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What does God want from you?

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
You are correct. A real god would have a description appropriate to a real entity. I have provided that description time and again.
A real god is not a material entity so we could never perceive a real god with our senses, aided if required by suitable instruments.
I'd say if a "real god" is not real in the same sense that the world external to the self is real, then the only way it can exist is as a notion / concept / thing imagined in an individual brain.


Well-Known Member
A "real god" is a god who exists in the world external to the self ─ that is, independently of any ideas / concepts / imaginings an individual might have. A real god would have a description appropriate to a real entity accordingly. We could perceive it with our senses, aided if required by suitable instruments.

But alas there's none.

No, that's an imaginary god. First we need the real god, THEN we can look at the miracles. Otherwise we're just wandering through our own imaginary lands.

What ancient aliens were these? Not von Däniken's, surely?

However, yes, as Arthur C Clarke said, to a sufficiently primitive technology, a very advanced technology would likely appear to be magical and its wielders gods.

Only a metaphorical miracle ─ a superb piece of scientific insight (about reality).

Are you suggesting psi powers? Because they're in no better state than supernatural powers when it comes to being real.
You don't know there is none .. Full Stop ... Entities out there who have mastered projection of their will externally ... full stop .. in fact ... while imaginary .. you don't know that humans will attain such abilities .. "As Ancient Alien Theorists would suggest" :) har har

an don't you be talkn science you dont understand ---- and what part of .. ability to control matter an energy through force of will .. did not ring a bell .. a ding a ling ling ..

I ain't never met no "Alien" . have you ? cept the one I married . .. one of them hybrids you know .. have ya not Read Genesis Son .. Them folks from the sky come down .. .. had sex with the fair maiden .. and what do you suppose these folks were .. if not "Aliens"

and what part of -Do not dare gainsay my definition of "Real God" ---- without providing a definition of your own

did you not understand ? we are talking real special psi powers mate ?? .. powers of a God ... which you have yet to define what kind of Power is needed to qualify as "Godly" ... does being able to Hurl Thunderbolt make it .. sup ? something you don't understand about define your terms ?


Well-Known Member
You are correct. A real god would have a description appropriate to a real entity. I have provided that description time and again.
A real god is not a material entity so we could never perceive a real god with our senses, aided if required by suitable instruments.
Why not?

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
You don't know there is none .. Full Stop ...
None of what real things exactly?

and what part of -Do not dare gainsay my definition of "Real God" ---- without providing a definition of your own
Go back and read the definition of "real god" that I provided.

did you not understand ? we are talking real special psi powers mate ??
That'd be more credible if God had rolled up and claimed Randi's million bucks.

It'd even be slightly credible if anyone had done so.

Meanwhile, however ...


Veteran Member
I'd say if a "real god" is not real in the same sense that the world external to the self is real, then the only way it can exist is as a notion / concept / thing imagined in an individual brain.
I'd say the "real god" is real in the same sense that the world external to the self is real, not as a notion / concept / thing imagined in an individual brain.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
who are these messengers .... may we have the name of the messenger who confirmed for us that God is "All Knowing"
I've been arguing with Baha'is for years now. One of my main complaints is their claim of who are these "manifestation/messengers" that supposedly told us all we can know about God. The messages are inconsistent.

Messengers of God are as follows: Abraham, Krishna, Moses, Noah, Zoroaster, Buddha, Christ, Muhammad, the Bab and Baha’u’llah.? Baha'is have to search deep into Buddhist Scripture to find anything about a God. In the Hindu Scriptures they do use, the ones that mention Krishna, yes, a God is mentioned... and Krishna is an incarnation of that God. But Baha'is don't believe that. And I don't know where they get any Scriptures that make Abraham or Moses or any other person from Judaism fit into the Baha'i definition of a "manifestation of God"... a special creation... like a perfectly polished mirror that reflects God. The stories told about Jesus come close to that definition, but who else?

But it's their beliefs. It is what their religion tells them is true, and they have convinced themselves that what their religion teaches is The Truth. It's hard for any argument to change what they've committed themselves to believe.

My other problem with most any "organized" religion, of which I think the Baha'i Faith is one, is just how committed are the followers to actually do the things that their religion tells them to do? Do they reflect these supposed attributes of their God? Do Baha'i sound like they are loving, kind, just, and humble? Or do they sound like they have dogmas, doctrines, beliefs or whatever they want to call them? Yet the teachings they are supposed to put into practice... those teaching get ignored way too often. And I understand that. They're just human.

Unfortunately, because they can't put their own teachings into practice very well, it makes their religion look very "human" as well.... Too much talk and not very much action. Like many Christian Churches, too many people sitting there just going through the motions of being a believer.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Well, TB says that God has to be "spiritually" discerned... which doesn't mean much when every religion "discerns" God differently. I know lots of Christians that "discern" Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They also "discern" that Satan is there trying to tempt them into sinning. So, it's all way too dependent on what a person believes as to what they "discern". And once they have "discerned" it, they "know" their beliefs are true... because they've "discerned" them to be true. And if they know their stuff is true, then that means other people's stuff isn't true... no matter how much proof that person may have or how little proof the other person has.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'd say the "real god" is real in the same sense that the world external to the self is real, not as a notion / concept / thing imagined in an individual brain.
Then you'll be able to tell me the objective test that can distinguish this God from the conceptual imaginary, no?

Because dang sure I know of none.


Well-Known Member
I've been arguing with Baha'is for years now. One of my main complaints is their claim of who are these "manifestation/messengers" that supposedly told us all we can know about God. The messages are inconsistent.

Messengers of God are as follows: Abraham, Krishna, Moses, Noah, Zoroaster, Buddha, Christ, Muhammad, the Bab and Baha’u’llah.? Baha'is have to search deep into Buddhist Scripture to find anything about a God. In the Hindu Scriptures they do use, the ones that mention Krishna, yes, a God is mentioned... and Krishna is an incarnation of that God. But Baha'is don't believe that. And I don't know where they get any Scriptures that make Abraham or Moses or any other person from Judaism fit into the Baha'i definition of a "manifestation of God"... a special creation... like a perfectly polished mirror that reflects God. The stories told about Jesus come close to that definition, but who else?

But it's their beliefs. It is what their religion tells them is true, and they have convinced themselves that what their religion teaches is The Truth. It's hard for any argument to change what they've committed themselves to believe.

My other problem with most any "organized" religion, of which I think the Baha'i Faith is one, is just how committed are the followers to actually do the things that their religion tells them to do? Do they reflect these supposed attributes of their God? Do Baha'i sound like they are loving, kind, just, and humble? Or do they sound like they have dogmas, doctrines, beliefs or whatever they want to call them? Yet the teachings they are supposed to put into practice... those teaching get ignored way too often. And I understand that. They're just human.

Unfortunately, because they can't put their own teachings into practice very well, it makes their religion look very "human" as well.... Too much talk and not very much action. Like many Christian Churches, too many people sitting there just going through the motions of being a believer.

How I started off in this topic was to answer the question with the Golden Rule .. Matt 7-12 -- or in the words of the Master Rabbi Hillel - when asked by an unbeliever to sum up the whole Torah while standing on one foot "Don't do to others what you hate" - the rest is all commentary - now go and learn.

As we can see - Jesus was not the first to speak this message from the Supreme One .. was learned on the knee of Master Hillel - least according to modern Theological and Historical Scholarship :) har har har

No debate so far - from any circle this Truth that I can see. Now this "Message" .. "What God Wants from YOU .. and YOU .. and YOU" was spoken of by Buddha .. .. send down from "the Most HIgh" to King Hammurabi .. and even when God taken out of Equation .. Confucius tell you .. do unto others and do unto them .. both positive and negative aspects you must follow.

So it is Written - So it shall be Done .. !!

The latest of Prophets .. more modern day - relatively speaking - the Enlightenment ===>> passed down through the Founding Fathers ... in the Document known as the Declaration of Independence .. but I am getting ahead of myself.

Jesus - did you forget .. did not arrive on Earth as a God -- Got the spark as a man of 30 at baptism in the first version of the story .. then ..like the King-Making Ritual the Phaeroh's wold under go prior to becomming half man- Half God .. reputed to be rather dangerous .. possible death .. Jesus too goes through a ritual Testing .. The Tester a "Son of God" -- quotes in place for a reason -- as these are not my words .. but that of the Holy Book.

Then we are told .. in a different but related Holy Book - that Jesus is a Priest in the Order of MelchiZedek .. and now we have come full circle .. to the identity of "The Messengers" ...

Now that you know "The Truth" - who are these Messengers of Baha ? are they from the Priesthood .. or be they false prophets ?

God is what God is.
The real God is not a physical being and as such God cannot be perceived by the physical senses.
The real God is spirit being that can only be discerned spiritually.

Now there is a profound bout of circular nonsense .. as we discussed previously .. you don't know what God is .. part of your definition "God is Unknowable"

and yet .. you profess to know all kinds of things about this God .. now stating "God can not be percieved" - yet somehow there are these messengers .. who have managed to percieve various aspects about God's Character .. skills .. gender .. actions .. intelligence .. physical attributes .. and so on ..

"The Real God is Spirit" -- Says the fellow that - by his own protestation - has absolutely no ability to percieve anything about God .. and most certainly has no definition for "Spirit" other than "Something that Cannot be percieved" .. a mind bending circular Religious thought stopping fallacy .. if you want the technical term

but that aside - I am curious about the Messengers .. that you claim belong to club Logos.


Well-Known Member
"We" speak about G-d using "He", rather than "it", which in English is not showing any respect.
Why not "She" ?? ..I'll leave that to you ;)
Perhaps you can find a better term, a non binary pronoun .. should you wish to show respect .. something befitting the uncreated one designation would be appropriate. What you don't do .. in describing the uncreated one .. is ascribe a binary gender .. how can a vast plurality be described in such a way ?

but in terms of colloquial language .. why not call her a She ? Sounds good to me :) Har Har.


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that a real god would not be bound by your limits.

Good call --- the "God in a Box" perspective .. coupled to the "God is unlimited" hypocrisy/contradiction.

IFF - real God is defined with the various Unlimited Power epithets .. then surely this God would not be bound .. however .. if one defines a "Real God" differently .. and more realistically ... these Gods would be bound by limits.

Ancient Aliens -- who came down from the sky "As Ancient Alien theorists would suggest" .. appeared as Gods to Neanderthal .. just as you may appear as a God to your Cat .... or your Cat a God to you .. depending on how one looks at it .... kind of a Shrodingers cat in the box thing we got going on here :)

What about God-like Powers ? I define such as the ability - through force of will - to manipulate matter/energy external to your own body. Making lightning bolts rain from the sky on command for example .... or moving a chair through force of will .. starting to cross the "Human - divinity" barrier.

If I came across an entity who could hurl lighting bolts from the sky .. and re-arrange my deck .. through force of Will .. and that entity told me it was the God of this Solar System checking in .. I am a believer on the spot but, this does not mean this God is all powerful .. all knowing ... and all that Jazz .. even the "Most High" God of the Bible doesn't claim to be that powerfull .. albeit has some amazing powers... terraforming and seeding the earth through force of will ... impressive !

can't tell me that is not a "Real God" with a straight face ... or can you :) Har har har...


Well-Known Member
Good call --- the "God in a Box" perspective .. coupled to the "God is unlimited" hypocrisy/contradiction.

IFF - real God is defined with the various Unlimited Power epithets .. then surely this God would not be bound .. however .. if one defines a "Real God" differently .. and more realistically ... these Gods would be bound by limits.

Ancient Aliens -- who came down from the sky "As Ancient Alien theorists would suggest" .. appeared as Gods to Neanderthal .. just as you may appear as a God to your Cat .... or your Cat a God to you .. depending on how one looks at it .... kind of a Shrodingers cat in the box thing we got going on here :)

What about God-like Powers ? I define such as the ability - through force of will - to manipulate matter/energy external to your own body. Making lightning bolts rain from the sky on command for example .... or moving a chair through force of will .. starting to cross the "Human - divinity" barrier.

If I came across an entity who could hurl lighting bolts from the sky .. and re-arrange my deck .. through force of Will .. and that entity told me it was the God of this Solar System checking in .. I am a believer on the spot but, this does not mean this God is all powerful .. all knowing ... and all that Jazz .. even the "Most High" God of the Bible doesn't claim to be that powerfull .. albeit has some amazing powers... terraforming and seeding the earth through force of will ... impressive !

can't tell me that is not a "Real God" with a straight face ... or can you :) Har har har...
I am great at keeping a straight face. :)
Suppose someone figured out how to do those things with a gadget that they built - would they be a god?


Well-Known Member
I am great at keeping a straight face. :)
Suppose someone figured out how to do those things with a gadget that they built - would they be a god?

Good to hear but No my fiend ... you have failed the definition comprehension part of the program. While those gadgets may have worked on the Neanderthal ... who's definition was a little less refined... in Our definition .. which you have now adopted .. the magic must be produced "Through Force of Will" .... The ability to mainipulate matter and energy "Through force of Will" and there is a further condition that you have failed to understand .. which we will get to later.

You have the capability to do step 1 . manipulate matter and energy through a thought -- assuming you are not paralysed .. but this ability only extends to your own body .. you can make your pinky move at will .. but you are not able to re-arrange your deck through force of will .. as opposed to putting magnets on the bottom.

You are failing to comprehend the magnitude and grandeur of a thought manifesting itself into physical reality ... how this came to be .. and without which is making it difficult to comprehend God.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear but No my fiend ... you have failed the definition comprehension part of the program. While those gadgets may have worked on the Neanderthal ... who's definition was a little less refined... in Our definition .. which you have now adopted .. the magic must be produced "Through Force of Will" .... The ability to mainipulate matter and energy "Through force of Will" and there is a further condition that you have failed to understand .. which we will get to later.

You have the capability to do step 1 . manipulate matter and energy through a thought -- assuming you are not paralysed .. but this ability only extends to your own body .. you can make your pinky move at will .. but you are not able to re-arrange your deck through force of will .. as opposed to putting magnets on the bottom.

You are failing to comprehend the magnitude and grandeur of a thought manifesting itself into physical reality ... how this came to be .. and without which is making it difficult to comprehend God.
This gadget would allow you to manipulate matter and the energy thru your force of will. All you have to do is hold it. Or wear it on your finger. Or glue it to your belly button.


Veteran Member
Then you'll be able to tell me the objective test that can distinguish this God from the conceptual imaginary, no?

Because dang sure I know of none.
No, I cannot tell you an objective test that can distinguish God from the conceptual imaginary.
That however does not mean that God is imaginary. It only means that God is not subject to objective tests.