share that insight with others, even though it would mean his death in the end. But as long as he continues to inspire people and lead them towards liberation, he still lives on.

If you believed in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?

I do believe in Jesus, and it has made a difference in my life. I am much more at peace now than when I was dismissing him out of hand, thanks to his mischaracterization at the hands of certain Christian groups. Unfortunately, the people who claim to most ardently follow him can sometimes be his worst evangelists. But Jesus is not the exclusive property of Christianity or any organized religion, so people need not feel as if they must adopt one particular doctrinal view of him.

Many Christians would tell me that I actually don't believe in Jesus because I don't believe what they believe about him, but I don't think that's for them to decide. "Christian" is not a label that Jesus would have recognized in any case, and people today put too much stock in it—and in who gets to carry it.

What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?

Christianity is such a big tent that it's probably impossible to answer that in brief. Many regard him as a divine lord and master in a literal sense, which I think is mistaken--his grandiose titles are honorifics given to a great teacher and savior, not a heavenly despot. Jesus never wanted to rule over people. Many see him as a kind of human sacrifice to remove people's guilt, but I would argue that's also a distortion that cheapens his accomplishments (and makes God look evil for demanding such a thing). Others see him as a liberator who is still delivering people from darkness and death, and that is a view I can get behind. And I think lots of people can agree that he exemplifies a radical kind of love and compassion, as well as the strength of the human spirit. Unfortunately, many people regard him as a unique, one-off thing, when that's not his teaching or that of Paul; on the contrary, all are invited to follow in his footsteps and be like him, doing exactly as he did. There is never any sense that the average person is not good or powerful enough to do just that.
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Well-Known Member
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
From society while I was growing up. Did some research later in life.

Who do you think Jesus was?
A fictional character with no real existence.

What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?
No independent evidence apart from self-serving documents from his made-up religion.

What did Jesus do?
Just what the fictional stories state he did.

Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
For his adherents, yes.

Does Jesus have any meaning to you?

If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?

What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?
They worship him as a god.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
Everyone in America hears about Jesus from various media, Christian culture, etc. I also believe that I learned more about him and his legacy by studying the Bible (and its context), classical civilizations in general, and other parallel traditions.

Who do you think Jesus was?

He was a Jewish prophetic figure who gained a following in Judea sometime around the early 1st century CE. He was one of various people who were seen by their followers as the fulfillment of Messianic prophecy, but Jesus seems to have understood his role differently from others and suggested a very different way of looking at things, suggesting that the true eschatological perfection of the world was not one of conquest and lordship, but rather that it is every person's brithright to be free of sin and the fear of death. Most people then and now were not prepared to understand his enlightened perspective.

What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existence?

It is impossible to prove or disprove, but someone had to start the tradition, and there's no reason to believe it wasn't Jesus. Moreover, there are aspects of Jesus's biography, such as his untimely death, that his later followers would have a hard time reconciling with the prevailing view of what the Messiah was supposed to be and do. That suggests that it really happened.

What did Jesus do?

He taught a different way of understanding things that on the one hand was in keeping with the later prophetic tradition, but on the other hand was still radical enough that it didn't sit well with a lot of people, and a lot of people found it hard to understand. He demonstrated universal love and enlightened mind and invited people to realize that they were much more than they thought they were. He was then killed by the Roman authorities, presumably for sedition, as being hailed as the true anointed king or "Son of God" (even if Jesus never meant that in an earthly sense) would have been seen as threatening to the current political order.

Does Jesus still have a meaning today?

Obviously he does have meaning to many people, in one way or another. I think his insights and teachings are still useful, although they are still hard to understand--even more so for people who are not familiar with his cultural context. He is not only a moral exemplar but also a model of the power to triumph over death and delusion.

Does Jesus have any meaning to you?

I view him in similar terms as Paul did, although I am not a Jew (but Paul said that in Christ there are no Jews or Gentiles). Jesus led the way for people in his world, to show them that delusion and death need not bind people, that there is liberation from the things that oppress us in this life. In Buddhist terms he is a Buddha whose teachings were colored by his particular cultural context. He had great insight and great compassion that led him to share that insight with others, even though it would mean his death in the end. But as long as he continues to inspire people and lead them towards liberation, he still lives on.

If you believed in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?

I do believe in Jesus, and it has made a difference in my life. I am much more at peace now than when I was dismissing him out of hand, thanks to his mischaracterization at the hands of certain Christian groups. Unfortunately, the people who claim to most ardently follow him can sometimes be his worst evangelists. But Jesus is not the exclusive property of Christianity or any organized religion, so people need not feel as if they must adopt one particular doctrinal view of him.

Many Christians would tell me that I actually don't believe in Jesus because I don't believe what they believe about him, but I don't think that's for them to decide. "Christian" is not a label that Jesus would have recognized in any case, and people today put too much stock in it—and in who gets to carry it.

What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?

Christianity is such a big tent that it's probably impossible to answer that in brief. Many regard him as a divine lord and master in a literal sense, which I think is mistaken--his grandiose titles are honorifics given to a great teacher and savior, not a heavenly despot. Jesus never wanted to rule over people. Many see him as a kind of human sacrifice to remove people's guilt, but I would argue that's also a distortion that cheapens his accomplishments (and makes God look evil for demanding such a thing). Others see him as a liberator who is still delivering people from darkness and death, and that is a view I can get behind. And I think lots of people can agree that he exemplifies a radical kind of love and compassion, as well as the strength of the human spirit. Unfortunately, many people regard him as a unique, one-off thing, when that's not his teaching or that of Paul; on the contrary, all are invited to follow in his footsteps and be like him, doing exactly as he did. There is never any sense that the average person is not good or powerful enough to do just that.
I think this is probably the best, most well written summary I have ever seen. It should be cast in gold. Thank you for it, and I fully resonate with everything in it.


I'm a planet
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
I was raised Christian, so from church, parents, and reading the Bible

Who do you think Jesus was?
A very wise teacher in the Jewish tradition. A human, not divine.

What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existence?

I have training in anthropology. We deal with a lot of legends and folklore. Movements as large as Christianity don't start without a founder. The founder is mythologized, but was a real person.

What did Jesus do?

Well, there is the standard answer about miracles and so forth, but I think the most important thing was his role as religious reformer. He stood against legalism and for compassion, representing a shift in religious thinking.

Does Jesus still have a meaning today?

I think this answer varies according to one's religious outlook. To literal, mythic believers, he is the Son of God. To those with a more spiritual understanding he was an exemplar for living a compassionate life.

Does Jesus have any meaning to you?

This is hard for me to answer. I think he serves as a role model for compassion, mercy, charity, and kindness.

If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?

Do you mean if I believed he was son of God? If I believed that, I would be a Christian, and I'm not. Do I believe he was a great teacher? Yes, and my life is enriched by his teachings.

What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?

That depends on the Christian. Some see him as God incarnate, others as an eternal spirit of forgiveness. It's hard to generalize.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
I was born into a Roman Catholic family and raised as such. I was Christian until about 32-34 years old.

Who do you think Jesus was?
A poor Galilean wandering teacher.

What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?
I can't prove it one way or another, and it really makes no nevermind to me. Whoever he was, if he was, he had a lasting effect on the world.

What did Jesus do?
He re-iterated what is already in Judaism, with a few twists and turns, and mass-marketed a philosophy.

Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
Yes, to a couple billion Christians.

Does Jesus have any meaning to you?

If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?
No. I am happy with my beliefs and my values system.

What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?
Obviously he is everything to them.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
I can read, mostly.

Who do you think Jesus was?
A heretical rabbi.

What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?
All myths contain a grain of truth.

What did Jesus do?
Forgot his safety word

More seriously; probably pissed off the wrong people at the wrong time and they decided to make an example of him.

Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
I don't know. I've lived under a rock for my entire life, so how would I know that an over-whelming percentage of the planet considers him to be the best thing ever.

Does Jesus have any meaning to you?
Take him or leave him really. Just a man, who's crowning achievement is basically being a crying martyr. Not something I find much worth in.

If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?
Well obviously, but you could cut off my hand and that'd make a difference too. Lots of things can and will make a difference in your life.

What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?
There are waaay too many of them for me to even attempt to answer that.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
  1. Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
    [*]Who do you think Jesus was?
    [*]What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?
    [*]What did Jesus do?
    [*]Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
    [*]Does Jesus have any meaning to you?
    [*]If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?
    [*]What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?
1. First from pictures (childhood) then from the Bible (28)
2. The Messiah, Savior and Redeemer of mankind
3. First, what he did in my life. Second, fulfill Messianic prophecies.
4. Open life to all who want it by becoming one with the Creator
5. Absolutely
6. Absolutely
7. It already has
8. That would depend on the maturity of each Christian. Like the difference between a baby, a child, a youth and an adult.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
I can read, mostly.

Who do you think Jesus was?
A heretical rabbi.

What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?
All myths contain a grain of truth.

What did Jesus do?
Forgot his safety word

More seriously; probably pissed off the wrong people at the wrong time and they decided to make an example of him.

Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
I don't know. I've lived under a rock for my entire life, so how would I know that an over-whelming percentage of the planet considers him to be the best thing ever.

Does Jesus have any meaning to you?
Take him or leave him really. Just a man, who's crowning achievement is basically being a crying martyr. Not something I find much worth in.

If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?
Well obviously, but you could cut off my hand and that'd make a difference too. Lots of things can and will make a difference in your life.

What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?
There are waaay too many of them for me to even attempt to answer that.
I like your sense of humor.


Veteran Member
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
Right here on RF
Who do you think Jesus was?
I think he is a collections of stories and myths based in part on an actual person named Jesus that existed about a hundred years prior and some made up.
What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?
Some of the stories point to an author who isn't so clear about Jewish Law. Some are clearly plagiarized from Scriptures in order to lend authenticity. And of course, the Talmud describes a Jesus.
What did Jesus do?
The real one? The fake one? What did he do in general? On Tuesdays at 3pm?
Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
To Christians mostly, I'd imagine.
Does Jesus have any meaning to you?
Not that I can think of.
If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?
Well, I imagine I would be more Christian than I am today.
What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?
God/Messiah. At least that's the story they've been feeding the public.


I'm a planet
I think you mean
A very wide teacher of Jewish descent. He isn't considered a part of the tradition by Judaism.
I meant that in his time, he was part of the Jewish faith, cultural heritage, and theological system.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Where did you learn what you know about Jesus?
Who do you think Jesus was?
What, in you opinion proves or disproves Jesus existance?
What did Jesus do?
Does Jesus still have a meaning today?
Does Jesus have any meaning to you?
If you beleived in Jesus do you think it would make any difference to your life?
What meaning do you think Jesus has for Christians?

-I learned about Jesus early, can't remember when I didn't at least know His name.
-Jesus is a Deity. The man Jesus is a manifestation of G-d that was born unto Mary via the Spirit.
-That's a personal thing. Proof is there for many Christians, what constitutes that is going to vary individual to individual.
-Jesus the man? Jesus offered a way to know Deity, and sacrificed Himself /in human form/, for our sins.
-Yes, Jesus has meaning today. Again, varies church to church, etc.
-Yes, Jesus has meaning to me.
-I do believe in 'Jesus'.
-That depends Xian to Xian, Jesus believer to Jesus believer.


Veteran Member
I meant that in his time, he was part of the Jewish faith, cultural heritage, and theological system.
Hmmm... Don't the NT stories suggest that he wasn't part of the normative faith and theological systems of the time?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Hmmm... Don't the NT stories suggest that he wasn't part of the normative faith and theological systems of the time?
No. He performed all the rites and rituals of a Jew. He just challenged the interpretations of the law by the religious powers, straining at gnat while swallowing camels, and missing the spirit of the law by insisting on the letter of the law.


Veteran Member
No. He performed all the rites and rituals of a Jew. He just challenged the interpretations of the law by the religious powers, straining at gnat while swallowing camels, and missing the spirit of the law by insisting on the letter of the law.
I don't understand what you are saying. The first half of your comment seems to be at odds with the second half.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I don't understand what you are saying. The first half of your comment seems to be at odds with the second half.
I'm not sure why. Think of it in terms of Martin Luther disagreeing with the Catholic church's practices of Christianity. Martin Luther was a practicing Christian, even though he found himself at odds with the religious authorities. Likewise, Jesus was a practicing Jew. He felt an emphasis on strict legalistic practices while overlooking the weightier matters of the law, such as love, was in error.


I'm a planet
Hmmm... Don't the NT stories suggest that he wasn't part of the normative faith and theological systems of the time?

No, they don't suggest that. He was squarely in the prophetic tradition. He was a Jew, he preached to Jews, and lived his life as a Jew.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
No, they don't suggest that. He was squarely in the prophetic tradition. He was a Jew, he preached to Jews, and lived his life as a Jew.
It's funny, I once worked with a woman who was a Christian and I mentioned Jesus was a Jew and she got irate with me! :) "Are you trying to tell me my God was a Jew?", she said. I was dumbfounded. I cited only a few passages of the Bible, such as him being accused of calling himself the King of the Jews, people calling him Rabbi, and such to attempt to correct her mistake. She came back the next day after asking her grandmother who set her straight and admitted her error.

Goodness. I wonder how many Christians don't know something so basic as this. Was Jesus a Christian, following himself? :)