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What do you think the purpose meaning of life?


I know every religion teaches all different style of purpose meaning of life why
we came down to Earth and do this and do that.....but the point is...
even though we have good life here on Earth, such as one who has good pay, good house with good car,and good education, but when that person dies, he can't bring all those stuff to where he's going. It's meaningless once you leave Earth.

To have certain enlightment, you have to live different kind of lifestyle on Earth, so that you can learn something from it. That way, you're soul grows up. I believe purpose of life is having "ENLIGHTMENT" although some religions try to teach in little bit different words but same concept.....


Not your average Mormon
syoonsh said:
I know every religion teaches all different style of purpose meaning of life why
we came down to Earth and do this and do that.....but the point is...
even though we have good life here on Earth, such as one who has good pay, good house with good car,and good education, but when that person dies, he can't bring all those stuff to where he's going. It's meaningless once you leave Earth.

To have certain enlightment, you have to live different kind of lifestyle on Earth, so that you can learn something from it. That way, you're soul grows up. I believe purpose of life is having "ENLIGHTMENT" although some religions try to teach in little bit different words but same concept.....
To me, the purpose of life is to gain a physical body, to learn to distinguish between good and evil, to learn to walk in faith, and to find eternal joy.

I'm curious about one thing you said, though. Maybe I'm reading too much into your particular choice of words, but what do you mean by, "we came down to Earth." Where do you think we were before "we came down to Earth"?


Veteran Member
My purpose in life?

My purpose is life is to progess and learn, and live in the joy of my Heavenly Father.

I don't think everyone's purpose is this though. Everyone has a different purpose in life. Mine is different then gracies or Maize's or Buttons*. We aren't all made to be the exact same or do the exact same things.


Well-Known Member
beckysoup61 said:
My purpose in life?

My purpose is life is to progess and learn, and live in the joy of my Heavenly Father.

I don't think everyone's purpose is this though. Everyone has a different purpose in life. Mine is different then gracies or Maize's or Buttons*. We aren't all made to be the exact same or do the exact same things.
I agree!


I'm curious about one thing you said, though. Maybe I'm reading too much into your particular choice of words, but what do you mean by, "we came down to Earth." Where do you think we were before "we came down to Earth"?[/quote]

Before we came down to the Earth, in my point of view, we're in a process of reborn such as reborn again. Our life exists in 3 stages. PAST LIFE, PRESENT LIFE, and FUTURE LIFE. yet this continue to circles until the certain SOULS reach their goals on Earth. I believe for those who do not believe in past life will not agree with me but, this is the reasons why many monks doing meditating.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Seyorni said:
Meaning and purpose are human ideas. The Universe deals only in function.

All very easy for you to say, Seyorni, but any red blooded man who has looked deeply into the beckoning eyes of his Acme Latex Love Doll knows in that instant that his purpose here on earth is to be a good provider, protector, and lover to her.


Lord of the Badgers
athanasius said:
The answer to the meaning of life is 44
I thought it was 42? I sense a Holy War on the horizon...

Sunstone said:
All very easy for you to say, Seyorni, but any red blooded man who has looked deeply into the beckoning eyes of his Acme Latex Love Doll knows in that instant that his purpose here on earth is to be a good provider, protector, and lover to her.
I think i just experienced a new feeling, a mixture of humour and disturbance. I Christen it Humurbance.

seyorni said:
Meaning and purpose are human ideas. The Universe deals only in function.
Inorganic aspects of the universe, sure. But life tends to create purpose.
A sea horse will birth his young in long reeds to disguise them from fish while their still small.
Trees will mast on mass to give their offspring a better chance of survival.
A bear will hibernate to survive winter.
Instead of random acts of nature, most actions undertaken by life is driven by purpose - to survive, to breed - its no longer just the mindless chemical and physical reactions that we see in, for example, star formation.

In humans, the purpose we see all around us in our daily lives is expanded by our sentient minds to encompass a universal purpose behind existance. This purpose is real, because it has real affects on the lives of the people who believe in it.
There may not be a ultimate purpose behind each human birth (other than it being the result of a purpose-filled set of biological events), but reaching enlightenment or submitting to God are real purposes that people can give to their own lives, don't you think?


Sweet n Spicy
syoonsh said:
...even though we have good life here on Earth, such as one who has good pay, good house with good car,and good education, but when that person dies, he can't bring all those stuff to where he's going. It's meaningless once you leave Earth.

That is very true. We are only in this world for a short vacation. The main purpose in life is to realize that material things are only temporary and that we are Spirit NOT body and that we are part of God. God is within us, we just have to seek and find. What you were saying reminded me of an email I got, it really makes one think about what life is about. I hope that everyone reads it. It can really change someone's outlook on life.

God won't ask what kind of car you drove; He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't have transportation.God won't ask the square footage of your house, He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet, He'll ask how many you helped to clothe.God won't ask what your highest salary was; He'll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.God won't ask what your job title was; He'll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.God won't ask how many friends you had; He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived, He'll ask how you treated your neighbors. God won't ask about the color of your skin, He'll ask about the content of your character.


Well-Known Member
syoonsh said:
I know every religion teaches all different style of purpose meaning of life why
we came down to Earth and do this and do that.....but the point is...
even though we have good life here on Earth, such as one who has good pay, good house with good car,and good education, but when that person dies, he can't bring all those stuff to where he's going. It's meaningless once you leave Earth.

To have certain enlightment, you have to live different kind of lifestyle on Earth, so that you can learn something from it. That way, you're soul grows up. I believe purpose of life is having "ENLIGHTMENT" although some religions try to teach in little bit different words but same concept.....

Gaia's suicidal. The purpose of humanity is to fulfill that goal. A few more centuries, a few more technological advances in warfare and soon this planet will be much like the other three terrestrial planets. It will no longer feel out of place and alone. Nor will it itch from all that busy life on it's surface.

random smilie:areyoucra


Well-Known Member
The meaning of life is in belonging. Everything in this reality or universe or whatever you want to call it, is disjointed, contradictory, in a constant state of flux. The cosmos we perceive with our senses offers no existential reward and is based on conflict. What gentle, loving soul can feel @ home in this place? Before enlightenment, we are but exiles here, foreigners in our own reality, prisoners of a funtional system whose rules and dynamics operate beyond our scope of control. What can be done to be happy here? How do I come to a sense of Belonging, without which there can be no content, no meaning?

The only peace one can have is to pierce the illusion with the higher senses, to lift the veil of maya. The organized chaos of existence is only seeming, for underneath lies an immutable Truth, a unity and harmony visible to the minds eye in moments of great clarity. Attendant upon this realiztion of non-duality, of a non-distinct Self and Universe, is the Reason which answers the question "Why Am I Here?": in this, we find the lost meaning and content longed for. All the barriers that blocked one from living a life fully, wholly and completely, fall away and one is left with the conviction that one belongs here, that one is here for a reason and that reason is not deviod of purpose in the grander scheme of things. This belonging is the end of existential suffering, and the beginning of happiness and contentment.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
syoonsh said:
I know every religion teaches all different style of purpose meaning of life why
we came down to Earth and do this and do that.....but the point is...
even though we have good life here on Earth, such as one who has good pay, good house with good car,and good education, but when that person dies, he can't bring all those stuff to where he's going. It's meaningless once you leave Earth.

To have certain enlightment, you have to live different kind of lifestyle on Earth, so that you can learn something from it. That way, you're soul grows up. I believe purpose of life is having "ENLIGHTMENT" although some religions try to teach in little bit different words but same concept.....

The bit outlined in red - I disagree (on two counts), but it is purely from my own perspective. Sure, my life could be far worse than it is; I have a "good" pension, I have a 'good' House, and a 'good' car but life means nothing to me - I can't wait until it's over. As for my possessions, I am counting on leaving as much as I can to my two sons, to improve their life - styles.

You sound as if you believe in reincarnation; is that so ?


My answer is extremely simplistic, but I say learning which can only really be done through experience.