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What does God want from you?


Well-Known Member
You say God has objective existence, is not simply conceptual / imaginary.

So where's the photo, the video, the interview, the examinable evidence of this claimed reality?

Have you not heard a word I have been telling you?

If God has objective existence as you assert, where's the photo, the video, the interview, the examinable evidence of this claimed reality?
Be who you must. It's a part of the plan. Life isn't about Discovering God. Patience, you will bump into God soon enough regardless of any choices or beliefs you have. There is no punishment. You really have no worries other than feeling foolish. Of course, that is something you must choose for yourself.

The first thing God pointed out to me is that mankind carries such a narrow view. I cry that!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
You are being illogical.
On the one hand, you agree we have free-will to choose, and on the other hand,
you say that if we choose wrongly, we shouldn't have been created.
Ummm .. doesn't add up!

..so evil souls do not exist?

Of course they are .. books have to be printed in some form.
..but it's their origin which is important.
Your claim that they are all made-up cannot be substantiated.
I'm not saying if one chooses wrong, one shouldn't have been created. I'm saying when God already knows the results, God should not have created one that God knew would go to Hell. That would make God a Monster.

Free choice is an important part of learning. The part that makes God at a Higher Level is that Hell never existed and God knows the results will be All the Kiddies are going to make it.

You must give up those petty things mankind holds so dear and teaches through their religions. The judging, condemning, we are good ;they are evil, just gives one an excuse to Hate. Is it really goodness teaching others to value the petty things mankind holds so dear which will never ever bring the Best results?

In a multilevel classroom, one will see others learning lessons one has already learned. Do we hate, label them evil, judge and condemn? Shouldn't one work at fixing the problems instead of merely reacting to the problems?

Each will choose for themselves what is a good choice and what is a bad choice. No one can do that for them. Sure, you can Hate, Hurt, and attempt to intimidate and coerce their choices, however they will just return your anger and all those petty things back to you.

When one understands all sides, Intelligence will make the Best choices. All those bad choices will no longer be viable choices one could make. Why not? They are not intelligent choices and do not return the best results.

Since, in time, after one understands all sides, one will be making the best choices. There is no need to even define good verses evil. There is no need to try and draw a fine line between the two.

Actions speak louder than words. When one really understands God and what God is really doing and why, it is clear to see that those holy books reflect mankind more than anything else. That is not to say there is no goodness in holy books. It's hard to argue when they say Love others. On the other hand, goodness is not all religion is teaching. By valuing and using those petty things mankind holds so dear, they are teaching people to value and use those things.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
I believe the God in your scenario while has good interest in heart of mankind, the lesson type as opposed to rewarding people with closeness to him if they are good, makes life purpose relatively meaningless. It would be better to him have created everything in heavenly state and skipped the lesson. What is the lesson that we learn anyways? That we are screw ups and God wants to show that our decisions lead to self-harm and harms of others? It's not much of a meaningful lesson.

I believe God wanted to create us all in heavenly state, but that unexpected rebellion from his creation has complicated things. And if God can make us all ascend to him, he would, but free-will factors into ascension.

Your scenario works only if souls are reformed once witnessing God's Nature. If he can just make us love him through witnessing him, what keeps him from manifesting himself fully now? In my understanding and paradigm, there is harms in bringing the signs out all in a clear way to mankind when mankind is averse to the proof. But let's hear what is your excuse. In your scenario love of God fixes all souls when witnessed after death, so why doesn't he show himself? The lesson that there were consequences to our actions and what could've, would've and better been choices, is trivial reason to hide himself till now. What is he really teaching us, that he hides himself, does nothing for guiding us, that we will screw up in this scenario? What type of lesson is that. And what type of lesson where good goes unrewarded by him and evil with no consequence. That justice is unimportant?

God is hidden to whatever degree he needs to be and manifests when and where it is needed.

He wants every soul to strive for him and the only thing that prevents God from showing himself to his creation, is their actions are for other than him.
You do not Understand. It has never ever been about God. It's about the kiddies.

God returns all our actions and choices back to us in time. This is not punishment. This is to show us what our choices really mean. When one Understands all sides, Intelligence will make the best choices.

God also returns our good choices back to us, in time. Given enough lessons and understanding, this will teach us all to Love Unconditionally. After all, that is what one wants to return. Further, one will Discover that Unconditional Love and doing what is Best for the others will turn out to bring the Best results!!

The reason for Death: So often we learn through adversity. Given enough adversity a point is reached where learning becomes impossible. When we die, we go to God to experience God's Unconditional Love that heals all hurt. It is a Love that feels so good and so complete that one would do anything for it. WE all want to be like God.

Who knows how long one basks in God's Unconditional Love, however there comes a time when kiddies must go back to school to learn more along their journey to Discover how to be like God and how to be able to create a Heavenly state for oneself and others.

A new physical life brings new parameters and new lessons to learn in order that one moves forward. There is lots to learn. On the other hand, there is no time limit on learning. What else are you doing with eternity anyway?

Eternity has purpose!! When you reach that point of being able to create a Heavenly state for yourself and others, you will no longer need a physical body. Still there is so much more to do. You can Teach!!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
I'm not saying if one chooses wrong, one shouldn't have been created. I'm saying when God already knows the results, God should not have created one that God knew would go to Hell..
..but if one "chooses wrong", then the result is the taste of hell .. not necessarily for ever.

Since, in time, after one understands all sides, one will be making the best choices. There is no need to even define good verses evil. There is no need to try and draw a fine line between the two..
satan would have it like that .. be off your guard, and not recognise the difference between evil and righteousness.


Well-Known Member
God told us what She Want .. over and over and over.. what "High Intellect" asking this rhetorical question .. for those with ears that can hear .. the certain intonations from the Godhead.

Why you not Listen -- why not heard .. "The Word" -- of the Logos --

Have you not read the Bible mate ? never looked for the clue ? -- Matt 7:12 .. it is all you need to do .. the word of Hillel .. that of the Prophet Muhamu and Buddha ... Confucius he tell you its True .. and from the Most High .. it come down to be .. a Priest King we all know to be Hammurabi .. when asked by an infidel to sum up the entire Torah while standing on one foot .. "Don't do to others what you hate" - The rest is all commentary - now go and Learn what the Logos been telling humanity throughout history ..... over and over.. over and over .. but not listen .. cept for the founders .. they listened .. but we now want to throw away this wisdom... cause the people will not Listen.
your quote: "Don't do to others what you hate" - The rest is all commentary

My Answer: I guess this shows you can't tell and get results. One must Live those Lessons!! In time, that light bulb goes off over one's head and one Understands!!! Still, there seems to be something missing. How about Loving others Unconditionally and always doing what is Best for them?

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
your quote: "Don't do to others what you hate" - The rest is all commentary

My Answer: I guess this shows you can't tell and get results. One must Live those Lessons!! In time, that light bulb goes off over one's head and one Understands!!! Still, there seems to be something missing. How about Loving others Unconditionally and always doing what is Best for them?

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

Must be clear .. you have just restated what the Prophet told you ... the Golden Rule .. in both positive and negative aspects ... do to others what you like done to you .... u b like unconditional love don't you ? want to be forgiven .. perhaps not be so hard on your brother .. and do take log out .. from time to time ... let ye who be without sin .. throw the first Rock

But - did you read Matt 7:12 ? --and ask yourself why it reads the same as Rabbi Hillel ... upon whose knee baby Jesus Sat ...

The heavens are speaking .. but not you be listening .. or doing your homework ... having to explain golden rule step by step .... Yet you - albeit unwittingly - have found the correct path ... fancy that :)

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Be who you must.
That's to say, you hold the irreconcilable views that God on the one hand has objective existence, is found in the world external to the self, but on the other hand is not in fact found in the world external to the self, thus can only be discovered if you invent [him] in your brain for yourself, making [him] a personal aspect of individual thought.

Golly, why didn't you just state that nice and clearly at the start! It would have saved a great deal of time.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
@Bird123 people can make up all sorts of reasons we are created. Some people can see life as a joke and we supposed to laugh at the end of it for example. Making a purpose other then trial with respect to good and evil and God, won't make the trial go away. Also, you didn't really address why God doesn't show himself now. To you, he can show himself without harming his creation. So why doesn't he? Your reasoning just doesn't add up.


Well-Known Member
..but if one "chooses wrong", then the result is the taste of hell .. not necessarily for ever.

satan would have it like that .. be off your guard, and not recognise the difference between evil and righteousness.
You do not Understand. Hell does not exist. Hell is an invention of mankind. The idea of Hell exists in order to frighten people into following or joining the religion.

WE were never ever expected to never make mistakes. In fact, God is counting on those mistakes. More is learned through mistakes than at any other time. One learns what not to do.

Evil and righteousness is just an excuse to hate and value all those petty things mankind holds so dear. This is not God!! Valuing these petty things will not bring the best results. It's better to fix the problems.

Satan does not exist. This is another idea of mankind. Blame is another petty thing mankind holds so dear. Why does anyone need someone to blame for their bad choices? One should Learn from the results of those bad choices and not hated or condemned for them.

I have found so many people who value blame and believe Satan exists. If you find Satan, you send Satan to me. People love blame yet no one can find this guy Satan.

All God's children will make it in time. All will learn how to create a Heavenly state for themselves and others. This would include Satan provided Satan was actually more than a mere idea.

People underestimate God.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
That's to say, you hold the irreconcilable views that God on the one hand has objective existence, is found in the world external to the self, but on the other hand is not in fact found in the world external to the self, thus can only be discovered if you invent [him] in your brain for yourself, making [him] a personal aspect of individual thought.

Golly, why didn't you just state that nice and clearly at the start! It would have saved a great deal of time.
You do not have the capabilities to create God. On the other hand, you do have the capabilities to invent whatever Beliefs make you happy. Of course, this world isn't about Beliefs. It's about What Is!!

Hold fast to your Beliefs if you choose. That will not prevent the Truth from coming to your surface at a point in your existence. God places truth and knowledge around us all. It waits to be Discovered. I merely copy God. What I said about God is Truth. What you or anyone chooses to do with Truth is entirely up to them. With that in mind, you have my blessings.

No inventions, just facts. I say take them where you can get them.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
You do not have the capabilities to create God. On the other hand, you do have the capabilities to invent whatever Beliefs make you happy. Of course, this world isn't about Beliefs. It's about What Is!!
And that must clearly be distinguished from what is real, which is to say, is found in the world external to the self.

But no God can be found there, otherwise you'd simply have shown me the photo, the video and the interview.

And that means the only alternative is to invent a God for yourself, in your own mind ─ a task no doubt made easier by acculturation in most cases.

I can't think of any reason for doing that. But you seem to enjoy it, so, enjoy!


Well-Known Member
@Bird123 people can make up all sorts of reasons we are created. Some people can see life as a joke and we supposed to laugh at the end of it for example. Making a purpose other then trial with respect to good and evil and God, won't make the trial go away. Also, you didn't really address why God doesn't show himself now. To you, he can show himself without harming his creation. So why doesn't he? Your reasoning just doesn't add up.
It has never ever been about Believing.

God doesn't show up because it isn't important one believes in God or not. God doesn't show up because that would intimidate and alter people's free choices. That would defeat the purpose of learning through one's free choices.

When the cat is away, the mice will play. Don't children's choices change when the parents are gone? God does not want to restrict those free choices because it's about learning from those free choices. It's the only way one could Discover what the best choices really are from those choices that are not viable choices intelligence could make. You can tell, tell, tell,like you do your children, however only Living those Lessons will bring true Learning and Wisdom.

What would really happen if God showed up and didn't even say a word? Wouldn't that defeat the real purpose of God's system for the world and it's people?

What would you do?

Since, I was studying God's actions and choices for many many years, I came to understand God and what God is doing with this world. If one already Understands, popping into one's life would change little other than confirming the knowledge one has already acquired.

I hope all this makes better sense to you now. It is possible to teach all the children what the best choices are without the Hate, Condemning and all those petty things mankind holds so dear that lead away from Love and the Wisdom where the Best answers really live. God is High Intelligence at a Higher Level. Perhaps it is time for us all to stretch our thinking to a Higher Level where the Best answers live.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
And that must clearly be distinguished from what is real, which is to say, is found in the world external to the self.

But no God can be found there, otherwise you'd simply have shown me the photo, the video and the interview.

And that means the only alternative is to invent a God for yourself, in your own mind ─ a task no doubt made easier by acculturation in most cases.

I can't think of any reason for doing that. But you seem to enjoy it, so, enjoy!

What is this silly talk .. "No God can be found" - when all one need do, is open eyes and look around ..to hear God talking to you .. :) Har Har har.

No what God can be found ?? what is this God you talk about .. define "GOD" as until you done that .. can't possibly say it can't be found. What this nonsense talk "No God can be found" what can not be found .. Look at that Stone over there .. I tell you that is God .. can you still not find it .. ? and all the little stones are God's children .. the "Sons of God" we read about in the Holy Books.

Anybody can find such a God .. what is the one you claim to be looking for .. but hath not found .. and before you answer .. I tell you my response . because I am prophet and can predict the future. Your definition is horrible and dumb.

Fancy that .. now out with your definition .. realizing that my prediction has come true already .. as you didn't have a definition ..which is horrible and dumb .. are are are .. but now is your second chance .. and I predict again my answer is going to be the same .. and will be qualified once you respond.


Well-Known Member
Since, I was studying God's actions and choices for many many years, I came to understand God and what God is doing with this world. If one already Understands, popping into one's life would change little other than confirming the knowledge one has already acquired.

Holy Carp .. Um .. Ummm .. Which Gods actions and choices were you studying ? such that you came to understand what this God is doing with the world. Looking for a name here friend .. so we can compare notes ...


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It has never ever been about Believing.

God doesn't show up because it isn't important one believes in God or not. God doesn't show up because that would intimidate and alter people's free choices. That would defeat the purpose of learning through one's free choices.

When the cat is away, the mice will play. Don't children's choices change when the parents are gone? God does not want to restrict those free choices because it's about learning from those free choices. It's the only way one could Discover what the best choices really are from those choices that are not viable choices intelligence could make. You can tell, tell, tell,like you do your children, however only Living those Lessons will bring true Learning and Wisdom.

What would really happen if God showed up and didn't even say a word? Wouldn't that defeat the real purpose of God's system for the world and it's people?

What would you do?

Since, I was studying God's actions and choices for many many years, I came to understand God and what God is doing with this world. If one already Understands, popping into one's life would change little other than confirming the knowledge one has already acquired.

I hope all this makes better sense to you now. It is possible to teach all the children what the best choices are without the Hate, Condemning and all those petty things mankind holds so dear that lead away from Love and the Wisdom where the Best answers really live. God is High Intelligence at a Higher Level. Perhaps it is time for us all to stretch our thinking to a Higher Level where the Best answers live.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

Bird123, I can't forgive the people who tortured my father. I can't forgive them. I won't forgive society over all either whether Muslims or Christians because they have great apathy to injustice. I don't appreciate this concept of unconditional love, because it's too easy, for evil people to get away with crimes. I hold three people as partners, the oppressor, the supporters, and those who watch it all happen (and do nothing). When my uncle was tortured as well, it was the straw that broke my back. Before that I would argue with Muslims that hell doesn't make sense too. Then I wanted hell to exist. At least for some people. But I couldn't just hate the torturers, but I was angry at the whole system. The system that people are apathetic to the injustice. If majority of mankind is apathetic to injustice, then I want majority in mankind in hell forever. I've witnessed in my own family what this apathy leads to in terms of trauma.

You've chosen to forgive the people who torture my father. That's your decision. You have no proof from God - because your God wants to hide and won't reveal books nor send Messengers nor appoint us guides by proofs.

You make it as if it's petty to want people that are oppressors, supporters or apathetic to oppression to go to hell?

God send his guides and Messengers with the book, so that people rise for justice. So people have a catalyst to unite on and examples to follow. So they have proofs of who is truthful and who lying and deceiving in the battle between good and evil.

The one lesson I've learned is that people are arrogant. They think they don't need God and his guidance, and it's caused enough trouble as is. There is no type whatever love that can fix my hurt. I want justice.


Veteran Member
.. Which Gods actions and choices were you studying ? such that you came to understand what this God is doing with the world.
@Bird123 imagines he knows God's actions and studies them. He imagines he understands what God is doing with this world.
Nobody can study God's actions because nobody can ever know anything about God's actions. God is a complete mystery.
Mature contemplation confesses to the helplessness to fathom the mystery of the Living God.

“Wert thou to ponder in thine heart, from now until the end that hath no end, and with all the concentrated intelligence and understanding which the greatest minds have attained in the past or will attain in the future, this divinely ordained and subtle Reality, this sign of the revelation of the All-Abiding, All-Glorious God, thou wilt fail to comprehend its mystery or to appraise its virtue. Having recognized thy powerlessness to attain to an adequate understanding of that Reality which abideth within thee, thou wilt readily admit the futility of such efforts as may be attempted by thee, or by any of the created things, to fathom the mystery of the Living God, the Day Star of unfading glory, the Ancient of everlasting days. This confession of helplessness which mature contemplation must eventually impel every mind to make is in itself the acme of human understanding, and marketh the culmination of man’s development.”
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 165-166
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Well-Known Member
@Bird123 imagines he knows God's actions and studies them. He imagines he understands what God is doing with this world.
Nobody can study God's actions because nobody can ever know anything about God's actions. God is a complete mystery.
Mature contemplation confesses to the helplessness to fathom the mystery of the Living God.

“Wert thou to ponder in thine heart, from now until the end that hath no end, and with all the concentrated intelligence and understanding which the greatest minds have attained in the past or will attain in the future, this divinely ordained and subtle Reality, this sign of the revelation of the All-Abiding, All-Glorious God, thou wilt fail to comprehend its mystery or to appraise its virtue. Having recognized thy powerlessness to attain to an adequate understanding of that Reality which abideth within thee, thou wilt readily admit the futility of such efforts as may be attempted by thee, or by any of the created things, to fathom the mystery of the Living God, the Day Star of unfading glory, the Ancient of everlasting days. This confession of helplessness which mature contemplation must eventually impel every mind to make is in itself the acme of human understanding, and marketh the culmination of man’s development.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 165-166

Yes .. I dealt with the other posters claims of knowing Gods actions in a different post .. but it seems my comment to you went deer in headlights .. as you completely failed to address it.

You keep talking about God .. without defining what it is you define as being God .. other than now saying indirectly that you have no ability to define God .. "A complete Mystery" to you ? . but then you contradict yourself claiming we can never know any of God's actions -- meaning that at least this much about God is not a Mystery .. and how do you know that we can not know about God's actions .. or anything about God .. when you have yet to define what GOD is.

but thanks for making my prediction correct .. what was it now .. that your response would be horrible and dumb ... and unfortunately .. the contradiction + deer in headlights qualifies.

Come on now .. surely this exercize is not that difficult .. What is your definition of a God ? .. something than "Its unknowable" por favor .. or some other similarly dumb answer .. borderline disingenuous oblivion. Is God big and strong .. "Omnipotent" .. or does Satan being able to control the weather ... and full control over the earth qualify at least as demi-God status .. Does God know everything .. is everywhere .. or .. is God more like the Anthropomorphic Gods of Old .. like that one Creater God fellow in the Bible who makes mistakes from time to time .. ends up regretting is previous actions ...

What level of power must one weild to be considered to have "God Like" Powers .. and if you are a Bible Believer .. which God of the Bible are you talking about .. and what is his/her Name .. Is it the Primordial God Tiamat ? or the Uncreated Ahura Mazda ..

What would some entity need to do to convince you that it was a God ?


Veteran Member
Come on now .. surely this exercize is not that difficult .. What is your definition of a God ?
My definition of God is according to my religion.

God in the Baháʼí Faith

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Baháʼí view of God is essentially monotheistic. God is the imperishable, uncreated being who is the source of all existence.[1] He is described as "a personal God, unknowable, inaccessible, the source of all Revelation, eternal, omniscient, omnipresent and almighty".[2][3] Though transcendent and inaccessible directly, his image is reflected in his creation. The purpose of creation is for the created to have the capacity to know and love its creator.[4] God communicates his will and purpose to humanity through intermediaries, known as Manifestations of God, who are the prophets and messengers that have founded religions from prehistoric times up to the present day.[5]

The Baháʼí teachings state that there is only one God and that his essence is absolutely inaccessible from the physical realm of existence and that, therefore, his reality is completely unknowable. Thus, all of humanity's conceptions of God which have been derived throughout history are mere manifestations of the human mind and not at all reflective of the nature of God's essence. While God's essence is inaccessible, a subordinate form of knowledge is available by way of mediation by divine messengers, known as Manifestations of God.

While the Baháʼí writings teach of a personal god who is a being with a personality (including the capacity to reason and to feel love), they clearly state that this does not imply a human or physical form.[2] Shoghi Effendi writes:

What is meant by personal God is a God Who is conscious of His creation, Who has a Mind, a Will, a Purpose, and not, as many scientists and materialists believe, an unconscious and determined force operating in the universe. Such conception of the Divine Being, as the Supreme and ever present Reality in the world, is not anthropomorphic, for it transcends all human limitations and forms, and does by no means attempt to define the essence of Divinity which is obviously beyond any human comprehension. To say that God is a personal Reality does not mean that He has a physical form, or does in any way resemble a human being. To entertain such belief would be sheer blasphemy.[15][16]

God in the Baháʼí Faith
What level of power must one weild to be considered to have "God Like" Powers .. and if you are a Bible Believer .. which God of the Bible are you talking about .. and what is his/her Name ..
I am not a Christian, although I believe that parts of the Bible are true. I believe that God is known by many names.

Names of God

Furthermore, the reality of Divinity is characterized by certain names and attributes. Among these names are Creator, Resuscitator, Provider, the All-Present, Almighty, Omniscient and Giver. These names and attributes of Divinity are eternal and not accidental. This is a very subtle point which demands close attention. Their existence is proved and necessitated by the appearance of phenomena. For example, Creator presupposes creation, Resuscitator implies resuscitation, Provider necessitates provision; otherwise, these would be empty and impossible names. Merciful evidences an object upon which mercy is bestowed. If mercy were not manifest, this attribute of God would not be realized. The name Lord proves the existence of subjects over whom sovereignty is exercised. The name Omniscient demands the objects of all-knowing. Unless these objects existed, omniscience would be meaningless and without function. The name the Wise necessitates objects for the exercise of wisdom; and unless wisdom comprehended them, this name would be inconceivable. Therefore, the divine names and attributes presuppose the existence of phenomena implied by those names and attributes. And vice versa -- the sovereignty of God is proved and established through their verity and being.
‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 271-272


Well-Known Member
My definition of God is according to my religion.

God in the Baháʼí Faith

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Baháʼí view of God is essentially monotheistic. God is the imperishable, uncreated being who is the source of all existence.[1] He is described as "a personal God, unknowable, inaccessible, the source of all Revelation, eternal, omniscient, omnipresent and almighty".[2][3] Though transcendent and inaccessible directly, his image is reflected in his creation. The purpose of creation is for the created to have the capacity to know and love its creator.[4] God communicates his will and purpose to humanity through intermediaries, known as Manifestations of God, who are the prophets and messengers that have founded religions from prehistoric times up to the present day.[5]

The Baháʼí teachings state that there is only one God and that his essence is absolutely inaccessible from the physical realm of existence and that, therefore, his reality is completely unknowable. Thus, all of humanity's conceptions of God which have been derived throughout history are mere manifestations of the human mind and not at all reflective of the nature of God's essence. While God's essence is inaccessible, a subordinate form of knowledge is available by way of mediation by divine messengers, known as Manifestations of God.

While the Baháʼí writings teach of a personal god who is a being with a personality (including the capacity to reason and to feel love), they clearly state that this does not imply a human or physical form.[2] Shoghi Effendi writes:

What is meant by personal God is a God Who is conscious of His creation, Who has a Mind, a Will, a Purpose, and not, as many scientists and materialists believe, an unconscious and determined force operating in the universe. Such conception of the Divine Being, as the Supreme and ever present Reality in the world, is not anthropomorphic, for it transcends all human limitations and forms, and does by no means attempt to define the essence of Divinity which is obviously beyond any human comprehension. To say that God is a personal Reality does not mean that He has a physical form, or does in any way resemble a human being. To entertain such belief would be sheer blasphemy.[15][16]

God in the Baháʼí Faith

I am not a Christian, although I believe that parts of the Bible are true. I believe that God is known by many names.

Names of God

Furthermore, the reality of Divinity is characterized by certain names and attributes. Among these names are Creator, Resuscitator, Provider, the All-Present, Almighty, Omniscient and Giver. These names and attributes of Divinity are eternal and not accidental. This is a very subtle point which demands close attention. Their existence is proved and necessitated by the appearance of phenomena. For example, Creator presupposes creation, Resuscitator implies resuscitation, Provider necessitates provision; otherwise, these would be empty and impossible names. Merciful evidences an object upon which mercy is bestowed. If mercy were not manifest, this attribute of God would not be realized. The name Lord proves the existence of subjects over whom sovereignty is exercised. The name Omniscient demands the objects of all-knowing. Unless these objects existed, omniscience would be meaningless and without function. The name the Wise necessitates objects for the exercise of wisdom; and unless wisdom comprehended them, this name would be inconceivable. Therefore, the divine names and attributes presuppose the existence of phenomena implied by those names and attributes. And vice versa -- the sovereignty of God is proved and established through their verity and being.
‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 271-272

I realize I predicted horrible but this is over the top dissappointment. As stated previously you have never thought about the issue and apparently don't want to ... presenting a cut and paste dogma definition from someone else that you have never read with any understanding and still have absolutely no idea what it is that you believe in .. no idea what the attributes of your God are .. crying out "I believe in this" - presenting a summary you don't understand, havn't thought about .. and thus do not believe.

You go on to state you believe in parts of the Bible .. which is pointless to the question as you don't believe the parts of the Bible about God .. nor believe in any of the Gods in the Bible. I believe in parts of the Bible as well friend .. like the battle that is recorded both in the Bible and on the Moabite Stone .. but what has this to do with the fact that you know naught what or who your God is .. and it is certainly not the God persiding over the battle with the Moabites.. which is probably a good thing .. as that God was defeated.

Now as proof that you have no understanding of the cut and paste definition you don't understand and have not thought about. I already refuted this definition .. "Showed it was horrible and dumb" in a previous post. This is the definition itself which is horrible and dumb .. in addition to presenting a cut and paste definition you have never read and don't understand which is also horrible and dumb ..

The Bahai definition states:
He is described as "a personal God, unknowable, inaccessible, the source of all Revelation, eternal, omniscient, omnipresent and almighty"

This is throwing out some big and ridiculous words .. in conjunction with some big and ridiculous contradictions.

Personal god - Inaccessible - what a pile of made up nonsense .. "Personal God". There is no such thing as an Inaccessible Personal God .. if this God is inaccessible then it is not Personal. . regardless of the nonsense definition they make up and attach to the word "Personal" .. it is just a nonsense word used in a very strange way.

OK ... now for the big one we covered previously. If God is "Unknowable" as you have been protesting to the other Poster and how we got started .. that means you can't know anything about this God. You don't know if this god is accessible or not .. and in fact you don't know that this God is unknowable .. because that would be knowing something about this God.

You certainly do not know if this God is a He or a She -- but after claiming God is a "He" this definition contradicts itself later by claiming no human or physical form is claimed in this definition. Well sorry.. but if you are claiming this unknowable God is a He - then does this not imply having a Penis = a human physical form. but .. the reality is that you have claimed not to know any of this .. as God is Unknowable.

You don't know if God is Omnipresent - Omniscient .. because this is unknowable according to your definition. You don't know anything about any names for God (which were epithets not names but it matters not) .. as such is Unknowable.

"Therefore, the divine names and attributes presuppose the existence of phenomena implied by those names and attributes. And vice versa -- the sovereignty of God is proved and established through their verity and being"

Ouch .. what a preposterous contradictory pile of Bile . first off .. we don't know any "divine names" of God because God is unknowable ... and in no way can the sovereighty of an unknowable God be proved .. and especially not via names we do not know.

and now my head hurts .. and it is your fault. As was foretold - even though it was not your definition - the definition you provided was horrible and dumb. Not that you would have known this because you had no understanding of the definition you were providing .. surely did not read it thoroughly.

If God is "Unknowable" as you purport .. this means you can't know anything about God .. Yet .. the definition you provided purports to know a whole lot of intimate details about God. Im sorry friend - but this is a massive contradiction. If God is unknowable .. then all these things you have claimed to know about God is a falsehood .. your definition of God a falsehood and a lie ... claiming to know things about God that are unknowable.

That said .. I did find it humorous that the definition you provided claims God has a Penis .. :)