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What do you think happens after we die and how does it make you feel?


Well-Known Member
>What do you think happens after we die and how does it make you feel?

We ALL go on to the Next Life, which is more wonderful than we can imagine here and now!

Among many other things, the Baha'i scriptures say:

“And now concerning thy question regarding the soul of man and its survival after death. Know thou of a truth that the soul, after its separation from the body, will continue to progress until it attaineth the presence of God, in a state and condition which neither the revolution of ages and centuries, nor the changes and chances of this world, can alter. It will endure as long as the Kingdom of God, His sovereignty, His dominion and power will endure. It will manifest the signs of God and His attributes, and will reveal His loving kindness and bounty. The movement of My Pen is stilled when it attempteth to befittingly describe the loftiness and glory of so exalted a station. The honor with which the Hand of Mercy will invest the soul is such as no tongue can adequately reveal, nor any other earthly agency describe. Blessed is the soul which, at the hour of its separation from the body, is sanctified from the vain imaginings of the peoples of the world. Such a soul liveth and moveth in accordance with the Will of its Creator, and entereth the all-highest Paradise. The Maids of Heaven, inmates of the loftiest mansions, will circle around it, and the Prophets of God and His chosen ones will seek its companionship. With them that soul will freely converse, and will recount unto them that which it hath been made to endure in the path of God, the Lord of all worlds. If any man be told that which hath been ordained for such a soul in the worlds of God, the Lord of the throne on high and of earth below, his whole being will instantly blaze out in his great longing to attain that most exalted, that sanctified and resplendent station.... The nature of the soul after death can never be described, nor is it meet and permissible to reveal its whole character to the eyes of men. The Prophets and Messengers of God have been sent down for the sole purpose of guiding mankind to the straight Path of Truth. The purpose underlying Their revelation hath been to educate all men, that they may, at the hour of death, ascend, in the utmost purity and sanctity and with absolute detachment, to the throne of the Most High.”
-- (Gleanings., pp. 155-157)

"When they [men] are delivered through the light of faith from the darkness of these vices, and become illuminated with the radiance of the sun of reality, and ennobled with all the virtues, they esteem this the greatest reward, and they know it to be the true paradise. In the same way they consider that the spiritual punishment ... is to be subjected to the world of nature, to be veiled from God, to be brutal and ignorant, to fall into carnal lusts, to be absorbed in animal frailties, to be characterized with dark qualities ... these are the greatest punishments and tortures....

"...The rewards of the other world are the perfections and the peace obtained in the spiritual worlds after leaving this world ... the spiritual graces, the various spiritual gifts in the Kingdom of God, the gaining of the desires of the heart and the soul, and the meeting of God in the world of eternity. In the same way the punishments of the other world ... consist in being deprived of the special divine blessings and the absolute bounties, and falling into the lowest degrees of existence. He who is deprived of these divine favours, although he continues after death, is considered as dead by the people of truth.

"The wealth of the other world is nearness to God. Consequently it is certain that those who are near the Divine Court are allowed to intercede, and this intercession is approved by God....

"It is even possible that the condition of those who have died in sin and unbelief may become changed; that is to say, they may become the object of pardon through the bounty of God, not through His justice; for bounty is giving without desert, and justice is giving what is deserved. As we have the power to pray for these souls here, so likewise we shall possess the same power in the other world, which is the Kingdom of God.... Therefore in that world also they can make progress. As here they can receive light by their supplications, there also they can plead for forgiveness, and receive light through entreaties and supplications.

"Both before and after putting off this material form, there is progress in perfection, but not in state.... There is no other being higher than a perfect man. But man when he has reached this state can still make progress in perfections but not in state, because there is no state higher than that of a perfect man to which he can transfer himself. He only progresses in the state of humanity, for the human perfections are infinite. Thus however learned a man may be, we can imagine one more learned.

"Hence, as the perfections of humanity are endless, man can also make progress in perfections after leaving this world."
―Some Answered Questions, pp. 260-274 passim.

How do I feel about it?

I look forward to it! :)

As our scriptures also say:


"I have made death a messenger of joy to thee; wherefore dost thou grieve?

"I have made the light to shine on thee its splendor; why dost thou veil thyself therefrom?"
--The Hidden Words, Part One, #32

Best! :)

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oddly i do not fear death at all. i have had several near death experiences and even died 1nce but was restored to the state of life by CPR. every time i felt peaceful and in 1 instance couldnt help laughing hystirically. lol


non-existential luminary
you molecules eventually dissociate and it will feel just like when you were just a single cell and before that.


New Member
I think that death is like sleeping except you never wake up which isn't so bad when one thinks about Hell however the idea of all my thoughts and everything that's in me just fading away seems worse that hell.

and what if i told u that , when u die, u actualy wake up!!!.....yep, consider the possibilty. i read somewhere that, first u realize that u r not ur body, this is a grand remembering, as most of the time while u r alive u think u r ur body. the next will be experiencing what ever u believe will happen, u create instantainiously at a speed of thought, until u remember that u r the creator of ur reality, that u r not the content of the mind. then u proceed to the union of ur soul, and u remember evrything, who u realy r and what ur purpose..AND YES, U GET TO BE IN COMMUNION WITH GOD PERSONALY, EVERYONE DOES....AND I MEAN EVERYONE, EVENTAULY ENTERS THE KINGDOM OF GOD, IT'S OUR REAL HOME. and u know what, as creazy as this sounds, i believe it.


Undercover Nudist
Trying to say death will feel like something is a bit naive. What makes us feel in the first place is the utterly complex flow of electricity through our neurons. When that stops, feeling stops, and if that complex flow can not be coaxed to start again, as it does when a person comes out of a coma, you're dead. Trying to ask how death will feel is no different than asking how does the Empire State Building feel or Ayers Rock feel. A much more sensible question is why does life feel of anything?

Also, how do we know near-death experiences is anything like death if we can not compare the actual experience of death with it? For all we know, the experience one has with death and with near-death is so far removed that calling it near-death is misleading. To me it makes much more sense that near-death is like the flickering of a light-bulb. It is the dysfunctional state which precedes complete inactivity. Coma patients might experience dreamlike or weird out-of-body nonsensical things, but when you ask them how long they experienced it I doubt that it is the same length as the time the person actually was in a coma. Most of the time during a coma or brain-death the cerebral cortex is inanimate and can not account for any experience, it is probably just those flickers of dysfunctional experience that is remembered by the person afterwards.


Empirical Curmudgeon
I think that when you die, you die.
And that's the end of it.
I find this thought quite comforting and I do not fear death at all.

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
I just think you forget you were ever born and so much so that the state of "not being born" and the state of "being dead" are subjectively identical.


non-existential luminary
and what if i told u that , when u die, u actualy wake up!!!.....yep, consider the possibilty. i read somewhere that, first u realize that u r not ur body, this is a grand remembering, as most of the time while u r alive u think u r ur body. the next will be experiencing what ever u believe will happen, u create instantainiously at a speed of thought, until u remember that u r the creator of ur reality, that u r not the content of the mind. then u proceed to the union of ur soul, and u remember evrything, who u realy r and what ur purpose..AND YES, U GET TO BE IN COMMUNION WITH GOD PERSONALY, EVERYONE DOES....AND I MEAN EVERYONE, EVENTAULY ENTERS THE KINGDOM OF GOD, IT'S OUR REAL HOME. and u know what, as creazy as this sounds, i believe it.
there is also the possibility that when you sleep, u actualy wake up!!! dun dun dun

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
What sits best with me is the multiverse paradigm and we can never be possibly aware of existing any dead universe not finetuned for our existence. Multiple universes contain every possible physical characteristic, so we inevitably find ourselves living in a Universe that allows us to exist. That also applies to any state of being dead or not existing.


Well-Known Member
Almost certainly you will 'awaken' somewhere/sometime else. Whether its a decillion years from now, or a decillion to the power of a decillion years, sooner or later it should happen again. Assuming there isn't a greater power that is in control that plans to plug you up to a different program after this one finishes. Your 'awakening' will be just as fast in either case, since we can't experience the passage of time when we are 'asleep', so being asleep for 1 second would be the same as a decillion milleniums. As far as memories go, you can forget about those - that is, unless the creator(s) (if they exist) will transfer those into your next 'scenario'.
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After death, i believe i will reincarnate. Heres the good part, i will try to escape the grasp of god and the devil, and try to reincarnate with my memories of my prev life intact.... THEN I WILL INVADE THE GIRLS CHANGE ROOM WITH MY DYING WILL!!


Well-Known Member
I think that death is like sleeping except you never wake up which isn't so bad when one thinks about Hell however the idea of all my thoughts and everything that's in me just fading away seems worse that hell.

The brain no longer is conscious so there is no longer any conception of being. No sleep. No existence.

The body is eventually invaded by bacteria which breaks down the tissue. Gasses from the bacteria are released which results in a bloating of your corpse. After that there is nothing but a slow consumption of the organic material in which small bacterial creatures feast upon. Over some time all that will be left are the bones lying in a hole in the ground that may later be dug up by humans or another species which will inhabit this planet.

That or you are cremated in which nothing is left but ash.

Have a good day.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
What do you think happens after we die?

Whatever happens when your brain stops working: No senses; no consciousness.

How does it make you feel?

Pretty good knowing that I don't have to live forever.


Active Member
We return to the All. We came from the All, we experience life for a while (still part of the All) then return to the All. Some who wish will come back again. For those who believe in reincarnation, there are 1 million ants for every human on earth, so you have a pretty good chance of coming back as an ant. Think about it.


Premium Member
I believe in reincarnation, just like another couple billion people. But if we're wrong, hell will sure be a crowded place. :)