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What do you think the purpose meaning of life?


The meaning of life is to live and strive for excellence. That is life's only specific goal


Towards the Sun
godlike said:
The only peace one can have is to pierce the illusion with the higher senses, to lift the veil of maya. The organized chaos of existence is only seeming, for underneath lies an immutable Truth, a unity and harmony visible to the minds eye in moments of great clarity.

Moni_Gail said:
My answer is extremely simplistic, but I say learning which can only really be done through experience.

Is it contradictory that I agree with both of you? :areyoucra


i really don't know- and i'll say that i have been one of those folks nearly driven mad by a depression-laced existential scrabmle for an answer to that question.

answers do not come to me all at once.

rather, they come day to day, through prayer and reflection. perhaps at the end of my life, i will better understand what it has all lead to.


Well-Known Member

>What do you think the purpose meaning of life?

The purposeof life is twofold:

- As individuals, we are to acquire the spiritual virtues we'll need both here and in the Next Life.

- And in aggregate, we are to carry forward an ever-advancing, spiritually-based civilization.

And the purpose of religion is to show us HOW to go about this!

Best, :)



Well-Known Member
Jay said:
That is a baseless assertion.

Only in your not-so-humble opinion.

Nor, clearly, are YOU any position to judge the quality of my statement since you apparently have NO IDEA what it is based upon.

So you will forgive me, I trust, if I'm unimpressed.



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Premium Member
Godlike said:
The meaning of life is in belonging. Everything in this reality or universe or whatever you want to call it, is disjointed, contradictory, in a constant state of flux. The cosmos we perceive with our senses offers no existential reward and is based on conflict. What gentle, loving soul can feel @ home in this place? Before enlightenment, we are but exiles here, foreigners in our own reality, prisoners of a funtional system whose rules and dynamics operate beyond our scope of control. What can be done to be happy here? How do I come to a sense of Belonging, without which there can be no content, no meaning?

The only peace one can have is to pierce the illusion with the higher senses, to lift the veil of maya. The organized chaos of existence is only seeming, for underneath lies an immutable Truth, a unity and harmony visible to the minds eye in moments of great clarity. Attendant upon this realiztion of non-duality, of a non-distinct Self and Universe, is the Reason which answers the question "Why Am I Here?": in this, we find the lost meaning and content longed for. All the barriers that blocked one from living a life fully, wholly and completely, fall away and one is left with the conviction that one belongs here, that one is here for a reason and that reason is not deviod of purpose in the grander scheme of things. This belonging is the end of existential suffering, and the beginning of happiness and contentment.
Greetings: This is an interesting thread, Syoonsh, a very important subject. Thank you. My thoughts agree with your opening post about Enlightenment, and with the posting by Hema. The posting above by Godlike has captured my thoughts better than I could write myself and with 'belonging' has helped me understand better. (You have done it again, Godlike.) Let me just take a different perspective on the same thing and offer some words for a different view: 'After fulfillment within the unity of universal fulfillment, ultimate meaning comes from participation in being as OneSelf reunited with God.'


Well-Known Member
Purpose of life is purely to exists. Its up to each person to determine their own purpose. Well another purpose might be to be a pawn to an awareness that proclaims itself as a god.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I am such a sucker for these kind of threads, lol. It is a problem I am trying my darndest to rectify, but I am so weak.

I have read some interesting perspectives here. Some of you are closer to "the money" than I suspect you realize.

Ultimately the is no actual "meaning" to life, in the same way there are no "absolute truths". Don't get me wrong. I am actually meaning that life is on an "As is" basis and it is up to the individual to MAKE their own meaning. To leave their own footprint, as it were, and to make the world a "better place" than they found it. That IS the custom, but there is by no means any "requirement" to do so. You will not be judged by anyone other than yourself, on whether or not you succeeded or failed, period. (I do not much care what the religion's of man have to say on the matter either. It is not like they can recreate the "loaf" from the measely crumbs they currently have.)

There is simply no cosmic "score card" other than perhaps the card you yourself may have created. You may very well have placed certain conditions on a given life and the object of that life is to realize those conditions and grow THROUGH them and FROM them. No one, I repeat, no one forces another to complete the "game" and it is all solely based on pragmatic lessons a given individual wishes to experience, for whatever reasons THEY deem appropriate.

As to the purpose of life. *sigh*

This one is a no-brainer.

The purpose of "life" is for the individual to simply Be, what it is, they are. An oak tree does not fret about how it should be, it simply grows and grows. Consciousness is a similar beast and consciousneess implicitly understands how to revel in its own inherent state of "natural grace". This natural grace can also be described as the "enlightened state". It is the purpose of life to achieve this "direct connect" to the source of ones individuality. By making this "direct connect" the individual allows the inner self to manifest into the physical world, albeit in a slightly limited fashion.

If you fail to grasp this simple reality then you have a fair amount of other issues to work out first. You don't even NEED god. You don't even need a "spiritual quide". You don't even need my words. You do however, need to believe in yourself and it would be helpful if you allowed yourself to believe in the concept of the "inner self". The "I" within the "I" or the "original" you.

Perhaps then ... you will know me, as I am.

: hamster : :eek: : hamster :


Well-Known Member
YmirGF said:
You do however, need to believe in yourself and it would be helpful if you allowed yourself to believe in the concept of the "inner self". The "I" within the "I" or the "original" you. Perhaps then ... you will know me, as I am.

I used to think this too but eventually I saw through it: the problem with that in action is there must always be inner disharmony and disunity if I divide my-Self into a "lower" and a "higher" self. I agree that there is meaning in simply be-ing oneself, but we are creatures of desire, born of it. Therefore there is longing in us, and so it follows that it is not simply enough to BE, we must also Be-long, here and now wherever we are. Don't you think, Paul?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Godlike said:
I used to think this too but eventually I saw through it: the problem with that in action is there must always be inner disharmony and disunity if I divide my-Self into a "lower" and a "higher" self.

You will never hear me use the terms, "Higher" and "lower" self. Such divisions are meaningless. Although I may occaisionally use the term "larger self", it is not intended to be at the expense of the much more (comparatively) limited "focus" or "physical" self governed by an autonomous ego.

Personality is very difficult to define. Language demands that certain manners of phrasing be used simply to make sense from a physical point of view. You must try to grasp the simple fact that there are no true divinsions within personality. Never forget Oneness, although most have, and therein lies the rub. :)

Godlike said:
I agree that there is meaning in simply be-ing oneself, but we are creatures of desire, born of it.
and ....
Godlike said:
Therefore there is longing in us, and so it follows that it is not simply enough to BE, we must also Be-long, here and now wherever we are. Don't you think, Paul?
This concept is somewhat alien to me, I will be quite honest. I have never sensed that I did not "belong" or do not "belong" even though there are times I wondered why I was somewhere, lol. It is my suspicion that this is a "hot" button issue for you at this time and this is part of your own current "life challenge".


New Member
In John 17:3, Jesus says: "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true god, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent." I believe that our main purpose in life is to get to know god, to become like him, so our daily actions will reflect that of our Heavenly Fathers. Also to accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior, so that through our faith and repentance he may be able to cleanse us from sin, making us clean, so we can one day return and live with our Heavenly Father.


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Premium Member
ProfLogic said:
Purpose of life is purely to exists. Its up to each person to determine their own purpose. Well another purpose might be to be a pawn to an awareness that proclaims itself as a god.
Nice points, ProfLogic. And I appreciate the 'pawn' bit which is assumed to be a humorous statement into humility, it gave me a chuckle. Just wanted to add, however, that to be such a 'pawn' would be impossible because such an 'awareness' would realize God within you and perceive all people as divine as well. I read somewhere something like, 'the psychotic and the megalomaniac expect to be worshipped by everyone (and have pawns) but the true awareness happily worships everyone.'
Best Wishes


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
YmirGF said:
I am such a sucker for these kind of threads, lol. It is a problem I am trying my darndest to rectify, but I am so weak.

The purpose of "life" is for the individual to simply Be, what it is, they are. An oak tree does not fret about how it should be, it simply grows and grows. Consciousness is a similar beast and consciousneess implicitly understands how to revel in its own inherent state of "natural grace". This natural grace can also be described as the "enlightened state". It is the purpose of life to achieve this "direct connect" to the source of ones individuality. By making this "direct connect" the individual allows the inner self to manifest into the physical world, albeit in a slightly limited fashion.
Glad we sucked you in on this one, YmirGF, your wisdom is always appreciated and admired.
Now, there is another thread (lol) that Sunstone began on 'How did Consciousness Originate' and since you mentioned the word.....


Well-Known Member
YmirGF said:
This concept is somewhat alien to me, I will be quite honest. I have never sensed that I did not "belong" or do not "belong" even though there are times I wondered why I was somewhere, lol. It is my suspicion that this is a "hot" button issue for you at this time and this is part of your own current "life challenge".

That's the universal thing, though, not peculiar to me alone: some people who manage to graps some semblance of the bigger picture, the few I mean, often realise a most profound feeling of not needing or wanting to be here, of not belonging in this world or realm or whatever. You could say it's the awareness of pure transience, part of the reconciliation of ones own existence with the shortness of life and the inevtiable death @ its end.