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What do you think of Islam personally?

What do you think of Islam? (Select all that apply)

  • Total voters


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
9-10 I doubt you can point out a religion with extremists that have killed that many people just this year alone. Did you go through that whole website. They have killings listed for past years as well.
I'll take that as your way of saying "I have no idea what the rate is or how the rate for Islam compares to the rates for other groups."
Monta check the website in my signature. Extremist Muslims around the world kill people EVERY DAY

You need to provide actual figures, from a reputable source, because anytime you make a claim about statistical fact and do not provide proof it just serves as confirmation for those who believe that you are lying, trolling or deliberately spreading ignorant misinformation.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
9-10 maybe you can provide me some sources for other groups. :) I provided you with one for Islam.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Monta I gave you a link. I am not lying and trolling, and quite frankly I'm getting tired of you implying that I am. I am simply going to place you on ignore. I came to this forum to discuss religion, not have you analyze and twist everything I say to make it look like I'm a hateful troll or something.


President of Chindia
Kemetic religion in general is growing. There's also other Kemetic groups besides the House of Netjer. I read somewhere the worldwide number of Kemetics in general might be around 120,000.

Yeah, the thing is Yosef, in comparison to other religions, the number is still tiny. And consider that Islam has such a wide-ranging subset of beliefs and sects and factions; I'm sure that if you looked at statistics for individual groups within Islam, you would find the radical terrorism concentrated within a few select groups, with the majority being peaceful and moderate.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
The website in my signature 9-10. Can you provide me with a website please?
Do you understand the difference between statistical data and anecdotes?

Right now, I see two main possibilities:

- you don't, and you really do think that you've given me what I ask for.
- you do understand the difference, and therefore you realize why a whole bunch of anecdotes aren't evidence for what you're suggesting... IOW, you're knowingly trolling an argument based on a bad interpretation of the facts.

If you're just out of your depth when it comes to the math involved, fine - I'm willing to work with you a bit. But if you know what you're doing, then I'd find it very hard to believe that you're doing anything but trolling with this line of argument.
Monta I gave you a link. I am not lying and trolling, and quite frankly I'm getting tired of you implying that I am. I am simply going to place you on ignore. I came to this forum to discuss religion, not have you analyze and twist everything I say to make it look like I'm a hateful troll or something.

A website isn't really a suitable substitute for a reputable agency, and I make it a point not to click on links unless I trust the source so if you could quote the relevant information, it would be great. I thought we were discussing your views on the Muslim religion, and I have never called you a troll, I merely suggested that if you behave in the same way as a troll behaves, you can expect to be mistaken for such, of course you have every right to censor yourself by putting me on ignore, it is a practice I find odd, but it seems to work for some people, or if I have been offensive to you in any way to report me, however I don't think you have the right to make false claims.

Perfect Circle

Just Browsing
Monta I gave you a link. I am not lying and trolling, and quite frankly I'm getting tired of you implying that I am. I am simply going to place you on ignore. I came to this forum to discuss religion, not have you analyze and twist everything I say to make it look like I'm a hateful troll or something.

Oh no Monta! You're going to miss out on so many insightful, provocative, deeply meaningful threads...

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
What do you think of Islam personally?

He's alright, but his sister is friggin hot as ****. I'd do that chick eight ways from Sunday.


President of Chindia
Yosef, no offence here, but I would suggest that you get some real statistical data or evidence before you launch an attack on a religion. Otherwise, you tend to get completely *******.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
I've worked with some very nice Muslims in my day. I think like any other group, they are being used to further the violent rise to power of greedy, amoral megalomaniacs.


Hostis humani generis
I live in a neighbourhood with quite a lot of Muslims.

I've encountered nice Muslims, and I've encountered some really nasty Muslims. Sadly the number of Muslims who are hostile and bigoted where I live is increasing.

However, this is about Islam.
What do I think of Islam? It's not on the list, and I probably shouldn't speak my mind as a mod, suffice to say my view of Islam isn't too high. It doesn't click with me, theologically.
What do you think of Islam personally?

He's alright, but his sister is friggin hot as ****. I'd do that chick eight ways from Sunday.

seriously? whatever floats your boat!


Liebe ist für alle da
People of the ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) religion commited many things that would be seen as barbaric today in the West.
Many Ancient 'Pagan' religion have. No religion is spotless in there history. But I know you know that.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Offense Alert: This post may be offensive to some RF members. That is not the intent of this post as I am merely stating my opinion, based on my own extensive research.

Islam being portrayed as a religion of peace has only come to the forefront since it went into political decline. Prior to this there was very little mentioned about its alleged peaceful intents. Prior to the decline, Muslim adherents were quite insistent that Islam was the only true religion and were remarkably unapologetic about it. Their bloody conquests underscore the veracity of this position.

What people don't seem to understand is what is meant by "peace" in Islam. It means that the time when there is no longer any opposition to Islam and Islam alone remains supreme and Allah's followers rule the planet as his vice-regents - their rightful place in the scheme of things. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand why there would be "peace" at such a point.

Personally, I view Islam as extremely bad psychology based on a very poor understanding of the human condition. Avoid inhaling.

Tragically, I was unable to vote in the poll as I did not see any of the options as being adequate.