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What does God have that you don't?


The Lost One
tomspug said:
What does God have that you don't?
A DIVINE PLATINIUM credit card with a trillion-frequent-flyer points.

A chariot drawn by 1 billion horses (1 billion horse-powers).


Im a happy little Lesbian
One of the reasons we pursue 'God' is because he provides us with something you don't have. For those that prescribe to a belief in God, what is it that he provides for you personally? For those that don't, what does it appear to you that people try to get from God?

And before you answer that first question, consider this one. Is religion mainly about getting from "God" what we want?

people want more or less to be controlled, it makes their lives easier
thats why most dont question the bible even though there are so many contraditions and thats why people trust guys like the pope even though hes sexist.


Active Member
well a few examples would be Gods love is for all life, our love is very limited
God feeds all the universe even an ant below the stone, we can hardly feed our loved ones, we cant feed everyone in this world.
God has created a computer the human brain which no human can create in all his life time, we create but our creation is compared nothing. Our metro system can suffer an error and have a broke down. but the universe controlled by him cannot have an error e.g. the sun comes out everyday but it is never absent without an excuse. God can give life and take life we can only take life. in every manner we are nothing comparred to God, He is beyond comprehension


Its only a Label
who & where is this person * god *
only after meeting and checking can I know as to what he has that I don't.
If he is not a person then he has * NOTHING *; just like me.


Active Member
Well, it seems that we are using our own human concept to visualise and describe God almighty, I think that God Almighty would be beyond understanding and comprehension.


Its only a Label
Friend nawab,
Sorry tostate that your statemenet
Well, it seems that we are using our own human concept to visualise and describe God almighty, I think that God Almighty would be beyond understanding and comprehension.

is contradictory to your foot note:

Rise yourself to such Heights
that before writing your destiny
God should ask you
What do you want your destiny to be

Yes, surely mystics have shown the possibility of rising to those heights when the gap betwenn the mystic and khuda is no more to decide on anything.
Love & rgds

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
One of the reasons we pursue 'God' is because he provides us with something you don't have.
Agape'. No more and certainly no less.

I John 4:7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9 This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. NIV


Active Member
My Friend, this poetry is from a faculty of Iqbalology to understand Iqbals poetry is the first 2 sentances, the last 2 sentances are basically in simple words exaggeration. to understand these kind of poetry you need to have a deep understanding of the sub continent culture. not that i denying or anything.

Friend nawab,
Sorry tostate that your statemenet

is contradictory to your foot note:

Yes, surely mystics have shown the possibility of rising to those heights when the gap betwenn the mystic and khuda is no more to decide on anything.
Love & rgds


Active Member
It basically means to be optimistic and dont be sad/pestamistic, and be so confident with your faith. the last two lines are giving you a exaggerating example, Sorry brother i cannot translate what i want to tell you in english, the language is so deficent, i cant express my self properly i hope may Allah remove your misconception


Its only a Label
Friend Nawab,
If I remember correctly
Banda tu itna bulandi ko choo ki khuda tusje puche ki teri raja kya hai
[something on those lines - living in India and so conversant with Hindi and partly urdu]

What it expresses is something one has to realise that when you reach that height you drop your ego and when the ego is dropped automatically exxitence or god of whom you are part is in tune and there is no distinction between the two.
This can only be experineced to know and understand.
Love & rgds


Active Member
Well it was close the correct one is

Khudi koh kar buland itna
ke har takdir se phelle
Khuda bhande se yeh puche
pata tere raza kya hein

I hope my English-Hindi is understandable, I havent wrote in this format for ages I almost forgot the transliterations.

Anyway, often for Iqbals poetry we have to study some other poems to really understand his message.


Active Member
the fact that he has lived from Time indefinate to time indefinate is something that God has that I havent got. The power to create the universe. The power to destroy us at a nanosecond and yet has the patience to put up us all wondering why he can be so bad to us, by allowing the world to be the way it is, but we all know that from the accounts in Genesis when God talks of the hurtin his heart of what was happening in the days of Noah and how what humans were doing then hurt him, and that the days now are described in matthew as being like the days of Naoh, we then should already know that he is hurt by what others do, but if he didnt hold off on his judgement none of us would probably be here today to discuss God and what we feel Jehovah has or has not done for us.

I know


Active Member
Well the thing is, we sholdnt be going to God expecting something, if you dont have faith that h can fix your problems