Observing the natural world to find out how it works?
So I'll put my 2 cents in.
Science is something we naturally do, discovering how something works through trial and error and redefining the questions asked using the knowledge we've discovered.
Something people forget about this second part. Questioning the truth of their understanding of what works.
Religion IMO does the first part. It tries to understand how things work based on personal experience. However what it fails to do is to question the reliability of what it has discovered.
Not to say religious folks never question the "truth" they've discovered, but at some point they stop.
Science never stops. Science takes whatever it has learned, redefines the question and asks again. Over and over. Never fully satisfied until it has exhausted all questions. Which will never happen because we continually create new questions to ask.
Why do you think most religions rely on answers given thousands of years ago?
Science is endless, infinite. Most people don't like that. They want a "truth" they can rely on. 20-30 years from now science will likely have redefined everything we currently accept as true only to find itself again being replaced by new discoveries.
Science works within its limited scope of understanding. We just have to accept that understanding will never be complete.